So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 1053: Do you have any other status? (Fives)

This girl's voice is always so crisp and bright.

Xiang Yiqing took the phone a little, and then said, "Miss Xin, can you go to the hospital to accompany you for peace?"


Xin Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

Xiang Yiqing said: "She should be quite boring. Go and talk to her."

Xin Xiaoxiao questioned, "How did I smell the conspiracy? What happened to my ex-boyfriend and current wife?"

Can't this name be simpler?

Xiang Yiqing frowned speechlessly, worried about Ji Anning. He didn't have much time to grind with her, and simply threatened her: "Don't go to me next time."

He just tried this method. He thought Xin Xiaoxiao would not go to you if he didn't want to find you. What's rare.

Unexpectedly, Xin Xiaoxiao asked him, "I'm going, can I just find you next time?"

Xiang Yiqing didn't hesitate, and nodded readily, "Yes."

"Well, I happen to be walking near your hospital right now, so I'm going to find Ji Anning." Xin Xiaoxiao said, when Xiang Yiqing thought she was going to hang up, her crisp voice suddenly rang again, "Remember Live, I will find you anytime later."

Without waiting for Xiang Yiqing to answer, she hung up the phone.

Then she stared at the screen of the phone and thought that she was just bored. It would be nice to go to the hospital to see those girls.


"I know your face."

In the ward, Korea had been sitting next to Ji Anning and refused to leave.

It just so happened that Sister Wu took a lot of them downstairs to play, and she couldn't call anyone at the moment. She didn't know why Korea came here today. She was afraid that Wan would come together with her.

"I boldly love someone and pursue someone. There is nothing wrong with it." Korea straightened its chest and was confident. "The love field is like a battlefield. The winner is the king and the loser is the invader."

She has a pretty face with light makeup, her hands on her chest, her chin slightly tilted, and her body is full of confidence in every pore.

Ji Anning sneered, "Well, you are right."

This is the first time she has seen her in reality when she is an upright junior and a glorious woman.

Nothing like this has ever appeared in the TV series I watched.

Every time she saw her, she had to refresh her three views in front of her.

"You can go if you don't. I will call the police to invite you to go."

I really don't want to see Korea's face. She hates that she can't do anything and can't do anything, otherwise there will be grievances and revenge.

In the car accident that day, not only were the lives of the three of them threatened and hurt, but also an innocent life was lost.

"Yo, what's the matter?"

Ji Anning had just entered the alarm number and was about to dial out, when a familiar woman's voice suddenly came from the door.

The tone is leisurely, yin and yang strange.

Immediately afterwards, a thin and tall figure walked in from the door, a white dress printed with orange and pink butterflies, and the wide belt in the middle perfectly struck out her slender waist.

Every time you take a step, you have to twist your waist.

"Beauty, we meet again, is it a limited edition Bugatti today?"

Xin Xiaoxiao carried her bag in one hand and a beautiful fruit basket in the other. She was the first to say hello to Korea when she entered the door.

The skin and the flesh are not smiling, it is very obvious.

She slapped Korea in the face at Ji's house that day.