Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 629

Just now, a large piece of meat was missing from the fat man's leg, which everyone could see.

But if you look at it now, you can see that the fat man's legs are completely new.

The skin is as tender and smooth as a newborn baby. Except that the trousers are bitten, other parts are the same as those of normal people.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

What's the situation? Can't you make a magic meeting?

Can you make up for a piece of meat that the fat man was bitten off?

Even the fat man was shocked. He looked at his leg and took two shots.

Standing up to move for a while, the fat man was surprised to find that he was all right!

"Damn it! What the hell is going on here? " The fat man couldn't help swearing.

This is simply too incredible, not to say he does not believe, long Xiaoyun and Pan Feng do not believe.

How could Lin Kai know this strange magic?

Although Lin Kai used to create miracles, those miracles can be explained by his talent.

But how to explain this situation?

Long Xiaoyun's head hummed, until now she just understood, how can ordinary people have such evil power?

Lin Kai is not an ordinary person!

Pan Feng is also silly, he looks at the fat man's leg, for a long time can't react.

Wolf squadron of people, look at Lin Kai's eyes, if you see a monster like.

Pan Feng looked at Lin Kai in a daze. After a long time, he asked, "Lin Kai, please explain to me, what's going on here?"

Lin Kai said with a helpless smile: "ha ha, actually In fact, my blood has a magical recovery effect

"Well, that's it."

"My blood is very strange, it can let me have a strong combat effectiveness and resilience, can also be used as a panacea, to treat others."

Lin made up a reason.

This reason is reasonable.

If not, they have no choice but to believe.

"You are such a monster. I know why you were sent here. I'm afraid I would have died on the sea without you!"

Pan Feng had no choice but to give a thumbs up.

Long Xiaoyun quickly recovered from the shock, she took out a map, a hand-painted map.

This is a map drawn based on information provided by moustache.

"According to the map, we are in the middle of the island."

"This island is not too big, but it is not small. There are four sentries around the island, one in each corner."

"If our destroyer wants not to be attacked, we must kill these four sentinels!"

Four sentinels, scattered in four corners of the southeast and northwest.

This group of pirates is not strong sense of prevention, because here is an endless sea, as long as there are enemies coming, you can see from a distance.

So it doesn't take so many people to stand guard.

"There is a question, how to kill these four sentinels without moving the gun?" Pan Feng asked with a frown.

Each of the four sentinels stood on a high watchtower, and it was difficult to kill them quietly.

At this time, the wolf squadron all looked at Lin Kai.

But Lin Kai also touched his nose and said, "maybe I can..."

When Pan Feng patted his head, he forgot that there was such a monster in the team.

However, he was very curious. What would Lin Kai do to kill the four sentinels?

"Go At Pan Feng's command, eight people set out in ambush.

Soon after, eight people appeared behind a thick grass.

Remove the grass, you can see a 10 meter high watchtower 100 meters away. The watchtower is very open around. If you go one step further, you will be found.

On top of the watchtower stood an Islander, about 1.6 meters tall, holding an AK rifle and a telescope in his hand.

"How to kill him without a gun?"

Lin Kai was amused at this time. He took a bullet out of his pocket and threw it into his mouth.

But Pan Feng saw this, his face changed, stopped Lin Kai: "what do you want to do?"

Lin Kai glanced at Pan Feng and said, "kill him!"

"Can you kill him with this bullet? Don't be kidding, will you? We are 100 meters away from the pirate here

Pan Feng is a little anxious. He doesn't believe that Lin Kai can kill the pirates 100 meters away with his mouth!

"Hey, commander Pan Da, just look at it!"

"Boss, come on!"

The fat man patted Lin Kai on the shoulder and laughed.

And Lin Kai took a deep breath at this time, and watermelon skill started.

After that, Lin Kai vomited and puffed out the bullet!Poof!

The bullet went straight into the pirate's head. The pirate's eyes widened and he didn't understand what was going on. He had fallen on the watchtower.

After seeing this scene, Pan Feng was shocked.

What the hell can people do?

One hundred meters away, he threw a bullet out of his mouth. He killed a sentinel!

Pan Feng is a little suspicious of life at this time. Is he cooperating with a person?

But if you think about it again, the time that Lin Kai was able to hold his breath for half an hour just now shows that his lung capacity is very strong.

Now, it's not strong, it's a fuckin 'pervert!

No wonder he became a lieutenant general at the age of 19, and even more, he became the king of the southeast military region.

This kid is a stranger!

For a while, Pan Feng's heart was as complicated as grains.

At the same time, his self-confidence was hit.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always been the favorite of heaven, and he is willing to work hard.

But after meeting Lin Kai, he knew what it means to have someone out of people and to have a heaven out of the sky.

It's so strong!

Then, the wolf squadron and Pan Feng, as the law concocted, killed all the other three sentinels.

At this time, deputy commander Pan Feng, call the company commander 20 minutes later

"In 15 minutes, we'll cover your landing."

Soon after, the voice of the deputy company commander came from the walkie talkie.


Then, Lin Kai and others hold their weapons tightly. After 15 minutes, they will raid the pirates on the island.

At the same time, a company of destroyers will land successfully.

When the soldiers land, the pirates will die!

At this time, Pan Feng is also a little nervous, after all, this is the most dangerous task he has ever performed!

"Each of us has two cartridges."

"I don't want you to be all shot, but I hope you can take away five enemies with only 60 bullets!"

One person takes five, that's forty. If we can do that, the next landing soldiers will not be so dangerous.

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