Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1135

"Thank you, brother." The little girl looked at Lin Kai with big bright eyes.

The little girl's pure eyes make Lin Kai feel soft.

"Good, don't be afraid. It's all over." Lin Kai touches the little girl's head, and the soft initial feeling makes people feel very comfortable.

The little girl squints at Lin Kai comfortably and looks at her beautiful brother. She just feels very happy in her heart.

"Brother, have you eaten yet?"

The little girl's sweet voice, let Lin Kai Leng for a moment, then show a smile.

"My brother is going home. Be good by yourself." Lin Kai was ready to leave, but was held by a little girl.

"Brother, can you come to my house for dinner?"

Looking at the little girl's fluttering eyelashes, Lin kaileng for a moment, and then slightly chilly in the heart.

Invite him to dinner for no reason?

It's probably a conspiracy.

But Lin Kai still nodded with a smile: "of course, but will your parents mind?"

Since he has said so, he naturally wants to see what the little girl is going to do.

"They won't mind." The little girl lowered her head and kept her toes sliding back and forth on the ground: "the elder brother is beautiful. Ya Ya wants to have such a beautiful brother."

Although it is not clear why the little girl invited herself to dinner for no reason.

Lin Kai couldn't help laughing. The words of the children were still very interesting.

Pulling Lin Kai for a distance, the little girl suddenly stopped: "brother, don't your friends come together?"

The friend in her mouth, of course, said the hermit God.

Looking at the hidden God beside him, Lin kailian lied: "he has something to leave."


I don't know why. Lin Kai always feels that the girl's tone is a little lost.

After a long walk with the little girl, I saw her home halfway up the mountain.

Far away, the little girl aimed at the two dark shadows and called out: "Dad, mom, I'm back."

The little girl pulled Lin Kai, said the rugged path, trotted all the way home.

"Mom." The little girl fell into the arms of a woman in her forties, smiling and coquettish.

"You, come down." The woman laughed and played with him.

But it was the little girl's father. Looking at Lin Kai, he felt embarrassed and scratched his head.

Just ready to stretch out his hand, he quickly drew back and wiped his clothes: "that gentleman, I'm sorry. I like to look good. I'm so sorry. "

Looking at the middle-aged man who constantly stoops to apologize to himself, Lin Kai suddenly feels that this family is very happy.

"It's OK. Ya Ya said she would invite me to dinner."

"This..." If you don't like it, some women don't want to eat

"Of course not."

Seeing Lin Kai's promise, the couple didn't work any more, so they quickly asked him to go home.

Soon the smell of the meal came out, and the little girl introduced it to Lin Kai.

"Come and eat, sir." The woman looks at Lin Kai embarrassed.

Looking at the delicious food on the table, Lin Kai suddenly felt hungry.

"I'm not welcome."

As soon as Lin Kai got up, he was interrupted by an arrogant voice.

"Oh, I know I'm coming? Ready in advance? "

A man with a dragon tattooed on his body and a few younger brothers came over with a smile.

When you see something on the table, just sit down and eat.


The bald man patted the table and glared at them: "what the hell is this man eating? Do you want to die

Then he kicked the woman down.

But before he met the woman, he was kicked away by Lin Kai.


The bald man fell to the ground and didn't get up for half a day.

"Who are you special about?" After being helped up by his younger brother, the bald man stares at Lin Kai fiercely.

"Brother Lei, this is a relative of my family. I hope you don't mind if you come for the first time."

The man pulled the bald man aside and gave him a step of money.

"Brother Lei, take this money to buy cigarettes. When we sell these vegetables, we will give you the money immediately."

Looking at the man's simple and honest face, brother Lei snorted coldly and collected the money: "I tell you, you can't see money at the end of this month. You girl, don't blame me for being sold."

"I don't know how many big people like her."

"It will also save you the money of labor and labor in order to cure her."

On hearing him say so, the woman knelt down with the little girl, "bang bang bang" kowtow to him: "brother Lei, please, don't take ya ya away.""That's not what you said

Leige Damascus sitting on one side of the chair: "don't give me special code nonsense, hurry up, today do not return the interest, can not."

Said the man directly pulled the little girl in the woman's hand and held it in his lap.

"Don't say, the little girl is very comfortable to hold up with her delicate skin and flesh!"

"Oh, you let me go!" Ya Ya is afraid of struggling in Lei elder brother's arms.

"Grass Mud Horse, give face shameless thing!"

Said directly a slap to Ya Ya's face, instantly emerged a BA palm print.

"Brother Lei, please, give ya ya back to me. We'll find a way to do it."

The couple knelt on the ground and kowtowed incessantly.

That Lei elder brother seems to have not seen the same, a pair does not move the appearance.

"You tell me, this delicate and tender one can have a lot of money."

"You let go of me, let go of me!"

"Let go of her." Lin Kai stares at brother Lei coldly.

Originally he did not intend to meddle in his business, but saw the little girl, he was still soft hearted.

"What are you?"

Lei elder brother "bah" vomited a mouthful of phlegm, threw the little girl to one side of the hand.

"I didn't settle accounts with you just now, but you delivered them to me. Since I want to die, I will help you!"

Say Lei elder brother stir fry up one side bench, to Lin Kai's head to smash down.

Kneeling on the ground of the middle-aged couple, struggling to stand up, tightly hugging brother Lei.

"Run as far as you can."

"His grandmother's, call me!"

Those men, rush over, and fight each other.

"Let's go."

"Die or let them go!"

"Ha ha ha ha, I think your grandfather is frightening me!"

Not waiting for Lei elder brother to be happy, Lin Kai pinched his neck directly and lifted it for him.

"You..." Lei elder brother tightly grasps Lin Kai's hand, wants to let him let go.

Lin Kai's hand was like steel, holding him tightly.

"Put Let go... " Lei elder brother looked at the younger brother behind him, let them quickly save himself.

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