Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1144

There was a huge roar and noisy shouts, as if they were going to overturn the entire observatory at once.

However, Shang Xia, who was in the cell on the second floor at this time, was full of astonishment: What happened just now, why did the power of star origin flowing in every corner of the underground cell suddenly disappear?

Shang Xia subconsciously frowned with the thumb and index finger of his right hand...

Ok? Why am I frowning?

This action is actually not unfamiliar to Shang Xia, but it often only happens when the Sifangbei in his mind is automatically activated after being attracted by some source.

At that time, it seemed that the four square monuments that were constantly beating in his mind often gave him a feeling of jumping out from between the eyebrows, so he had to use the method of twisting the eyebrows to relieve it.

But this action has not formed a habit in Shang Xia, it stands to reason that he shouldn\'t be frowning now!

Could it be that……

Shang Xia quickly gathered his mind and focused his attention on the square monument in his mind that at first glance seemed to have an indomitable momentum.

The Square Monument, which had been in an excited state due to the attraction of the stars, looked unusually quiet at this time, as quiet as a person who would appear drowsy after eating and drinking.

But it shouldn\'t be!

Although Shang Xia was splitting his mind before, he asked himself that he had excellent control over his original power, and his control over the Sifangbei was also deepening. If the Sifangbei took the initiative to swallow the full star power in the dungeon , he shouldn\'t have been unaware of it in advance, and he shouldn\'t even have discovered it immediately afterwards.

But what can be determined is that everything that is happening right now cannot be separated from the Sifangbei.

So what just happened?

Shang Xia carefully recalled the process just now, trying to recall all the details that might have been overlooked.

The source power of the stars absorbed from the forbidden formation, the suddenly shaking square monument, the disturbed divine perception, and then it seems to be holding something in the hand...

By the way, here it is!

He really seemed to have grasped something at that time. If there is substance, this feeling can\'t be wrong!

But Shang Xia knew that he didn\'t carry anything on his body at all!

He was sent to the underground prison of the Observatory by Feng Ziying and Kou Chongxue before. In order to prevent being searched by the seventh battalion guards stationed here, he handed over all his belongings, including storage items and sacred stone sticks, to the prison. Kou Chongxue kept it.

So, what else could he be holding in his hand for a short moment?

Shang Xia once again immersed his mind in the Sifangbei in his mind.

will it be you

A series of heavy and rhythmic footsteps came from above the dungeon.


An angry shout came from the dungeon on the top floor, but it echoed in the entire dungeon in an instant, suppressing all the noise in the dungeon in one fell swoop.

Shang Xia could clearly hear it in the prison cell, the loud shout came from the square-faced team leader who fought with Feng Ziying that day.

But at this time, Shang Xia suddenly realized that despite the constant roar and scolding in the third-floor dungeon just after the disappearance of the power to seal the town, no one seemed to be able to rush out of their respective cells!

This is strange, why didn\'t those people take the opportunity to escape?

No, those huge roars showed that these people who were imprisoned did not try, but the final result was that they failed. They didn\'t even open, smash, or break the door of the cell in the end!

"The fourth guard guards the exit of the dungeon, the third guard goes to the second floor of the dungeon, and the second guard follows me to the bottom floor!"

The voice of the square-faced team leader sounded again, and the orderly and rhythmic footsteps came from far to near.

Shang Xia had already come to his senses in the prison cell, but he forgot that the warriors imprisoned in the cell still had the star power in their bodies, which imprisoned their original power.

As for the tyrannical physical body possessed by warriors even if they do not rely on their own origin, I am afraid that they will gradually become weak under the long-term underground seal.

Since Shang Xia entered the dungeon, his own origin has not been completely blocked, and then with the help of the Sifangbei, the remaining part of the blockade in his body has been washed clean. Therefore, under the nourishment of his own virtual source , His physical body has not been weakened in the slightest.

For a moment, because he was not affected by the various negative factors of the dungeon, he forgot that other people did not have these means of his.

The footsteps outside the cell were getting closer and closer. After arriving at the second dungeon, the footsteps of some people stopped, while the footsteps of others headed towards the entrance of the bottom dungeon.

Shang Xia\'s heart moved, and the divine perception quickly followed the footsteps and extended towards the bottom floor.

At this time, the power to seal the town in the dungeon disappeared, and the barrier at the bottom entrance naturally no longer blocked Shang Xia\'s divine sense.

At this time, in the dungeon, it is possible to find that the martial artist Shang Xia spies on has been banned, and there is no sixth-level real person among the Xingyuan Guards who have not been banned. Naturally, it is impossible to detect his spiritual prying, so After Shang Xia extended his will to the third floor of the dungeon, he became a lot more reckless, and soon found out the specific location of the cell where the 21 robed guards of the three detachments of the first battalion, including Liu Jiuzhen, were located. .

At this time, Shang Xia already knew that the team leader with the square face should be the team leader of the second team guard of the seventh battalion, and usually the second team leader of each battalion guard also served as the deputy team leader of the battalion guard.

This person did not stop at the bottom of the dungeon, and walked straight to the innermost cell, where the person imprisoned was of course the deputy head of the first battalion, real Liu Jiuzhen.

"I didn\'t expect that you didn\'t escape. It seems that what happened in the dungeon this time should have nothing to do with the outside world."

Team leader Square Face walked up to Liu Jiuzhen\'s cell, saw him sitting cross-legged quietly in the center of the cell, nodded and said in a flat tone.

Liu Jiuzhen\'s voice came from the prison cell: "So, the power to seal the town of the observatory suddenly disappeared, and even you yourself don\'t know why?"

The square-faced team leader did not answer Liu Jiuzhen\'s question, but said: "With your cultivation level, even if you are imprisoned in the origin of the virtual realm, it is impossible to weaken your physical body in such a short period of time. In fact, you can. Just break through the prison door and escape."

"Looking at you coming so fast, doesn\'t it mean that you have been waiting for the old man to escape from prison?"

Liu Jiuzhen said sarcastically, then changed the subject and asked, "Xing Xingtian left the dojo?"


The square-face team leader seems to have not concealed the whereabouts of his camp owner, or maybe because Tian Moran had hinted to Liu Jiuzhen that the people in the observatory knew about it, and the square-face team leader felt that there was no need to hide it anymore.

"It\'s still far from him alone, who else is with you?"

Liu Jiuzhen\'s tone was extremely firm, and he directly asked Fang Face\'s team leader about Xing Xingtian\'s accomplices.

The square-faced team leader seemed to ponder for a moment, and then did not answer directly, but said: "The battalion leader previously requested that no one in Xingyuanwei except him be allowed to participate in it."

This time it was Liu Jiuzhen who remained silent, and after a while he slowly said: "It turned out to be him, I should have thought of it earlier!"

At this time, there were a few uneven footsteps on the top floor of the dungeon rushing towards the bottom floor.

A moment later, a team guard who followed the square-faced team leader to the lowest level stepped forward and reported: "Team leader, Xiao Shengyi and Xin Lu stargazers have come down!"


The square-faced team leader said in a deep voice.

In the cell on the second floor, after Shang Xia\'s sense of consciousness heard what he just said, his whole body was immediately refreshed.

Shang Xia had already learned from the Tianxing Pavilion earlier that only stargazers who reached level four or above could be called real "stargazers", and those who could be called "big stargazers" would be able to see The star master\'s level must be above the fifth rank!