Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 762

Bobo called the penultimate pause, the last long pause.

In fact, he has nothing to explain. There is no change in tactics. He just wants the players to have more time to rest.

Out of sight of the camera, Duncan, who had fought almost all over the court, had a slight twinkle in his legs. This was a precursor of cramps. After the game, the Spurs\' doctors immediately dealt with it urgently. Everyone knew that Duncan could not leave the game at this time.

Meanwhile, Manu\'s hands shaking in the next room. The Lakers have been extremely defensive against him. The foul he should have made is not soft. Ji Feng has fouled four times today, three times to Ginobili.

"Win or go home."

Popovich said that, and then the Spurs player\'s state is not the same, red eyes, blue veins.

"Yes! Damn it Five people are very aggressive!

The situation of the Lakers next door is not very good. Ji Feng is sitting on the bench panting. The Spurs are really tough. No wonder many players in the league have said that it is more difficult to turn the Spurs\' plate.

This group of old guys are obviously no longer good, but they can still try their best to get rid of you and consume you.

As a result, every time the Lakers chase for a point, they have to pay a lot of physical consumption, and now the physical strength is bottoming out.

Bynum is out of breath. His voice is like a broken bellows, and daga next door is not in good condition. Look at the blood marks on this old brother, you can see how close he and Duncan are.

The only better ones are Fisher and Kobe. Fisher is playing for a short time. Kobe is because this guy is a physical monster.

"The last two minutes! We have been chasing for such a long time, we must resist it! " Jifeng called out: "hold on, guys, after the fight, please go to the best bar!"

Sure enough, Ji Feng\'s encouragement is useful. Those who have not indulged for many days have green eyes. For a moment, they seem to think of the big wave girls writhing on the dance floor.

What\'s more, they\'ve been fighting for so long!

and Kupchak has said before the game that if they win the Western championship, there will be a bonus of two million dollars!

"The Lakers, win!" Five people stood up with gnashing teeth, and they were going to try their best.

so ten strong men with red eyes met on the field!

Mars hit the earth!

The first round was very hot and hot!

Spurs attack, Duncan body with Gasol forced to turn around, and then one arm will hit the ball into the basket, as if the peak O\'Neill possessed.

"Shit! Give me the ball At this moment, Gasol is also angry, he is very rare to roar for the ball, although Duncan is very strong, but he is not a vegetarian!

Low to the ball, back to Duncan, left and right after the test turn right!

Shake off Duncan! ,

it\'s also a slam dunk after a dribble!

"ComeOn!" Gasol thumped his chest and roared.

"Wow! Stars are exploding! Response ball! This is the epic war Cried Yu Jia.

The fans are crazy, and the stars are not reserved. They leave their seats to cheer for the players on the field. This is a hell of fun. The tickets of tens of thousands of dollars in the front row are really worth the money!

It\'s worth it!

Ginobili catches the ball, the Spurs attack, the magic knife comes out again, the pick and roll change defense face Ji Feng, directly face Ji Feng Biao into three points!

Spurs fans are boiling!

"Manu! Manu! Manu Ginobili has scored 35 points!

With only 1 minute and 10 seconds left, the Spurs are five points ahead, and the key ball is coming!

"Shit, hang like this!" Ji Feng is helpless, just now the ball suddenly, the arc is high, he tried his best.

But he is not a person to admit defeat, he was also ignited by Ginobili blood, demon knife is right, brother or crazy front!

"Pick and roll! Pick and roll Jifeng stretched out three fingers, and then Jifeng Kobe\'s wings flew together. After receiving the ball at the top of the arc, Jifeng went up to pick and roll and hand over.

It\'s Manu!

After Ji Feng received the ball, he stepped back two steps, and all the Laker team-mates opened up. At the moment, Jifeng has the demeanor of a superstar.

"Defense, defense, defense!" Ginobili stares at Jifeng. He can see that Jifeng is going to fight himself. He yells to let his teammates make up for defense. Once Jifeng breaks through, he will attack him immediately!

But Ji Feng is not ready to break through!

Gasol suddenly raised Duncan, but it was just a fake pick and roll. Ji Feng ran in the opposite direction, facing the chasing manu, Ji Feng dribbled behind his back, and then directly retreated!

Ginobili can only do his best to cover, but from too far away, he can only cover a lonely.

Three points across his head!

"Three points!" Yu Jia shouts.

Ji Feng\'s basketball precise drop bag!

Response ball!

Time is only 50 seconds, the difference is still two minutes!The air is going to condense!

"Must enter! Must enter!"

"Can\'t get in, can\'t get in!"

Fans on both sides are now praying wildly, and every goal at this time can determine the fate of the whole game.


Everyone\'s heart has been raised to the throat!

The Spurs serve, the Lakers press, Duncan takes the ball, throws it to Parker, Parker swings the defense, does not rush to attack, in the mind silent count time.

Fisher close to grab, but dare not foul, Duncan up pick and roll, Parker dribble out, there are 5 seconds to finally shoot!


“YES! Parker is very excited, with only 30 seconds left, 4 points ahead. Here\'s the chance!

But the Lakers didn\'t let the suspense end, fast start to grab points!

When everyone pays attention to the season peak of dribbling, he directly breaks through to Bynum, who smashes the ball into the basket in 8 seconds. The difference is still 2 points!

"It\'s wonderful. The two sides played the last two minutes of epic. They didn\'t miss a shot. The difference was still two points. The Spurs have the right to score. The advantage of this goal is infinite. The Lakers need to defend one." Yu Jia said nervously.

The last ball, the Spurs called a pause, pause to come back, Manu took the ball, the Lakers pressed to mark, time is only more than 20 seconds, the Lakers need to force the Spurs to shoot as soon as possible, can not need to foul!

"Put it together!" Jifeng is very anxious. Will they finally lie here? That\'s too embarrassing!

At this time, with only 16 seconds left, Jifeng gave up his defender and went straight to Ginobili!

JK on line!

Zen master Teng stood up, Jifeng can always create a miracle, this time!

"Jifeng! Bag! Ginobili is restricted! Pass the ball! Someone should go up and pick it up Cried Yu Jia.

At this time, the two people have formed a closed door, Jifeng reached out, Ginobili\'s first thought of holding the ball was to pause, but the Spurs did not pause, he could only turn around and want to pass.

At this time, Parker finally ran over, but just as he handed it over, half of his hand came out!

It\'s Jifeng!

He hit the basketball! , the fastest update of the webnovel!