Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1255

Shang Xia originally thought that there might be some unspeakable reason for the eagerness of the Lingtu Realm and the Lingfeng Realm to promote the conquest of other worlds, but he never thought that it was because the other sects of the Lingfeng Realm wanted to take the opportunity Cultivate your own spiritual real person.

Shang Xia thought for a while, then said in a little stunned: "Isn\'t that right, does the Lingtu Realm just let them do things like this?"

Kou Chongxue said with a wry smile: "Several forces within the Lingtu Realm are also seeking for more sixth-level heavenly beings to appear."

Shang Xia was speechless when he heard the words, because the two hit it off.

However, if you think about it, it is justifiable. Take Lingfeng Realm as an example. Now there are ten real people of the sixth rank in Lingfeng Realm, half of which are Daoist Dongtian. Among the remaining five real people in the spiritual world, Kou Chongxue Not to mention being part of one body with Shang Xia, his cultivation and combat power far surpassed others.

In recent years, several large-scale actions in the Lingfeng world that can promote the growth of the plane world have all been carried out under the auspices of the two of them, and the greatest benefits naturally eventually fell on the two of them and behind them. Tongyou Academy.

In addition, promoting the growth of the plane world will inevitably be fed back by the inspiration of the original will of heaven and earth, and the two who have contributed the most will naturally benefit the most. This has gradually become a model where the strong will always be strong, so that recently Over the past years, other sect forces and high-level warriors in Lingfeng Realm, Tongyou Academy, Kou and Shang have not shrunk, but have grown bigger and bigger.

In particular, Shang Xia himself was the first to break through the natural barrier of the fourth-rank Taoist realm, and became the first high-rank real person in the Lingfeng world.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to say that the other sixth-tier sects are not under pressure.

Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity, it is only logical that these sixth-order sects in the Lingfeng Realm tried their best to form an alliance with the Lingtu Realm and promote the invasion of the Cang-level world.

Even Kou Chongxue suspected that there were other high-level fighters from the Fudi Zongmen who were secretly involved in this matter.

The sixth-order real people in Lingfeng Realm don’t want to see Tongyou Academy’s dominance. Could it be that the other sect forces in Lingfeng Realm are willing to see that everything in Lingfeng Realm is always in the hands of a few sixth-rank sects? up?

What\'s more, a spirit-level world can theoretically accommodate twenty-four spiritual masters and nine Dongtian masters. The number of places is limited after all, but any warrior with blood will naturally not be willing to explore the path of martial arts, and must find ways Competing.

You must know that before the Lingfeng Realm was promoted to the Spirit Realm, all the sect forces with the Blessed Land Secret Realm in their hands could be called the Holy Land of Martial Dao.

However, in Lingfeng Realm now, apart from the six major sects with sixth-level real people sitting in the town, which sect power with the secret realm of the blessed land has the nerve to call itself a "Holy Land"?

Therefore, this alliance with the Lingtu Realm and the conquest of the Cang Realm are not only the demands of other sixth-order sects in the Lingfeng Realm, but also the common wishes of other forces, large and small.

In this case, not to mention Kou Chongxue and Tongyou Academy, even Shang Xia, the only high-ranking figure in the Lingfeng world, can hardly stop this raging will.

Of course, what they didn\'t know was that Kou Chongxue\'s cultivation had already reached the pinnacle of the third-rank outer realm at this time, and he was only one step away from crossing the threshold of a high-rank real person.

Otherwise, maybe this willingness will become even stronger!

It was precisely because Kou Chongxue saw this point that he did not blindly block this matter, and just let things take their course.

What\'s more, Kou Chongxue also intends to take this opportunity to attack the fourth-rank Taoist realm.

Although he has been secretly arranging the ruins of the planes in the spiritual world, if he can save the massive resources for arranging the "refining the source and return to the void and return to the original array", or leave it to the latecomers of the academy, why would Kou Chongxue be happy? Why not?

"So, you are now useless even on the plane of the spiritual space.

Has the market no longer cared about it? "

Shang Xia asked in surprise.

Kou Chongxue said: "Since the three realms of Lingfu have already taken refuge in Yuanming Realm, it\'s better not to attract too much attention there, besides, if I frequently go in and out of the secret realm of the No. We sensed that we were plotting."

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said: "That\'s fine, anyway, Chu Jia has now crossed the threshold of the sixth-order grand formation master, according to what Yuan Xingjie said, it can be called the "Grand Master of Formation Dao" \'Well, if she presides over and optimizes the \'Returning to the Void and Returning to the Origin Formation\', it will only get twice the result with half the effort."

Kou Chongxue hesitated for a moment, and said, "You are returning this time, but you also want to participate in this conquest? Are the original avatar and illusion talisman used in the secret realm of the No. 2 lair appropriate?"

Shang Xia pondered for a moment, then finally shook his head and said: "I don\'t care, it\'s just a Cang Realm, even if it is all merged into this world, it may not be of much use to me, not to mention that the strength of the Lingtu Realm is stronger than us. It will take more than half to pass, and I plan to explore the Yuan Xingjie in the near future!"

Kou Chongxue\'s expression froze when he heard the words, and said: "It\'s fine if you don\'t participate in the conquest against the Cang Realm, but I\'m afraid you will be needed to protect it for a while."

Shang Xia narrowed his eyes and said, "Will there be an accident?"

Kou Chongxue said: "Although it is just in case, and the alliance between the two realms will only be launched after the three realms of Lingjun, Lingyu, and Linglang start to act, will these three realms not spare their strength to interfere? After all, the overall strength of the other party It is much stronger than our two realms!"

Shang Xia frowned, but said helplessly, "Okay!"

He knew that his plan to infiltrate the Yuan Xing Realm might be delayed, because the joint conquest of the Cang Realm was related to the safety of the world. As the only high-quality real person on the surface of the Lingfeng Realm, Shang Xia obviously couldn\'t ignore it.

But because the exact date of the conquest of the Cang-level world is not yet determined, Shang Xia can only wait.

Shang Xia suddenly remembered something at this moment, and asked, "What is the current situation in Xingyuan Dojo, is there any news from Xingyuan Guard?"

For some reason, Kou Chongxue looked a little strange, but it quickly disappeared from his face, and said in a calm tone: "Xingyuanwei\'s current activities have been greatly reduced, and it is difficult to get any useful news at present, and..."

Shang Xia felt a little strange when he heard the words. After all, Tongyou College had an internal response in Xingyuanwei, but suddenly Kou Chongxue paused, and looked at him with some puzzlement: "What?"

Kou Chongxue said helplessly: "Feng Ziying sent back the news earlier, saying that he will retreat in the near future!"


Shang Xia was startled when he heard the words, and hesitated for a moment before saying: "How far has he cultivated?"

Kou Chongxue said: "The fifth level of the fifth level, when the news was sent back, he said that he had already had some clues about martial arts supernatural powers, and now he might have reached the Great Consummation of the Wu Gang Realm."

Shang Xia was stunned and said, "So..."

Kou Chongxue nodded, as if he had anticipated what he was thinking, and said: "He should be the key training object in Xingyuanwei now, and there has been no news since the retreat, which shows that the place of retreat should be an extremely secret place. where."

Shang Xia nodded subconsciously when he heard the words, and said: "I have also been suspicious of those sixth-level warriors of Xingyuanwei, where they entrust their original true spirits when they advance."

"When I discovered Yuanping Realm, I thought it would be like that, but now it seems that it is obviously not the case. The existence of Yuanping Realm, even among Xingyuanwei, seems to be known only to the Master Wei, um..."

Seeing this, Kou Chongxue asked, "What did you think of?"

Shang Xia looked up at Kou Chongxue and said, "Star Lord\'s Mansion?"

The two fell into silence for a while, and after a while, Kou Chongxue sighed softly and said, "At present, I can only hope that everything goes well for him."

Shang Xia also nodded.

If everything goes well for Feng Ziying and he successfully advanced to the Martial Void Realm, then his status within the Xingyuan Guard will definitely increase, and at the same time he will be able to get in touch with more secrets inside the Xingyuan Guard.

However, Shang Xia looked worried at this time, looked at Kou Chongxue with some hesitation and said: "The sixth heaven is a completely different level, um, I mean... if Senior Feng successfully enters this realm, then he, Hmm, maybe there\'s a whole new option?"

As the internal agent of Tongyou Academy, Feng Ziying has been obtaining a lot of inside information from various plane worlds and hostile forces through different identities, and has made great contributions to the rise of Tongyou Academy.

Such a meritorious figure should not have been suspected.

It\'s just that under the condition that the mighty power belongs to himself, when Feng Ziying stepped into the sixth heaven, he already had the opportunity to control his own destiny. Would such a person be willing to continue to lurk as a secret agent?

Kou Chongxue couldn\'t hear the worry in Shang Xia\'s words, but what Shang Xia didn\'t notice was the strange look on his mountain chief\'s face at this time, and he only heard him say firmly: "You don\'t have to doubt, he won\'t Other options."

Shang Xia couldn\'t help heaving a sigh of relief when he heard the words, after all, for such a meritorious figure, even if it was necessary to doubt, he would inevitably feel a little guilty in his heart.

Kou Chongxue can be sure that the other party will not have second thoughts, Shang Xia naturally believes it, but he can\'t help but wonder why his mountain chief is so confident, but Kou Chongxue will not take the initiative to ask about such things.

After Shang Xia got the answer he wanted from Kou Chongxue, he didn\'t stay in Youzhou much, but soon quietly returned to the No. 2 lair secret realm and continued to sit in the town.

It\'s just that this time he can only suppress his thoughts of sneaking into the Yuan Xingjie for the time being, and is going to continue sitting in town for a while.

But this time, it didn\'t take long before an urgent summons summoned him back.

Shang Xia hastily left the original avatar and the guardian star robe, and continued to let the original avatar use the illusion talisman to pretend to be a fifth-rank real person to sit in the secret realm of the lair. State.

At this time in Tongyou City, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia had already been waiting for the avatars of their original origin left in the academy for a long time.

"What happened?"

Shang Xia stretched out his hand to integrate the source incarnation into the real body of the deity, and immediately knew the cause and effect.

However, Kou Chongxue\'s original incarnation still replied: "The news just came from the Lingtu Realm that the three realms of Lingjun, Lingyu and Linglang jointly launched a conquest against the Cangyuan Realm a day ago!"

"one day ago?"

Shang Xia frowned slightly.

Kou Chongxue\'s original avatar continued: "Lingjun and other three realms block the news, and it takes time for the message to be transmitted. The Lingtu Realm obviously has more channels than us, but this news has been confirmed by us now."

Shang Xia nodded and said, "Where is the head of the mountain now?"

Yuan Yuan\'s incarnation was about to speak, but Shang Xia suddenly reached out to stop his words, and then suddenly raised his head to look out of the sky.

"You stay here to guard Tongyou City!"

After leaving a sentence, the people of Shangxia had disappeared in place.

In the depths of the void outside the sky of Lingfeng Realm, a figure emerged from the void.

"Who are you?"

Shang Xia\'s figure appeared in the void hundreds of miles away from the opponent, facing that figure from afar.