Since When Did You Have The Illusion That You Don't Have Magical Powers?!

CH 90

Characters in this chapter:

Sapphiras Perfectio, 2nd son of the Earl of Aldridge

Percival Belisario, 3rd son of Margrave of Vanderwall on the Eastern Frontier

When I heard about the appearance of magical beasts in the royal capital, I immediately wrote a letter to my father in the territory.

I did not know if it was related to the anomalies occurring in the forest of magical beasts, but I decided that it would be better to let my father hear about it just in case.

However, a few days later. Talk of magical beasts had completely changed to the topic of a black magician riding a two-headed beast. The black magician had killed a swarm of magical beasts that were attacking people with a flick of his wand. I know only one magician who possesses all three of these characteristics.

I turned my gaze to look at Sapphiras, who was eating his breakfast sleepily in front of me. I don’t even bother to ask him, there’s no doubt about it.

It’s Sapphiras. I’m sure he has a purpose, but I can’t help thinking that maybe he’s involved in something that he can’t tell me about. Above all, he has a troublesome habit of jumping into danger himself.

“Sapphiras, you look very sleepy, are you alright?”

“……Eh? Aah, yeah. A bit. But I’m fine!”

“Is that so……don’t push yourself too hard.”

This word has become a catch phrase these days. Even if it wasn’t, if Sapphiras, who had a fragile appearance, looked pale, he would look even more fragile, so wouldn’t it be reasonable to worry about him? However, he doesn’t realise that he’s pushing himself too hard, so it’s no use repeating myself over and over again.

Actually, I would like to ask him what he is doing, but he is more stubborn than I thought. If he has made up his mind about something, he will only dodge. So, for now, I just have to keep quiet and watch.

I swallow a sigh of resignation and turn my gaze to Sapphiras’ hand. On the slender middle finger of his left hand, a ring, which looks a bit stern, is firmly fitted. The fact that it has not been removed means that at least I can believe that there is a bond between us.

Sapphiras does not need to know, nor do I intend to tell, the true meaning of the ring that I half-deceptively forced upon him. The ring is a bond between friends. That is all that matters.

The other day, Sapphiras was entrusted with a box from Mother, which contained a change of clothes and other small items, as well as an unfamiliar small box. When I opened it, I found that it contained a ring, which is considered to be a proof of friendship. The change of clothes was just an incidental item, and this was probably the main item in the box.

I didn’t expect to be handed this now, so I was indeed surprised. It’s easy to imagine that it was probably sent by Mother, but I think Father did well to agree, even though I haven’t even reached the age of adulthood yet. Even my elder brothers were not given the ring until after they graduated from the academy.

This ring is a kind of magical tool given to the sons and daughters of the Lord of Vanderwall. They are taught to give it to the only person they are supposed to give it to in their lifetime. My father was told this by his grandfather and received the ring. When I asked him if he had given it to someone else, he smiled cautiously. At the time, I thought that somewhere in the world, there was the only friend who had received the ring from my father.

Later, however, I found out that the proof of my father’s friendship was in my mother’s possession. I wondered why my mother should be given the token of friendship, but the person you should give the ring to is the only person you have decided in your life.

When Father goes to battle, it is Mother’s duty to protect the people and the castle. As the protectors of the territory, Father must have vowed to fight with Mother to protect this land and its people. That’s exactly what allies should be. In Vanderwall, a spouse is synonymous with an ally.

Perhaps my elder brother will follow Father’s example and give the ring to my sister-in-law, who will be his spouse.

It has been less than a year since I met Sapphiras, but I believe I have spent enough time with him to get to know him.

He is not conceited in his unparalleled mastery of magic, but has the kindness and strength of mind to generously wield his power for the sake of someone in need of help. Sometimes he acts too boldly, which sometimes makes me paralysed in horror. In the ephemeral and beautiful figure, Sapphiras has an unwavering core.

Before I knew it, it had become natural for me to be by his side, but as Harvard said, I just happened to share a seat with Sapphiras, and if something had been slightly different, I might not be the one next to him right now. The thought of that brings up an unspeakable sense of frustration, but I don’t need to know what it’s emanating from.

Above all, I want to be the sword and shield of the magician Sapphiras, and to be his companion in battle. My ally, that alone is enough reason for me to give you the ring.

It has been almost two weeks since Sapphiras started behaving suspiciously. Recently, he was warned for falling asleep in class. He pretends to be fine, but he must be very tired. Still, it is fortunate that his appetite remains the same. In contrast to his enormous magical power, Sapphiras can hardly be expected to have any physical strength. It is probably difficult for Sapphiras, who does not run out of magic no matter how powerful the magic he uses, to know the limits of his body. It seems that he only learns his limits when he has used up all his physical strength. Even if he can use almost invincible magic, if his body is exhausted, that’s it.

If he has a purpose, just say a few words and I’ll cooperate without asking anything. To Sapphiras, I don’t think I’m that untrustworthy.

He had been severely oppressed by his family and fiancé so far, so it’s only natural that he can’t trust people easily. His recent exhaustion is no longer something that can be overlooked. As expected, I couldn’t stand watching and offered to help, but sure enough, I was turned down.

—-Just this time, I want you to watch over me silently.—-

With a pleading look in his eyes, he confirmed that it is just this time. In other words, it means he is allowing me to be involved in the future. Above all, he even said he trusted me. I’m sure that trust is also directed towards Miss Aurora. But even so, Sapphiras acknowledged that I am a person worthy of his trust. In that case, I believed that he would rely on me if anything happened, I prepared myself enough to move at a moment’s notice.

The next day.


Sapphiras appeared in the cafeteria, much more energetic than when we had met at lunchtime.

He must have had a good rest after school. He still has dark circles under his eyes, though.

“Sapphiras, you seem to be doing well.”

“Yes, I’m doing great! Let’s take a seat for now. Let’s talk after that.”


Sapphiras, who is in a great hurry, urges me to pick up my dinner plate at the counter and take a seat. I’m a little relieved to see Sapphiras receiving his plate of meat. As long as he has an appetite and can eat, it’s ok.

“First of all, I’m sorry for worrying you. But tomorrow will be back to normal.”

“……I see. You’ve achieved your goal.”

Although I would have liked you to tell me that purpose if you could. If he got his wish safely, that’s fine.

“Yeah. Percival, put your hand out.”

“Eh? Ah.”

When I put my hand out as I was told, a heavy object was placed on my palm. It is a dull gold circular metal object, at first glance it looks like a mirror. A red stone was inlaid in the centre, with a shining flame flickering in the stone. At a glance, it is clear that it is not just a mirror.

“Ah, the flame burns so much when Percival holds it. I knew it was a stone that reacts to magic.”

“……What on earth is this?”

“Nfufufu. It’s the War Maiden’s Oath.”

Sapphiras proudly answered, but I couldn’t believe my ears.

“The War Maiden’s Oath……?”

“It’s in return for the ring Percival gave me.”

When Sapphiras said that with a beaming smile, the student sitting nearby looked at me with a startled gaze. But now is not the time to worry about that.

The War Maiden’s Oath is a ruin-grade magical tool. It is said that no matter how fierce the battlefield, it will always protect those who wear it. If this is the real deal, it’s going to be ridiculously expensive. Why does Sapphiras have such a thing?

“You said this ring was a proof of friendship, didn’t you? Then I wanted to give Percival something as a token of our friendship. It’s probably real, so wear it if you can.”

“N-no. I can’t accept such a precious thing…….”

I’m happy for Sapphiras’ feelings, but Is not something that can be easily accepted. Wondering where he got it, I came up with the reason why Sapphiras was hiding and hunting magical beasts.

“Don’t tell me, you were hunting magical beasts to get this?”

Sapphiras made a slightly embarrassed expression.

“……Um, yeah, well, yes. Because I don’t think it’s right to use the support money from the ducal family to get a proof of our friendship. The only thing I can do is to subjugate magical beasts, right? But even if I defeated the magical beasts, the material shop in the royal capital wouldn’t buy it. When I was in trouble, an old adventurer told me that they might be able to buy it outside the royal capital, so I went to Oriens. There, I happened to find this magical tool, and I thought if I were to give something to Percival, it can only be this.”

I wonder how many magical beasts Sapphiras had to kill in order to get this. He studies at the academy during the day and hunts magical beasts at night. It shouldn’t have been an easy task, no matter how he says his magical power is inexhaustible. My chest hurts when I think that I forced Sapphiras to do something because of the ring I gave him, but even more than that, when I think about how much he’s done for me, joy wells up from the bottom of my stomach.

But this magical tool is too much for me, and I am hesitant to accept it. I wish he had just picked up a stone from the area and handed it to me.

“……Maybe, you don’t like it?”

Sapphiras misunderstood that I didn’t like the magic tool because I was silent, and his expression clouded. The colour of confusion floats in the eyes of sapphire, where the stars are sparkling.

“No, no. That’s not it. I’m very grateful, but I can’t accept such a ruin-grade magical tool so easily.”

“Wha—t, you’re worried about that? If you don’t dislike it, please accept it by all means. It’s my feelings of ‘please continue to take care of me’. You know how they say that when it comes to gifts, it’s the feeling that counts more than what the item is, right?

No, isn’t that more of the recipient’s words?

“And to be honest, this crest helped me when I was selling materials in Oriens. That’s why it’s not just my power.”

Raising his left hand, Sapphiras made his ring glow, causing a buzz around us again.

Sapphiras, who thinks it’s the usual cafeteria buzz, doesn’t seem to notice it at all. Seeing him unknowingly following Mother’s plan, I couldn’t hold back my laughter.

If I didn’t take this, it would look to everyone around me like I refused. Above all, Sapphiras was hunting magical beasts at night for me, not for anyone else. There’s no way I can be indifferent to his feelings.

“……I understand. I will accept this as proof of our bond. Thank you, Sapphiras, I will treasure it.”

Sapphiras smiled brightly as I carefully kept the War Maiden’s Oath in my bosom.

melon: Awww