Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1293

Five products!

Zhenren Yu was terrified, and quickly lowered his eyes, for fear that the Gaopin Daoist who had his back to them would notice his expression.

At the same time, Zhenren Yu couldn\'t help but doubt that the existence of the fifth-grade Guizhen Realm, even within the Yuanxing Realm, was the emperor of the three dynasties, the head of the Eleven Cave Heaven Sect, and a well-known existence. As a martial artist of the sixth heaven, he and Kang Zhenren should not know each other!

However, although the fifth-rank real person in front of him turned his back to them, judging only from his figure and demeanor, he was obviously not a figure of the three emperors, eleven cave heavens, or even a high-ranking person who had crossed the fourth-rank Taoist realm. Among real people, there has never been such a one.

Could it be that this person is the backhand secretly hidden by a certain powerful force?

But the real soul of the sixth-level heavenly person rests on the source of the state, and every promotion will set off a huge vision of the world. Even if the seventh-level martial arts master personally makes a move, it is not easy to cover it up.

Therefore, not only Yuan Xingjie, but in any other plane world below the Yuan level, not to mention that the existence of the sixth heaven above the high grade is difficult to hide, as long as it is a martial artist who has reached the sixth heaven or above, it is basically every day. Individual identities are all clear.

But if the fifth-rank real person in front of him is really not from Yuanxingjie, then the problem will be serious!

Yu Zhenren subconsciously glanced at his companion beside him, but he also saw Kang Zhenren\'s worried eyes. Obviously, he also realized that there might be something wrong with the identity of this Gaopin Zhenren in front of him.

"Could it be that the Cloud Piercer brought the two of them here on purpose? Is this person a senior member of the Cloud Piercer, or even its leader?"

Yu Zhenren gasped when he heard the words.

Although the stooped Cloud Piercer who was chased by them just now seemed to be trembling and seemed to be even more unbearable, but there is no kindness and righteousness in the Star Bandit, and this person fell into the trap of being chased and killed by the two of them. It is natural that the matter has been messed up, and it is not surprising that he is terrified to death in front of his own robber.

It\'s just that in that way, the two of them can be regarded as throwing themselves into the trap this time!

Judging from the invisible spying and suppression that the two encountered just after stepping into the ruins of the world, the strength of the two sides is very different. At this time, even if the two want to fight to the death, they may not be able to do it.

"The two of Yuan Xingjie seem to be very scared?"

A clear voice came from the figure whose back was facing them, and said with a bit of amused tone, "It seems that you two have misunderstood something!"

Among the two, Kang Zhenren, who had the higher level of cultivation, looked a little hesitant, but in the end he took the initiative to say: "I don\'t know why the senior brought the two of us here?"

The person with his back to them gave a chuckle and said: "This is the place where the deity practiced in seclusion. If you come here uninvited, why should you blame the deity?"

Immediately, Kang Zhenren was sweating profusely when he heard the words, and said hastily: "Senior said that we are too aggressive. If senior has nothing else to do, we will leave now and dare not disturb you."

Having said that, although the two of them wished to turn around and leave, they didn\'t dare to move a little bit as if they had taken root.

The tone of the back-standing figure turned calm, and said: "There is no rush, since you have already come, let\'s talk about the current situation in Yuanxing Realm!"

Kang Zhenren was a little hesitant, but Yu Zhenren next to him said directly: "I don\'t know what senior wants to know?"

The person standing behind his back let out a chuckle again, as if he had seen through Yu Zhenren\'s intention of probing, but he didn\'t seem to take it seriously, but said lightly: "Tell me how you two found out that the wearing I am also interested in the whereabouts of the Cloud Pirate. Judging from the account of this Cloud Piercer, the two of you should have ambushed on his route in advance, so who revealed the news to you? "

Kang Zhenren still hesitated, but Yu Zhenren immediately replied: "Don\'t dare to hide seniors, we only know that the news came from the inside of Chen Chao, and we can know that Chen Chao and Cloud Piercer are in collusion, and we can even know that Cloud Piercer and Star Pirate The specific time and route of the boat fleet, even in the Chen Dynasty, must be high-level, the existence of such people is beyond the knowledge of the two of us, and the two of us are just following orders."

The tone of the person standing on his back was still flat, and he asked, "Who ordered it?"

At this moment, even Zhenren Yu seemed hesitant.

The person standing on his back let out a chuckle again, but unexpectedly he was not asking for persecution, but brought up another topic: "It seems that Emperor Chen is not far away from advancing to the seventh heaven."

Kang Zhenren and Yu Zhenren exchanged a look, and both of them remained silent.

The man standing on his back continued to ask: "Are you taking orders from Yu Chao or Qi Chao?"

Zhenren Yu and Zhenren Kang were shocked, but this time it was Zhenren Kang who said: "Senior, I don\'t know, both of us are from sects, not from two dynasties."

The man standing behind nodded slightly, and said: "Is it the Dongtian sect in the territory of the two dynasties? It seems that you are not much better than the ten-wing sect. Why don\'t you learn from Wan Yunhui?"

The two of them were shocked when they heard these words, but they smiled wryly afterward.

Yu Zhenren boldly said: "Dare to ask who is the senior?"

The clear voice of the man standing behind still echoed in the ears of the two of them: "Didn\'t you already guess it in your heart?"

Yu Zhenren continued to boldly ask: "Senior, can the two of us be spared?"

The person standing on his back smiled and said: "This deity is not a bloodthirsty person, but you have disturbed this deity\'s practice for no reason, but you must not let it go easily."

At this time, Master Kang probably had some guesses about the thoughts of this high-grade real person standing in front of his back, and said: "Both of us have teachers, relatives and friends behind us, and Kuang Yuan Xingjie is the place where our two martial arts originated. If you want the two of us to betray this world, please don\'t open your mouth, and just give me two deaths."

The man standing on his back suddenly raised his arm and swung it forward, and all the stored items flew out of the two Yuan Xingjie real people.

Yu Zhenren subconsciously wanted to stop him, but when he moved slightly, he was held down by Kang Zhenren beside him, and shook his head slightly towards him, so he could only watch helplessly as all these stored items fell into the In the hands of the people who stand behind their backs, many of them have accumulated treasures in their daily life.

More importantly, when the two of them led some troops to defeat the Cloud Piercer\'s starship fleet in the void, a batch of the most precious resources on the ship fell into their hands.

However, at this time, these things are obviously cheaper for the person in front of him.

The moment these stored items landed in front of the person standing on his back, an original aura emerged out of thin air, sweeping across these stored items, and some of the banning methods originally placed on the few stored items were all ineffective. , but the real people Kang and Yu were stunned.

"There are indeed a lot of good things, but it seems that the most important thing is missing, and it is also the real purpose of your two actions this time!"

The man standing on his back had a quick glance at the contents of several storage items, and then asked in an understatement tone: "Don\'t you two have anything to say? "

The two masters Kang and Yu looked at the trembling Cloud Piercer who was standing behind the man standing behind his back.

Obviously, just before the two came here, the Cloud Piercer who fell into the hands of this mysterious fifth-rank real person had already confessed everything he knew. To provide you with the fastest update of Sky Hunter, Chapter 1293 exposed for free.