So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 652: Framed (2)

This time Ji Chicheng came down the stairs on the 31st floor. Ji Anning watched his tall figure come down, her mouth pursed higher.

"Ji Anning stood up by himself."

Ji Chicheng walked behind Ji Anning and looked down at her condescendingly, using a commanding tone.

Ji Anning looked away spoiledly, did not look at him, "I can't get up."

"Really not getting up?" Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows, a dangerous signal in his voice.

"Not getting up."

Ji Anning raised his chin without fear and hugged his knees with both hands.

In anyone, she must pretend to be strong, strong, cold-blooded and ruthless, pretending not to care about anything, nothing matters.

She is tired, really tired, just want to act like a baby, act like a baby with her beloved uncle.

I want to feel his gentle pampering and helplessness towards her.

"I really don't get up, right."

Ji Chicheng sneered and said, the next second his tall body suddenly squatted down, grabbed Ji Anning's shoulders with both hands, pressed her against the wall, and kissed her cocked lips.

Ji Anning was stunned, she came too fast, she forgot to react, and instinctively raised her hands, hanging in the air for a long time.

The man's lips and teeth crushed and flirted with her overbearing and crazy.

As her body became more and more heated, her breathing became more and more rapid, Ji Anning's body gradually softened, and the man's big hands slowly moved down from her shoulders.

Through the thick clothes, he grabbed the softness of her chest.

Ji Anning was almost paralyzed, and her arms were loosely wrapped around the man's neck, panting under him.

"Not getting up yet?"

Ji Chicheng's lips suddenly withdrew, touching the tip of Ji Anning's nose with the tip of his nose, and meeting his blazing eyes, Ji Anning suddenly became sober.

She moved back a little bit, and moved a little bit away from Ji Chicheng, and then she didn't dare to look at his eyes full of desire and longing for her.

"Uncle, let's go upstairs, I'm so tired."

Ji Anning lowered her head, whispered, she bit her lip after she finished.

Ji Chicheng stared at him with deep eyes.

After a while, he turned around, sat on a step below Ji Anning, turned his back to Ji Anning, and said nothing.

Ji Anning thought he was angry, stretched out his hand, and patted his shoulder nervously, "Uncle, what's wrong with you...?"

"I will carry you on my back, ask you a question on the first floor, and answer it truthfully."

As Ji Chicheng said, without waiting for Ji Anning's reply, he grabbed Ji Anning's arms with his backhand, wrapped his arms around his neck, and stood up with the handrail of the stairs.

Ji Anning was surprised, "Uncle, there are still thirteen floors in your house."

Ji Chicheng nodded, "Yes, so thirteen questions."

Ji Anning pursed her lips, feeling worried and looking forward to it, feeling the same as the first time they played a gambling game, worried about what questions he would ask him, and expecting him to ask her what questions.

After thinking about it, Ji Chicheng had already climbed a floor. When he reached the stairs leading to the 32nd floor, he stopped, turned his face slightly, and squinted at Ji Anning and asked: "Ji Anning, who do you love most."

Ji Anning replied without hesitation: "Uncle and Dian."

Regarding her answer, Ji Chicheng's performance was plain, and he could not tell whether he was satisfied or not.

He continued to climb up, another layer, he stopped, "Ji Anning, who do you hate the most?"


Ji Anning did not hesitate to answer this question.