Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1374

In fact, there is another point, that is, in the murals, I do not know how to depict the owner of the tomb flying into an immortal, and also depicts a legend of China.

Lin Kai could not help but glance at the statue of the nine headed snake in the middle of the square, thinking.

Alice saw that Linkai didn't pay any attention to her. She curled her mouth and looked at the nine headed snake statue with Lin Kai's eyes. When she found nothing, she turned back.

Then Alice held up a flashlight and lit it on the big stone gate. As she took out her mobile phone again, she felt that the murals had a cultural sense of China, so she was ready to take photos as a souvenir.

Lin Kai just took her eyes back and saw that Alice was about to press the confirmation button to take a picture. She said, "Miss Liz, you can't take pictures on the stone gate!"

Alice was so surprised that she didn't take any more photos. She took back her mobile phone and asked, "Mr. Lin, why can't you take this big stone gate?"

Lin Kai sensed that there was some connection between the murals of the big stone gate and the statues on the square.

He was afraid that Alice would touch the statue in the square and stop it.

But he didn't see the details for the time being, so he didn't say it directly. He just shook his head: "I'm afraid this will disturb the evil spirit in the tomb. I'd better be careful."

"Is there really evil in this ancient tomb?" Alice's beautiful eyes, showing silk fear, especially before she always felt that the nine headed snake statue in the middle of the square had been staring at her.

Now Alice was more afraid.

She was spoiled and well protected by her family.

The time that Lin Kai saved her was because he didn't mean to be in danger, so that he was very grateful for his love for him.

So, she never saw the scene like this.

"Miss Liz, it's just evil. I've seen a lot of them. We've killed many evils, so you don't have to worry too much. As long as I am here, I will never allow you to suffer any harm. " Ma Jingyang's confident way.

"Master Ma, just take care of yourself."

Alice said to Ma Jingyang without salt or salt.

Then, some little birds were attracted to Lin Kai's arm, shook them and said, "Mr. Lin, I know you are very good at dealing with evil spirits. If the evil spirit appears, I believe you will protect it in the first place, right? "


Lin Kai didn't say so sure, because he could guess that the evil will be very serious.

He doesn't say anything positive about things he doesn't know for sure.

Alice, after all, was a foreigner. She didn't quite understand the Chinese language. She thought that maybe it meant yes, and she immediately showed a reassuring look on her face.

Ma Jingyang's face was gloomy. Alice's attitude towards him and Lin Kai was so different that he was very upset. Then he snorted, "this square is not a real tomb yet. We are going into the tomb now."

Finish saying, Ma Jingyang and Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li, continue to open road in front.

Linkai and Alice followed each other side by side.

As they get closer and closer to the big stone gate in the front of the square, Lin Kai clearly feels the evil spirit.

And the degree of evil spirit is also accompanied by the close to the big stone gate, more and more rich.

At this time, Lin Kai and his party arrived in front of the big stone gate.

The evil spirit is through the gap between the big stone gate, leaking out.

It can be imagined that the real cemetery in the big stone gate is so horrible.

This kind of evil spirit is not inferior to the evil spirit of the last time.

Lin Kai shook his head secretly. He was worthy of being the birthplace of the dragon vein, which could breed two powerful evil spirits.

If Lin Kai didn't solve it last time, that evil spirit.

This ancient tomb will not have a new day.

The evil spirit of this ancient tomb can always hide in the cemetery and strengthen itself secretly.

If we say that the evil spirits of the last time were absorbing evil spirit on the surface.

Then the evil spirit of this ancient tomb is very low-key.

Often the latter is the most terrible.

Lin Kai's face became more and more dignified.

Ma Jingyang seemed to notice Lin Kai's expression, looked at Lin Kai, and sneered: "Mr. Lin, this big stone gate is by no means human. It can be opened. So there must be some mechanism to open it. Since you are also a Heavenly Master, why don't we have a competition? Who can find the mechanism of the big stone gate first and open the door? "

Alice opened her eyes curiously and said, "if you are willing to compare, I'll make a bet. If anyone opens this big stone gate, he will be able to choose one more treasure from the ancient tomb."

Ma Jingyang is excited for a moment. His eyes are burning and he is full of provocation: "Miss lish has put up a bet. Mr. Lin, would you like to ask if you want to bet?"

Lin Kai was not interested in it, so he replied faintly: "no gambling. If you want to open the stone gate first, you can open it first. If you can't open it, I'll do it. "Looking at this sentence, it seems that Xiao Lin and Ma Jingyang are able to open their eyes.

"I'm afraid you don't dare to bet because you know that you can't win the horse boss? This is the legendary thief, that's it

Xiao Li also sneered rudely: "God thief is just like this, hearsay is hearsay, in fact, he is a boy who has no ability. If I knew I was so timid, I wouldn't let you follow me! In case we enter the real tomb, we will not be involved! "

Alice frowned deeply when she heard them say so. She was still very angry, but she wanted Lin Kai to beat them hard in the face and show them Mr. Lin's real strength!

As a result, she did not stop the two people, constantly provoking Lin Kai.

Lin Kai is not moved. He is a little cold hearted. In fact, the three men of Ma Jingyang deliberately seek opportunities to challenge him and try to use the mechanism trap in the ancient tomb to harm him.

For him, it is not necessary for him to open the door without using the mechanism.

Moreover, he had already seen the mechanism trap hidden in the big stone gate.

The main reason he didn't gamble was that as long as he opened the big stone gate, it meant that he formally entered the tomb chamber.

The evil spirits in the tomb room will definitely be disturbed.

In the face of this level of evil, he can barely guarantee Alice's safety, but Ma Jingyang three people, he can not guarantee.

Ma Jingyang's three people are totally unaware that the powerful evil in the tomb chamber and the mechanism trap in the big stone gate will kill them.

Now they are ready to open the big stone gate.

Seeing this, Lin Kai can't help but remind one: "I advise you, or don't rush to open the big stone gate, and then think about it, so as not to seek your own death."

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