Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4224

After hearing this, ye Hongbin said with a smile: "don't worry, I'd like to. I'll start from a small worker. Generally, I should start from a small worker. As long as I have the ability, I can learn. There are water electricians on the construction site, and then they become construction workers, which is equivalent to small leaders. They are in charge of the water electricians on the construction site, small leaders with water and electricity In addition, I don't know how to explain it. Then, I'll learn from water electricians first. I'll learn electricity. The wages of electricians and electricians must be higher than that of small workers. " Ye Hongbin said: "I asked Chen Pingzheng. He also learned from electrician, because Wen Zeyang said that as long as he has the ability, he will promote us." Ye Hongbin is really full of confidence in his future.

"How much is the electrician? How much does it cost to become a small leader? " Wu Miao Miao seems not sleepy or tired, has been asking.

"It must be higher than a small worker. At the beginning, it may be a little lower, but there are more than 200 yuan. There must be more than 6000 yuan a month, and then there must be overtime pay for overtime work." What ye Hongbin understands is this: "I talked with Chen Pingzheng, probably like this."

"Your father has two hundred for all that kind of work, and you only have two hundred?" Wu Miaomiao asked curiously.

"What's more, Wen Zeyang said," there are more than 200 little laborers like your father a day. " Wu Miaomiao is curious.

"Well, it's estimated to be 200 yuan. If there are old employees, it's estimated that there will be more than 10 yuan and 20 yuan more. If the wages of small workers can't be increased, electricians will be different. At the beginning, maybe 200 yuan will be given. However, it is estimated that it will increase a little every year, and the words of small leaders will also increase." Ye Hongbin also learned.

"Well, generally, how much is an electrician for a month, old electrician?" Wu Miaomiao looked curious and continued to ask.

"It's like two hundred and fifty-six a day. Those with high wages and overtime pay will have to work overtime. If there are more overtime work, it will be possible for tens of thousands of people a month, but it will be very tiring. I don't know exactly. It's like this. " Ye Hongbin said.

"God, there are so many, ten thousand a month. What about the small leaders?" Wu Miaomiao's eyes widened.

"It's basically 10000 pieces. You can return them. There should be tens of thousands of water and electricity foremen, and there are also eight or nine thousand bad ones. Those who stay for a long time are expected to have more than nine thousand. OK, there should be more." Ye Hongbin continued, smiling at Wu Miaomiao and saying, "aren't you sleepy? Do you want to lean on my arms and squint for a while

"A lot of money, husband. If you have 10000 yuan a month and I have 4000 yuan, even if we spend 4000 yuan a year, we can save 120000 yuan a year. A lot of money, husband Wu Miaomiao suddenly felt that he was worthy of marrying this husband.

"Husband, I find you have changed a lot." Wu Miaomiao leaned against Ye Hongbin and said.

"As I said, I'll work hard to be better for you." Ye Hongbin said with a smile.

After listening to Wu Miao Miao, the heart is warm, special happiness: "husband, you are very good."

"Remember later, we all depend on ah Yang now, you know? Even if our work is stable and our life is stable, we should understand that we all rely on Wu youyou and Wen Zeyang. You think, if we offend them, Wen Zeyang will get angry and we may be miserable. Just look at Chen Pingzheng's family. " Ye Hongbin earnestly admonishes Wu Miaomiao.

"Well, I know, I understand. Don't worry, I'll never do stupid things again, and I won't offend them any more." Wu Miaomiao now understands: "however, I understand now, and we will be together with Wu Meimei. Later, when we were in the imperial city and helped each other, I realized the importance of this relative. "

"So I'm sure I won't be so wayward again." Wu promised.

"Well." Ye Hongbin nodded: "in a word, we should also be grateful and let them understand that we are very grateful to them."

"Well, I see." Wu Miaomiao continues to nod and obediently listens to Ye Hongbin's words.

"Well." Ye Hongbin nodded with satisfaction.


Wu youyou and Wen Zeyang are both ready to go to bed after washing. They are really tired.

"Are you tired?" Wen Zeyang asks Wu youyou with concern. His tone is full of heartache.

Wu youyou laughed: "a little bit, but I'm very happy. I had a good time talking to them. "

"Wen Zeyang, I am also very moved. Really, you are so patient for me. I know that if you are ordinary people, you will not pay attention to them. After all, you are the big boss of a company. You..." Before Wu youyou finished, Wen Zeyang interrupted her and said with a smile, "fool, are you stupid to say these words to me? You are my wife. We are all engaged now. When we get married, we will be a family. As I said, you melt my life. Similarly, I will accommodate you and integrate into your life When we are together, we have to accommodate each other. "

"Hey I knew you were for me, and I'm really happy Wu youyou said with a smile.

"Fool." Wen Zeyang laughed: "OK, go to bed.""No, I want to talk to you again. I want to talk to you." Wu youyou said with a smile: "do you think they will get along well if they stay here?"

"Yes." Wen Zeyang said definitely.

"Why, you say, Wu Miaomiao's character, will he say that we are unfair and so on, and then make trouble and have opinions?" Wu youyou is actually very worried about such things.

Wen Zeyang is still very positive answer: "No

"Why, why are you so sure you won't?" Wu youyou is very curious.

"Because they all depend on me for their future work. Maybe some of them still need our help in life. They dare not make trouble. You can rest assured that Wu Miaomiao sometimes has no head and can make trouble. However, ye Hongbin is a very smart person and will not let her make trouble." In fact, Wen thinks that he is smart.

"Is it? Smart? How do I feel that he is the kind of person who likes to eat, drink and play? " Wu youyou did not observe Ye Hongbin carefully, nor did he understand him.

"Anyway, I can feel that he is very smart. If he does well, he may have more prospects than Chen Pingzheng. Don't let Wu Meimei and Chen Pingzheng hear that ye Hongbin is smarter than Chen Pingzheng." Wen Zeyang thinks so.

"Oh, well." Since ye Hongyang is smart, he believes that Wen Hongyang is smart.

"Well." Wen Zeyang nodded: "you see, they have all come to the imperial city now. If they get along well and have the same resources, then ye Hongbin will surely have a better future than Chen Pingzheng. Of course, I will favor Chen Pingzheng. However, if ye Hongbin is really capable, I will cherish my talent."

"Well. However, I think Chen Pingzheng is also very good. " Wu doesn't think Chen Pingzheng is bad.

Wu youyou is very optimistic about Chen Pingzheng.

"It's not bad, but ye Hongbin is not so smart. You see." Wen Zeyang still said that.

"So, you mean that you are more optimistic about ye Hongbin, aren't you?" Wu youyou always feels that Wen Zeyang's words are revealed. She is more optimistic about ye Hongbin.

"Yes." Wen Zeyang also said truthfully that he was more optimistic about ye Hongbin.

"If it's really what you said, it's also good. I hope they will be happy. If ye Hongbin is really promising and develops well, then I will be happy for them. After all, your company also needs talents, right? It would be better if he could help you Wu youyou said with a smile.

Wen Zeyang nodded: "yes, and he is still one of his own. If he can help me, I am willing to take them. I hope that in the future, they can become my right and left hand. They are both just their own people. I hope they can follow us all the time. In the future, the development of the company will definitely need their own people."

Wu youyou understand what Wen Zeyang means. Wenzeyang's company must be bigger and bigger, so it needs its own people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!