Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1350

Xu Xinghai and others are even more insidious. Why is Lin Kai still there!

I don't know. Does that make Joe angry?

Don't let them get involved again!

It seems that in order to confirm the conjecture of Cheng Qianli and Xu Xinghai.

At the next moment, Jorge shook his head abruptly: "no way! no way! This is absolutely not possible! "

Of course, he can't take Lin Kai to meet Shao Xin!

Now Shao Xin has no time to hide from Lin Kai. How can he dare to see Lin Kai!

If Shao Xin knew that it was he who took Lin Kai to see him, he would have to skin him!

So, no matter what, it's impossible to take Lin Kai to meet Shao Xin!

Brother Qiao's words, let Cheng Qianli, wolf brother, are sneer repeatedly, as expected they did not expect! How can I listen to you Lin Kai? I really think I want to see you?

But Xu Xinghai, Zhou Xin and so on, they are all shameless. Is this OK? I didn't hear that Jorge, so determined.

"Oh? No? " Lin Kai eyebrows a pick, he naturally recognized, in front of this so-called Qiao Ge, is Shao Xin's bodyguard.

When Joe heard Lin Kai's words, he was so frightened that he felt a cold sweat on his forehead and said, "see you! I'm going to take you to see the letter

The words have just come to an end.

All the people in the box were stunned. How could they change their words so quickly?

Cheng Qianli is puzzled, then points to Lin Kai and asks, "brother Qiao, Xin Shao asked you to help me deal with this matter. I just want you to do a good job on this boy and beat him hard first... "


Before Cheng Qianli finished, what made everyone stunned again was that Qiao Ge slapped Cheng Qianli in the face.

The clear and crisp sound, in the quiet box, appears abnormal harsh.

"Cheng Qianli! I said that you, Mr. Cheng, were polite to you! You have no right to command me! " Joe brother took back his hand and secretly looked at Lin Kai beside him.

He was relieved to find that Lin Kai didn't react.

Hit Linkai? What an international joke! Shao Xin is here, must be afraid of Lin Kai, not to mention him!

If you take another ten thousand steps back, Lin Kai will defeat him, just move your finger, and he will never beat him!

This time, Cheng Qianli is confused.

Wolf brother is also stunned, what situation! How can we fight!

To everyone's surprise, Lin Kai said, "what should I do with my colleagues and leaders?"

"Let them go safely, of course!" Jorge responded decisively.

Lin Kai nodded: "then you are here to see them leave safely. I'm going to see less letters."

Joe, that's ten thousand will! At least in this way, his boss Shao Xin didn't know that he took Lin Kai to the past!

Then, in the eyes of everyone, Lin Kaizhen went out to see the elevator outside. It was the top floor of Shengshi KTV, which was the most luxurious box of KTV!

Qiao Ge at this time, facing Xu Xinghai and others, said: "you can go."

Cheng Qianli covers his hot face. He should have ordered Qiao Ge with a tone of command just now.

Although Jorge is only the bodyguard around Xinshao, he can't command.

As a result, he recognized the slap.

However, this matter can't, let's just forget it!

Cheng Qianli quickly asked brother Qiao, "brother Qiao, do you really want to let them go?"

"Yes," said Jorge

Cheng Qianli some unwilling, pointed to Zhou Xin and said: "brother Qiao, this woman wants to stay, can't let her go!"

Joe's face is impassive: "say, these people can leave safely now, I warn you, you don't interfere."

Cheng Qianli frowns. Should it be brother Qiao? I really believe Lin Kai's words. It's all his own reason. Other people have nothing to do with it?

After all, Lin Kai went to see the others, and there were few letters left, so Joe let the others go.

This is an explanation that can explain the current situation.

But Lin Kai did go to Xinshao, and Cheng Qianli finally had a consolation.

With Lin Kai's impudent nature, he is bound to be infuriated to a small extent. At that time, Lin Kai will definitely suffer a very heavy price!

Thinking of this, Cheng Qianli sneers in his heart.

In fact, it's not just Cheng Qianli who thinks like this. Brother Lang, Xu Xinghai, Luo Zhipeng and others all think like this.

"I hope Lin Kai is OK!" Hu Wenliang was talking.

Qin Ya is also very pale, worried about Lin Kai.

Feng Jia, at the door of the box, climbed up from the ground, but he was the first to leave.

Zhou Xin now is a second, also do not want to stay in this box, afraid of any accident, she picked up her bag, hummed: "whatever Lin Kai, let's go! Don't wait, Linkai, he will cause us any trouble againWhat she said seemed to be saying that all these troubles were caused by Lin Kai.

Tang Xiaoxuan hesitated for a moment and said, "Lin Kai is to save us and leave here quickly. Only then can he shoulder the responsibility that does not belong to him. He goes to face it alone. Why don't we go like this now

Xu Xinghai's expression is somewhat complicated, he didn't say anything.

However, Luo Zhipeng also stood up from the ground and said, "what's wrong? We'll stay here to bring trouble to Linkai. If he goes alone, doesn't it mean that we leave safely? We can't live up to Lin Kai's spirit of self sacrifice. "

When hearing Luo Zhipeng's words, other people look at me, I look at you, and then think about it, they all leave.

Especially Zhou Xin and Luo Zhipeng, they almost ran out of the KTV, it seems that both of them have a sense of fear.

Zhou Xin and others left.

Cheng Qianli secretly said, it's a pity that she didn't stay. Fortunately, Lin Kai was left behind.

He has been staring at the elevator entrance, want to go to the top floor, there is only one elevator.

In other words, Lin Kaizhen went to see Xinshao.

"Hey, I don't know whether the boy is kneeling or lying in the living room of Xinshao? I really want to see what kind of price the boy paid. " Cheng Qianli says to Qiao Ge with a smile.

With an idiot's eyes, Qiao Ge looked at Cheng Qianli: "I warn you once again that he is a man who can't be provoked by a little letter. You can weigh yourself. What qualifications do you have to let him pay the price like this?"

"What what! It's hard to be provoked by a small number of letters! " Cheng Qianli is stupid!

Brother wolf, who hasn't left yet, is stunned.

Brother Qiao seems to want to let Cheng Qianli and brother Lang go to the top of the presidential box with them.

In the big box, Shao Xin is toasting and apologizing to Lin Kai.

This makes Cheng Qianli and wolf brother open their mouths, which makes their chin fall off.

After half a ring, they looked at each other. In addition to the silly eyes, there was only one left!

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