Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 889

"Congratulations to Ji Feng for getting three pairs!"

"The king of three doubles deserves his reputation. After taking off this rebound, Ji Feng got his first triple double in his national team career."

"Three pairs in 30 minutes, Jifeng is still the king of efficiency!"

"24 points, 11 assists and 10 rebounds, Ji Feng has created a new history of the men\'s basketball team."

After Ji Feng successfully took off the backboard, there was a lot of congratulation from the commentators. Many Chinese commentators clenched their fists to celebrate. After waiting for so many years, they finally saw that some Chinese players could get triple doubles in the international basketball match!

Because Ji Feng\'s three pairs not only created his own new record, he also created a new history of Chinese men\'s basketball team.

After this rebound, Ji Feng became the first player in the history of the Chinese national team to win triple doubles in an international official competition!

Ji Feng made a new history in his country\'s third match!

It is very difficult to get triple doubles in the international arena, which is related to the rules of international basketball. The game time in the Olympic Games is shorter than that in NBA games, and the rules are different. This makes it more difficult for players to get triple doubles. Therefore, it is very difficult to get triple doubles in the Olympic Games.

Especially for the data of assists, in the NBA arena, after your teammates receive your pass, they can be counted as assists as long as they send the ball to the basket within a certain period of time. During this period, you can dribble and move the ball. In the Olympic Games, your teammates can only shoot and hit after receiving the ball to count as an auxiliary attack. During this period, if you dribble and move, the pass will not be counted Constitute assists, so in these data, the most difficult is to get assists.

In the previous games of Jifeng, if according to NBA rules, every assist may be double, but not according to international basketball rules.

So many NBA triple double gods, such as Stockton, Jordan, Kidd and so on, they have participated in the Olympic Games and World Championships for many years, but no one has been able to get triple doubles. Of course, this is also related to the strength gap between them and other teams at that time. At that time, the dream team didn\'t need to make efforts at all, and the opponents were cool, and the opponents were nothing at all The power to fight back, so like Jordan, they basically played for about ten minutes, or even less.

In the Olympic history, there was only one triple double, which can be traced back to 1976 when the former Soviet Union played 100-72 Canada. The former Soviet Union ace guard, Alexander bellov, scored 23 points, 14 rebounds and 10 assists.

And then there are no more players who can get triple doubles. Even if the scope is extended to all international basketball competitions, there are only a few players who have won triple doubles.

And Jifeng this triple double is also the first triple double since the establishment of Stankovic cup. In addition, it is against the same group opponent Angola of the Olympic Games. Naturally, the gold content is needless to say.

And through this triple double, Ji Feng once again consolidated his title as a new three double king. After all, it\'s not easy to get three pairs here.

Yunus even called a pause for Jifeng to accept the applause of the audience and the congratulations of his teammates. If there is no accident, Jifeng will not appear again!

but Ji Feng himself was very calm. He smiled awesome to the surrounding stands, thanked the audience for his support, and then found all his teammates and clapped one by one to celebrate. The three pairs were mainly teammates, and tonight China\'s shooting rate is very high, which is also an important reason for the number of assists in the season.

And thanks to Yunus. Although the old man didn\'t say it clearly, Yunus meant that he wanted Ji Feng to get three pairs, which can be seen from Ji Feng.

However, this is not to blame, anyway, this is the last game, let Ji Feng get three double is also a kind of commendation, and no one stipulates that winning 20 points ace player must go down, of course, yunas also wants to see the next door Angola coach look muddled.

This trip didn\'t come in vain. Yunas was very satisfied with this tournament and achieved almost all the goals of his trip.

Oh, by the way, and the last one!

On the media table here, seeing Ji Feng\'s exit, Shen Yang found a comfortable position to lie on the chair. Ji Feng left the game, and there was no suspense about the game. Angola next door had replaced three substitutes. Seeing that the garbage time was coming, Shen Yang could take a rest.

But at this time, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of China\'s bench, a huge figure appeared there for a long time!

"Huh?" Shen yangteng straightened up and squatted to look there. There were many people like her, and the whole media Gallery became noisy again.


"It\'s Dayao. Yes, that\'s right. Dayao is coming out!"

"I\'ll go!"

The audience also noticed the change. Dayao has taken off his training clothes and is wearing his belt while listening to yunas whispering.

That\'s right. After five months, Yao is finally coming out!

"Oh, we see Dayao standing near the technical stage. He\'s going to play. This is Yao\'s first appearance in the national team after five months of injury!" Yujia is also very excited. He thinks that he has to pay much to wait for the last warm-up game on August 5. He didn\'t expect such a surprise today!In the full field cheers, Dayao substitutes the stage roughly, he finally stepped out the first step of official comeback!

"It\'s the first time that Jifeng and Dayao have appeared in the same field." Su Qun said with a smile, I really want to see the sparks of the two world\'s top internal and external lines together!

The game, which had already entered garbage time, became more conspicuous because of Yao\'s appearance.

However, Yao has just returned, the game state obviously needs to be adjusted, which is why yunas replaced him at this time, just to let him adapt to the feeling of the game.

Finally, he played 4:23, got 4:2 rebounds, finished his comeback game, and the performance was almost as expected!

In the whole match, China won the championship by 89-75 and 14 points, and won all three games with an average of 24.66 points per game, which can be said to be a crushing victory!

And this competition also enhanced the fans\' confidence in the Chinese team in this Olympic Games!

After the game, Ji Feng was named MVP of this si cup. He won the cup and prize money in the center of the field. Ji Feng\'s performance in these three games is needless to say, and no one can find any black spots. Ji Feng has thoroughly proved his strength through these three games. He is the outer core of the men\'s basketball team!

On the night of the end of the competition, the Chinese team will rush back to BJ. With the end of this tournament, the pace of the Olympic Games is getting closer and closer. The Chinese men\'s basketball team will conduct the final stage of closed training in BJ! , the fastest update of the webnovel!