Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1309

"What do you want to express?"

Seeing that Lin Kai recovered his indifferent attitude, Shao Xin felt as if he was talking to a cow about the piano.

Force himself to calm down, otherwise he would be so angry.

"The companies invested by leiyuan group in the East China Sea are more than you can imagine in your life. They are just as numerous as a cow's hair."

"Even the Li family and the Wang family have shares."

When he said these words, Shao Xin was not proud.

As if this is their Shao family.

They want to get some shares and they have to pay

"The more money you invest, the more shares you pay."

"Even in some companies, the chairman of the board is just a puppet of leiyuan group."

Lin Kai waved his hand to Shao Xin to stop. What he said was very clear to him. He didn't need him to popularize science.

"Can you go straight to the topic?"

In fact, he can't leave ten to nine.

"Now that you have asked, I'll tell you mercifully."

Shaoxin looks at Lin Kai with sympathy in his eyes.

"Leiyuan group is ready to start, and our Shao family is their partner."

"At this time, I'm not afraid to tell you."

"As long as they give orders, many companies will refuse to cooperate with the Li family and Wang family."

"There are also some puppet companies directly under the leiyuan group."

"As for those who invest, if they don't want to be acquired, just be a subsidiary."

Shao Xinyue said the more excited his voice was, as if he were Lin Yuan.

As if leiyuan group was founded by him, now it can directly control the whole East China Sea.

Lin Kai looked at him without expression, without any interest.

I have known what he said eight hundred years ago.

What he lacks now is the detailed information of some senior leaders of leiyuan group.

Without those high-level officials, there is no way for the forest resources to connect with the sky.

What's more, it's not for nothing that I've prepared in secret for so long.

Now he is waiting for Lin Yuan to start.

Although the preparation is not enough, so what?

As long as we grasp Linyuan, there is no way to solve the problem of leiyuan group?

Shaoxin looks at Lin Kai, who is indifferent to himself, and feels that his self-esteem is deeply frustrated.

"Are you listening to me fuckin '

Lin Kai took out his ear and looked indifferent: "you go on talking."

"If you don't want to die, please kneel down and apologize to me!"

"Maybe I can save your life when I do it."

"No, thank you."


Shao Xin thinks that he is the same as a wooden man. No matter what he says, Lin Kai has such an attitude.

It seems that there is nothing that can make him have the slightest mood fluctuation.

"If you don't want them to be implicated by you, be good..."

"You said it."

Linkai crossed his hands and put them on the table, staring at him seriously: "I know what you mean. You don't have to say so much."

"As for the Li and Wang families?"

Chuckle, voice with a little disdain: "do you think Lei Yuan group, want to let them finish can be finished?"

The reason why Lin Yuan didn't do it for such a long time is that some old families in Donghai.

Those aristocratic families are not soft persimmons. With a few billion yuan of investment, they can pay for their shares.

They have their own mature supply system. Even if there is no cooperative company, there will be no accident for a while.

Moreover, at their level, the state will not watch them die.

However, Shao Xin's hands under the table trembled slightly after hearing Lin Kai's words.

In fact, he knew what Lin Kai said, just to scare him.

Who ever thought, it didn't work at all.

"If you want them to be finished, it's none of my business."

Lin Kai's words are cold-blooded.

"Don't you fear that they know?"

"I can say it in front of them."

They do not have any interests involved with them, nor are they particularly good friends or blood relations.

You want to tie him up just because of what happened in the East China Sea?

It's ridiculous.

The matter has come to this point, Shao Xin knows what to say is useless.

For Lin Kai, no matter what kind of means, we can't make him give in.

"Lin Kai, I know you are very good, but what about that? You also have weaknesses. ""Then I will trouble you to solve my weakness, so that I will not."

Looking at Lin Kai's clear eyes, Shao Xin felt powerless all over.

Whether it is true or false, he is not so easy to solve.

No wonder anyone said that.

However, Lin Kai is still indifferent. He said that on purpose.

The more they don't care, the less chance they'll do it.

No matter who it is, Lin Kai doesn't want them to be hurt because of their own relationship.

"Anything else?"

Although he asked, he was ready to go.

Looking at Lin Kai's back, Shao Xin fell into a long silence.

I have to say something about Lin Kai and slapped him hard.

Let him understand that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the world.

But what about that?

He didn't believe it. He was born intelligent and proud. Could he be afraid of him?

Since it doesn't matter so much, don't blame yourself for using Yin moves.

Shao Xin turns away with a grim smile.

What he didn't know was that after he left, Lin Kai appeared in the position just now.

"Come out, isn't it hard to be so secretive?"

"Dear brother, long time no see."

Lin Yuan stood not far from him, smiling at him.

Long and narrow fox eyes, it looks very charming.

Lin Kai felt that if she were a woman, she would have been fascinated by him.

"Do you think you can catch me?"

Lin Yuan looks at Lin Kai with a smile, but he is full of evil.

"You can try it."

Even so, Lin Kai didn't move.

He knows he can't catch Lin Yuan now.

Although the distance is very close, it's just a projection.

Or who else have you seen standing there, directly suspended in the air?

"My good brother, looking forward to seeing you again."

With that, Lin Yuan in front of him disappeared.

Sitting in his seat, Lin Kai drinks tea slowly and seems to enjoy himself.

A rare leisure time will be busy after that.

It's not so easy to be so leisurely.

After sitting for a long time, Lin Kai wiped his hands with a handkerchief, put the things on the table in order, and got up and left gracefully.

Lin Kai, with a coat in his arms, walked slowly on the street.

As if an elegant aristocrat, attracted many women's eyes.

"What else can I do for you?" Looking at the person in front of him, Lin laughed.

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