Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1123

"Shut up, Lin Qianqian!" She screamed, and the whole person looked crazy.

"You just have a company. Who knows how your company's cooperation came about?"

Her words, on the difference to say clearly, Lin Qianqian company's cooperation, is her body sold in exchange.

Lin Qianqian looked at her scornfully: "do you think everyone is like you, would like to die in a man?"

For Li Qian, Lin Qianqian that is ten thousand disdain.

How dare a chicken compare with her?

Do you really think everyone is like her, in order to give their father a few cooperation, they sell their bodies?

She doesn't love herself as much as she does.

Looking at Lin Qianqian's disdainful expression, Li Qian's jealousy is about to twist.

Of course, she knows that the cooperation of Lin Qianqian company depends on his strength.

But her heart is not comfortable, how can she live so well?

They are all from the same school. Why is she better than herself?

Li Qian looks ferocious looking at Lin Qianqian. After seeing Lin Kai on one side, she immediately changes her face.

"This is the first time I've seen this guy."

Li QIANJIAO smiles and twists her waist toward Linkai. Suddenly, she intentionally twists her waist, and the whole person falls to Linkai.

"Oh, handsome boy, help others quickly..."

Just as he was about to fall into Lin Kai's arms, she took a step to the right, and she fell heavily on the sofa.

"Ouch." She screamed, covering her painful waist and staring at Lin Kai in a displeased look.

"Handsome boy, what are you doing?" Li Qian Du mouth, a pair of aggrieved appearance.

"You can't be suspicious of people because of smelly women's words."

"People are not the same as her. She is a whore. She sleeps with people and pretends to be a chaste and heroic girl."


"Go away." Lin Kai frowned and didn't have time to listen to her nonsense.

"Li Qian, do you think it's a man who will see you and go to the brain?"

Lin Qianqian disdains to smile and takes Lin Kai's arm to leave.

"Lin Qianqian, you bitch, wait for me!"

She stomped on the floor angrily. Isn't there a company? There's something good about it.

In the back garden, under the shade of the night, Lin Qianqian threw down Lin Kai's arms, hooked his neck and asked, "brother Lin, do you think people are like that?"

"You can do whatever you want."

What Lin Qianqian wants is her own problem. She has no right to interfere.

"You?" Lin Qianqian gave him a push.

What a dumb head. How can you say such a thing.

"Forget it, I don't care about you." Lin Qianqian also knows that Lin Kai has no experience in this area, so he has not said much.

"Let's go in. The auction is about to start."

Lin Qianqian showed a decent smile, took Lin Kai's arm, and walked into the magnificent hall gracefully.

As a result, as soon as they opened the forest, they were attracted by the quarrel of several people.

Looking at more and more people over there, she pulled Lin to drive past.

Just in the past, I heard the quarrel between Li Haisheng and Ding Rui.

I don't know why Lin Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and felt that it must be because of the information just now.

"Li Haisheng, you are a good schemer." Ding Rui glared at him angrily, and wanted to eat him alive.

She was so miserable that Zhang Tianrui helped him do so many bad things.

She couldn't understand why there was such a disgusting person.

Li Haisheng also pretended to be affectionate: "Ding Rui, what do you mean by this? What's the matter with me?"

Seeing Li Haisheng's appearance, people around him whispered.

But most of them think that Li Haisheng deserves it.

No matter what they did, they didn't give their wives away.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with me Ding Rui's laughter is full of sadness.

She felt that she was a complete fool, who had been fooled for so many years and was grateful to her.

"My father didn't have cancer at all. You even forged medical records together with doctors!"

Ding Rui is trembling with anger. If her father hadn't got such a serious illness, how could she marry Li Haisheng?

"This..." Li Haisheng looked at the people around him and said, "you are talking nonsense. How could I do such a thing?"

But it was obvious to all that he was not confident enough.

"I'm talking nonsense?"

Ding Rui directly threw out the information in his hand: "you do this is not to let Tianrui help you!"

"If it wasn't for what you said, as long as I married you, you would treat my father, and I would agree?""You haven't touched me once since you were married. Later you said that the company could not work. If I didn't accompany others, my father's medical expenses would be cut off. "

"OK, I'll go."

Ding Rui took a deep breath and calmed her mood a little: "I didn't expect that this man would be Tianrui, because you gave me back to him. Tianrui has done so many things for you."

"Li Haisheng, we will divorce tomorrow. You can disagree, but I don't mind using some means."

Finish saying Ding Rui to the crowd: "the information on the ground, you can have a look, do you dare to cooperate with such a sinister and cunning man?"

She looked at Li Haisheng provocatively, looking at her extremely corrupt appearance, and couldn't help but smile.

Originally, she wanted to settle the matter privately and save face for him.

But he even dare to threaten himself, if not kill Lin Qianqian, will never let her see her father again.

In other words, she might have agreed before, but now she won't.

Lin Qianqian and their help to find their father, how can she possibly bite the hand that feeds her?

Li Haisheng looked at the whispering people around him and felt that their eyes were like sharp swords.

Looking at Ding Rui to one side, Li Haisheng felt that he really underestimated her.

I didn't expect that he destroyed all the information, but he found it out.

You know, when he gave Ding Rui to Zhang Tianrui, he had been checked by someone, but he didn't find out. How can he find out now?

"It's really unexpected. It seems that we can't cooperate in the future. Who knows if we can stab a knife in the back?"

"As a man, I can't even look down."


Listening to their comments, Li Haisheng's heart was like baking on the fire.

How much effort did he take to get to this point today, he must not be destroyed by Ding Rui, the smelly woman.

"Special, you cunt

He rushed over, in the public has not responded, directly gave Ding Rui a slap.

Without hesitation to ride beside her, facing her is a punch kick.

"Bitch, wings are hard. Can I make you never see your father again?"

"Special code, you try to resist another one?"

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