Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1119

"The ball is in ~ ~!!"

With the record breaking immortal ball!



Ji Feng and Kobe Bryant raised their arms and roared at the same time, and then directly hit the chest to celebrate!

"Well done, boy! It\'s the greatest moment, you\'re an all-time assists man, you\'re amazing

"You too, boss! Not everyone can put the ball into the basket like this, bullshit! It\'s amazing! We can rule here! Rule the union

We\'re going to celebrate each other. We\'re all excited!

The Knicks coach also stood up, clapped his hands and called a pause.

At the moment of pause, one by one on the bench of the Lakers rushed to the court and surrounded JK. At this moment, it was even like winning the championship. Bynum once again played his own loud voice and roared at the camera with dirty words that did not meet the broadcast standards.

Sun Yue\'s eyes are red. Today is the most moving and exciting day for him who has not experienced the rebirth of Nirvana and won the championship last year.

At the end of the day was Phil Jackson, who was smiling and clapping. He thought he was really lucky to be able to coach such two players. He even thought it was not too much to imagine the Dynasty now.

The celebration lasted three minutes, and the referee didn\'t urge him. After all, such moments are rare.

When they came back to the bench, they were welcomed by countless flashlights. Many photographers took photos like crazy. This kind of picture is unprecedented, and it is definitely a historical lens worthy of collection!

At this time, the Knicks fans at home have also stood up to give applause to Ji Feng and Kobe. This is the fan culture of Madison garden square. If you can win him over, he won\'t be stingy with his applause and cheers. The performance of Jifeng and Kobe is naturally worthy of such cheers, even Spike Lee is the same.

However, the old brother is now full of bitterness, and he is really a little regretful now. His mouth may have been really open, and the reverse buff is too wonderful. Don\'t think, after this game, his resume will add new stories.

TNT TV station, Buckley felt his throat a little dry, he really can\'t come up with adjectives to describe the current situation, which satisfies all basketball people\'s inner dream.

And Smith is also full of envy. In Madison garden square, the holy land of basketball, he broke records with his brothers and forged a common legend of himself and the other side. Is there any more intoxicating moment for basketball players!

He thought, no more!

At this time, we have to watch the well-known Huzhang\'s guidance. At the moment of Kobe\'s hand, in the CCTV live room that fans can\'t see, he held up his arms and prepared to celebrate. At the moment of the goal, he jumped three times in a row, and then began to explain:

"61 points! Kobe hit a golden goal of the game, 61 points in three quarters! Kobe has done it again. This is the second time in his career that he has scored more than 60 points in three quarters. He has created a miracle in difficulties. The legend will never end. He has successfully broken the record of the highest score of 60 points per game in Madison Square Garden held by Knicks celebrity Bernard king! From then on, Kobe will become the new history of this stadium! "

"33 minutes in three quarters, 19 out of 31, 3 out of 6, 20 out of 20 free throws, 61 points, 3 assists and 1 block. Remember this data, it\'s a legend!"

"And the same legend is Ji Feng! The greatest basketball player in Chinese history! He explained to all of us what is real passing ability, 31 assists in three quarters! This is also the history of this stadium! Not only that, this is also the league\'s single assists record, he successfully broke his own and Scott skells single game 30 assists record! Ji Feng will occupy the first place in the assists list! It also brings him back to the top of the League assists list! If this game is over, he will have an incredible 15.4 assists per game this season, surpassing Paul

"Three quarters 14 points 31 assists 6 rebounds! It\'s also a legend! "

"It was a great night! Kobe, Jifeng, their names will be recorded in history

It\'s been a long time since director Zhang gave such a passionate explanation. It can be imagined that he was absolutely excited and excited.

In those years, said good I assist you to score the perfect embodiment!

The most perfect form of a super scoring machine and super assist hand is reflected incisively and vividly in this ball!

Cleveland, James touched his hairline, then turned back to the training hall to find Mike Brown, three days later they will also visit the Knicks home, he can\'t let Kobe alone.

In New Orleans, Paul calmly watched the live broadcast. He had no reaction to Ji Feng\'s surpassing him and returning to the first place. He just looked at JK and was a little jealous. He looked at the dishes around him. It was another unproductive season.

But in the University Library secretly smacked his tongue, his boss is not too terrible, if he remember correctly, this is the first time that a player can get more than 60 points and 25 assists in a single game in the same season. It is simply a monster.What\'s more, the Lakers are also the first team to have two players who can score more than 60 points in a single season. JK is almost scheduled to be the most terrifying duo in history.

The score difference was close to 50 points. The Lakers had 112 points in the three quarters, while the Knicks had only a poor 64.

so the suspension ended, Ji Feng and Kobe were no longer playing, and the garbage time came.

However, who cares about the stadium at this time? Everyone is shocked by the legend of Ji Feng and Kobe. A new round of news storm has gathered outside the stadium!

If you look at the hands of reporters dancing wildly and the buttons in the hands of photographers, you can see how exaggerated the news storm will be in a moment.

After all, in a stadium like this, the impact of scoring and assists breaking records at the same time is really terrible.

The game is not over, the world has been in an uproar!

China\'s online is naturally crazy, now half of China\'s basketball fans are purple gold, the Lakers are like their home team, so this game let the whole Chinese fans cheer.

"Follow me: Jifeng is a bull! Kobe! The Lakers championship

"The Knicks are really miserable. The NBA massacre team is hammered."

"Too terrible scoring ability, I have never seen 112 points in three quarters, 61 points in three quarters, 31 assists in three quarters, which I can\'t play in the game."

"Knicks killer, Jifeng can\'t brake when he meets Knicks."

"Have you heard that it\'s Spike Lee again, MVP hammer."

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