Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1189

"Nothing to see."

"This..." Wang Kang didn't know what to say for a while.

Two people big eyes stare small eyes, no one said.

After a while, Wang Kang couldn't help saying, "for this matter. You have nothing to say? "

It shouldn't be.

Normally speaking, Lin Kai is full of hostility to Lei Yuan group.

Li family, but you said they were standing with him.

Now the Li family cooperates with Lei Yuan group. Should he be in a hurry?

Now there's something wrong with that reaction.

He always felt that Lin Kai seemed to be brewing something big.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and couldn't help saying, "Mr. Lin, this is not going to be..."

"That's what you think."

"This You won't? "

"Do you think they have the courage?"

Looking at Lin Kai's confident appearance, Wang Kang was stunned for a moment, and then he burst out laughing.

He is too worried. As far as Lin Kai's identity is concerned, Li Chengjia dare not do anything to him.

And Lei Yuan group and Li family cooperation, it seems to be inseparable from Lin.

"I don't want anyone else to know about it."

"Naturally, I'll send someone to block the news."

All of us are smart people who know what to say and what not to say.

"I'll trouble you about it."

In the East China Sea, his sphere of influence is small.

Since someone is willing to show up, this is the best.

Hide yourself in the dark and wait for the prey to appear.

He is patient, accompany Lin Yuan to wear down slowly.

"Mr. Lin, it has something to do with Mr. He."

"What does it have to do with he Zhishan?" Lin Kai looks at him with some doubts.

There should be no intersection between them.

"Mr. He has a relationship with leiyuan group, or he knows the boss of leiyuan."

"What do you say?" Lin Kai frowned and looked at Wang Kang. He didn't believe it.

If they really know each other, he Zhishan will not reveal anything to him.

But maybe he Zhishan is one of the overlords in the East China Sea.

Lin Yuan in order to dominate the whole East China Sea, the cooperation between the two people is not sure.

However, he Zhishan is to see whether he can accept the life under the fence.

Wang Kang also knew that Lin Kai would not believe it. Even when he got the news at the beginning, he also had some doubts.

But he confirmed this matter again and again. They really knew each other.

He didn't know exactly how, but it didn't stop him from bringing back some strong evidence.

Looking at the things Wang Kang handed himself, Lin Kai's face became colder and colder.

It was his carelessness.

He Zhishan is the target of Lin Yuan.

Thinking of what he Zhishan said to himself before, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

No wonder I haven't found the news of Linyuan for so long.

With the help of he Zhishan, a local snake, and Lin Yuan's own strength, it will not be so easy.

Wang Kang glanced at Lin Kai secretly and felt shivering all over his body.

he was also a person who had been in the top position for a long time. However, under the pressure of Lin Kai's whole body, he was only submissive, and could not even rise to the height of his resistance.

"It's up to you."

In fact, Lin Kai didn't believe everything Wang Kang gave him.

No one can tell whether Wang Kang will set a trap for himself.

But it doesn't matter. For him, it's just to help him find the whereabouts of Lin Yuan as soon as possible.

"I'll send someone to keep up with it."

Wang Kang sighed. To tell the truth, he really didn't want to get involved.

Their level of big man fighting, such as his small fish and shrimp, to participate in, is to die.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, his identity is elusive.

But only he knows that in front of the real boss, he is like cannon fodder.


Lin Kai stood up and took two steps. Suddenly he stopped and said, "they have arranged to see them off."

Thank you, Mr. Lin

Wang Kang's heart was finally released.

Wang Kang doesn't care whether Lin Kai Hui will threaten himself with them.

Although I haven't known Lin Kai for a long time, he believes he won't do such a thing.

He himself did not know why he had such a mysterious confidence in Lin Kai.

"Take your time."

After driving Lin downstairs, Wang Kang left. The company still has a lot of things to deal with.Out of the door of the company, the blazing sun shines on people's faces, which makes people confused. What season is this.

Squinting at the sun above his head, Lin kaicai lowered his head for a while, blinked his eyes, and then got used to it.

"It's hot."

Linkai took off his coat and put it in his arms. He looked like an elegant gentleman.

Before he could take a step, he felt his thigh was held.

A woman cried out, "Mr. Lin, I know I'm wrong. Please let me go."

"Sorry, I can't help you."

For Yang Qian, Lin Kai doesn't care.

I was fired because I did something wrong during my working hours. I can't blame others.

"You can." Yang Qian clings to Lin Kai's thigh and doesn't let him leave.

It was only when she was thrown out that she woke up.

Looking at her uncle who was thrown out with her, Yang Qian only felt that she was finished.

What she wants is nothing. It depends on his uncle to get into Wang's family.

Now their two uncles and nephews have offended Wang's family. They have no company at all and dare to take them.

Thinking of his usually amiable uncle, in a flash into that look, Yang Qian would like to go back to time.

You said that she had nothing to do with her leisure because of her selfishness.

Now it's all right. Lift the stone and hit yourself in the foot.

She has no choice but to give herself another chance.

"Please, as long as you tell Mr. Wang, my uncle and I don't have to leave."

She blinked and wrote big eyes, crying pear with rain. Even if the appearance can only be regarded as medium and superior, but she can not hold the breath of small white lotus all over her body, which makes people can't help but want to protect.

However, she is facing Lin Kai today.

Don't say it's her. Even if Lin Qianqian provokes him and kneels down in front of him for mercy, he may not be soft hearted.

"Please get out of my way. Don't waste my time."

Listening to Lin Kai's polite words, Yang Qian couldn't help a burst of spring heart.

He thinks that Lin Kai must care about himself, otherwise he would not talk to himself like this.

"Mr. Lin." She grabbed Lin Kai's leg and kept rubbing her hand back and forth: "as long as you can help me, anything can be promised to you."

Said to Lin opened a wink, we are adults, naturally understand what this means.

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