Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1241

The reason why Shang Xia called the water of the stars, the blood of the golden crow, and the liquid of the emperor, the three fifth-order spirits, which were prepared according to a special ratio and secret method, was called "water of three lights" rather than "water of three lights". ", because he felt that this spiritual liquid could not be compared with the "Sanguang Shenshui" deep in his memory anyway.

However, according to the news from Yuan Qiuyuan, the preparation process of the "Water of Three Lights" did not go smoothly. The result is still one defeat after another, and even the Golden Crow Blood and Emperor Ointment that the Incarnation of the Origin spent time and energy to collect will be exhausted.

The final turning point came from Shang Xia\'s original incarnation, but the original incarnation with the first-level sixth-level combat power also possessed Shang Xia\'s Liuhe original source Qi, and at the request of Yuan Qiuyuan, he used the Liuhe original source to blend three This kind of spiritual thing, I didn\'t expect it to succeed easily.

The moment the water of the stars, the blood of the Golden Crow and the ointment of the emperor merged perfectly, a brand new sixth-order high-grade spiritual liquid was born.

Yuan Qiuyuan took one of the drops and dripped it on the branches of the star tree. The star tree, which was only a half-sized tree, began to grow rapidly. It was only a one-night effort. According to Yan Ming\'s final estimate, the star tree might have been shortened. The growth period of the tree is twenty years.

Yuan Qiuyuan dripped the second drop of Sanguang\'s water onto the star robe of Master Wei hanging on the star tree to bathe in the starlight, and the three-inch-long opening at the hem of the skirt closed more than one-third by itself.

What\'s more, after that drop of water of three lights penetrated into the star robe of Lord Wei, the originally dull starlight on the surface of the entire star robe first became radiant again, and then restrained as before.

However, obscurity and introversion are very different after all!

The last drop of the water of the stars was left, and the excited Yuan Qiuyuan originally wanted to continue to use it to verify its effect, but was blocked by the incarnation of the original source. While retaining the last drop of the water of the three lights, he sent the news across the air as soon as possible It was given to the Shang Xia deity who was in the turbulent flow of the void.

That\'s right, Shang Xia once spent a long time, even using a lot of manpower and powerlessness of the academy to pick the Golden Crow Blood and Emperor Ointment. After many experiments and wasted, the final Sanguang Water was only Only three drops!

After Shang Xia got the news, his first reaction was to go back to Tongyou Academy to see what happened, but the fact that he couldn\'t easily leave the secret realm of the lair made him feel deeply depressed.

Fortunately, there is a small five-element teleportation array dedicated to delivering news and valuables between the Tongyou Cave and the Nest Secret Realm. The original incarnation can directly send the last drop of the three-light water to Shang Xia through the teleportation array.

And when Shang Xia got the Water of Three Lights from this place, he first looked curiously at the crystal water drop that looked only the size of a finger and rolled like a ball in the jade bottle.

This drop of water of three lights looks unattractive, and it seems to be no different from ordinary water drops, but Shang Xia\'s divine will can perceive a rather large and powerful original aura from this drop of spiritual liquid.

More importantly, when Shang Xia opened the jade bottle containing this drop of spirit liquid, the square monument in his mind moved again!

The Sifangbei has always been only interested in the origins of various heavens and earths and the origins of the world. Could it be said that this artificially prepared water of the three lights is also a kind of origin?

Or should it be said that it is more like an imitation of some kind of natural origin?

But thinking of this, Shang Xia couldn\'t help feeling a little more excited.

You must know that today\'s Sifangbei has absorbed a lot of various origins of heaven and earth. Even the origins of the world in the upper realm of the Yuan level have been sucked full. Unable to touch the square monument.

But now the Water of Three Lights is only imitating some kind of artificial concoction of the origin of heaven and earth, and it can already touch the current Sifangbei, so what should the origin of heaven and earth imitated by the water of Sanguang make the Sifangbei appear? What kind of reaction?

Could it be that under this starry sky, there really exists such a divine object as the "Sanguang Shenshui"?

When a thought flashed in Shang Xia\'s mind, he wanted to pour the drop of three-light water from the jade bottle into the palm of his hand.

But just as the drop of water slipped down, Shang Xia suddenly changed his mind, and directly opened his mouth to inhale the drop of water into his belly.

The pure and huge original qi dissipated in his abdomen, penetrating towards the internal organs and various positions in his body.

four in mind

Fang Bei immediately felt an attraction and wanted to cut off the beard from Shang Xia\'s body, but he forcibly stopped him, allowing the huge energy of that drop of water of three lights to be absorbed by his body, and the rest was absorbed by him all the time After refining the "Liuhe Mixed One No Leakage Method" that was not in operation, it was integrated into his Liuhe Yuanyuan Qi.

Just such an inconspicuous drop of water, after Shang Xia\'s body absorbed part of the essence first, the rest was refined enough to increase the accumulation of origin qi for more than half a year.

According to Shang Xia\'s estimation, if this drop of water of three lights had not been filtered by the body first, it would be equivalent to his one-year retreat.

Moreover, this drop of Three Lights Water is extremely pure, almost just a little refinement can be directly incorporated into the source energy without any negative effects.

This sounds a little scary!

One must know how powerful and heavy Shang Xia\'s own original source qi is, even among the real people who are also in the fourth-grade Taoist realm, it is also top-notch, not to mention the many exquisite and superb effects of Liuhe source qi.

A drop of water of three lights can increase Shang Xia\'s cultivation base for a year out of thin air, so how much should it increase for other real people of the fourth rank?

What about a third-rank real person or a second-rank real person? How much will their cultivation be improved because of this?

The news that Shang Xia sent back to Tongyou Cave in Lingfeng Realm from the secret place of the lair was only one sentence: to gather the golden crow blood and emperor fluid pulp with all one\'s strength, and to mix the water of the three lights with all one\'s strength. others!

The Water of Three Lights may be the key for Shang Xia to quickly cross the realm of fourth-grade Taoism and shorten the time for promotion to return to the true realm of items!

Not only Shang Xia, Kou Chongxue has been planning for a long time to cross the threshold of Gaopin, and this thing will definitely become his excellent help.

Of course, judging from the current situation, the role of the Water of Three Lights is definitely not limited to improving the cultivation level. However, in the current situation that Tongyou Academy is facing, improving the cultivation level of high-level warriors is the top priority.

However, all these expectations can only be put into practice after Yuan Qiuyuan successfully prepared the Water of Three Lights for the second time, and Shang Xia feels that he should make the third "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" as soon as possible.