Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~

117 Episode 111: The Black Knight, whose name

When I finished reading all the texts written in the letter, Guigu was stunned.

My head is about to turn bright white and I feel bitter things spreading through my mouth.

"What, yeah. This..."

Your precious face solidifies as frozen and your voice trembles as you squeeze it out.

I didn't know what it was like.

I can't contain my swinging mind.

We've been together for years, and I didn't know it.

Miharu also had other childhood friends besides herself.

Even that Aki had a brother other than himself.

Because neither Miharu nor Aki showed any bareback with such a past.

Until I came to this world.

Never thought about losing it.

I know nothing about what I've been given, and I have no doubt whatsoever.

Somebody protect me.

For a long time I've only enjoyed happiness and spent my days...

"Oh, that Takahisa lady?

Worried about the preciousness of the unusual appearance, Chiara speaks up.

but her voice will never reach you for long.

(He was Miharu's childhood tame, he liked Miharu, he was Aki's brother?

Think with your vain (depressed) eyes.

Rio, once a Tenkawa spring man, said he confessed to Miharu.

Perhaps Miharu's favorite figure is the Spring Man of Tenkawa.

Isn't that why Miharu unconsciously feels the face of the Tenkawa Spring Man in Rio?

Precious imagined that Rio would be in the right place.

There's Miharu, there's Aki, there's Jasmine...


I was attacked by a terribly unpleasant sense of rejection.

I can't try to picture facts as facts.

I don't even want to.

I can't believe that Rio, Hart, is right next to Miharu and the others.

"Dastardly... yes, dastardly. Isn't that cowardly? What he's doing..."

Precious begins to be solitary.

"He was lying. I was fooling Miharu and Aki."

I'm trying to tie Mi-chun up with grace -, I'm trying to stop Mi-chun with sympathy - and on the face of it, 'respect the will of the Mi-chuns'. What an ear-touching word, the fruit of which was trying to induce the will of Mi-chun.

Yes, Rio has been cheating on Miharu and the others.

I was betraying Miharu and the others.

What a selfish person.

"Hurt people because you need them? Kill people? It can't be. Oh, no!"

My emotions gradually increased and I threw up like noble spit (dashi).

I don't understand a nerve at all that can kill people because they need it.

Assuming you were Japanese, you wouldn't normally be able to kill people that easily just because you need them.

In Japan, even self-defense can be socially pointing back fingers if people are killed.

You can kill people if you need them to live. It's absolutely wrong to break it off so easily.

I can't empathize with such a human being, and I'm uncomfortable with the ratings Miharu and the others say are good people.

Not to mention anxious and helpless to think that such a human being is right next to Miharu and the others.

That's how the strong contempt swirled in the precious.

I can't contain boiling emotions.

Confused, excited, head teasing.

It's like heaven and earth have been turned upside down.

But still, I had clearly recognizable thoughts.

"Miharu can't be allowed to be with someone who kills people."

Booshiri and Kuniku were crushed.

As Precious stood down the hallway with a face like he had chewed up a bitter worm, a person appeared to speak up.

"Dear Takahisa, what's wrong? Three people in a place like this..."

It was Liliana, who pulled the samurai's frill.

After a meeting with François, as he walked down the hall to return to his room, he witnessed how precious he was and approached him.

"Oh Lily...... It's over now."

Although I have noticed the presence of Liliana, the response of the precious is dull.

It feels like it's not here.

"Yeah, all I had to do was formally sign the alliance... Chiara, is something wrong?

Speaking for a long time, Liliana asks to see Chiara and see what's going on.

"Also, I'm sorry! Master Liliana. Actually -"

When Chiara apologized with a blue face, she began to explain the situation to Liliana.

Subjective assessments will be discarded (shudder) and narrowed to the course of objective facts for reporting.

When Chiara finished her explanation that way, Liliana sighed (tansoku) at the troubles.

"I don't blame you for trying to repair a letter. It's just a theory of results, but I have to say it was a dozen responses."

And, Liliana looks bitter and tells me to blame Chiara's non.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't think it would break the seal (furrow), etc., but if Takahisa was known to have committed an act that could qualify as a crime, even though it was negligent, I thought it might develop into an international problem, and I was confused... And I've never seen anything like it..."

The presumption that they saw the contents at the time of opening the letter really works.

Then Chiara thought it would be better to repair the messed up letter beforehand than to return it as it was.

But later, when I calm down and think about it, I have to say that I was clearly bad at actually taking out the letter.

"It's a hundred things to know that you're still a knight and inexperienced."

The Kingsguard Knight of Liliana, a royalty, is chosen with an emphasis on such items as gender, force and loyalty over family.

Female knights were originally very few in number, and many would retire if they got married.

For this reason, it was also an unavoidable HR to become all young people of age.

Nevertheless, there is also the advantage that it is more convenient to have the same gender and be close to your age.

"But it doesn't change the fact that you are my exclusive Kingsguard knight, the princess. Even if something unexpected happens like this one, it requires a perfect response. I thought you told me to settle down and deal with these cases, didn't you?

If the person in front of you begins to commit an act that could objectively qualify as a crime in grandeur, there may be no need to be upset.

Above all, Chiara is a knight, and even if she is a martial officer, she is not a civilian, so she would have to say that dealing with a case like this one is out of specialty.

But still, it is only natural that a perfect job is always demanded more than serving as a princess's sidekick.


I can drool my neck (Kobe) in the way Chiara sank.

There was no way I could argue with "I was trying to calm down," etc., more than with no results.

Because you can say anything with your mouth.

"The serious character that weighs the rules is your strengths, but also your weaknesses. When things happen outside the manual, you see a tendency to be less accommodating as soon as possible, right?

People like that are often under the illusion that it is generally something that others share the same values as themselves and move as they decide.


"Well, it must have been my absence but also the late action that should have been the first to report things..., let's throw away the reflection now. More than that..."

Say, Liliana shifts her gaze preciously.

Was she a little chilled out to see Chiara being reprimanded, while Nobuku looked at her face, and the bat looked bad?

"Dear Takahisa"

When Rin and I were called by his name in a voice that passed well, his precious body trembled with horror.

"Have you heard the story now?

"... yeah. Sorry, but Chiara's not bad."

I nod and tell you how sorry I am for you.

"No, it's Chiara's fault too."

Liliana shook her head (wearing it) clearly.

"I'm the bad one. It's irrational to scold Chiara."

I don't like Chiara getting mad because of me.

That's what you think, Precious argues.

"I had ordered Chiara to be assistant to Master Takahisa in my absence. No matter how brave you are, Takahisa will make mistakes like us. We exist to make it up to you."

Liliana was usually unconditional and respectful of her long opinions, but this time she denied the claim of nobility.

"... but still it's my fault. Chiara's not bad!

Guiguo says with a muddled look.

"Dear Takahisa..."

Liliana leaks her moans like she's in trouble.

Until now she has continued to respect the will of as long as possible.

I guess it also has to do with the lack of life experience because of children who are not yet adults, but it's a precious and bad nature for emotions to appear in words and deeds before they think they're going to be hot.

He also seems to be thinly aware of it, but with it he has never had an irrevocable fatal failure in his short life.

Therefore, it seems that Guiguo did not intend to fix his temperament.

Liliana also regarded such a precious aspect as a preferred one.

So I wasn't thinking of rectifying it as soon as possible, and there are aspects of the role I've been given as a princess that have been convenient to him in order to draw in the precious.

But not all this time, just like before.

Because Liliana has no intention of making you such an arrogant person.

Emphasis is placed on bringing the brave into the country. If you get too arrogant, it's not for the good of the country in the end.

Most importantly, Liliana doesn't really like the power moves of solving everything with power, except when she also needs it.

Besides, I don't even think it's a good idea to solve it with force moves this time.

If this is St. Stella, it will accommodate all sorts of things.

But the victim, Rio, is a nobleman of the Kingdom of Galark, and because within the Kingdom of Galark Liliana is not free to exercise power either.

"It is a crime to knowingly break the seal of a letter written by an aristocrat, although it is a crime. Did you understand that?

In a calm voice, Liliana asked.

Because important confidential matters are often written in letters written by nobles, confidentiality is simulated as having been infringed at the time when the seal of the letter was deliberately broken and is subject to punishment.

It would be a felony enough to deserve a capital offense if the degree of secrecy harmed was significant, and it is not a morally praised act because it has the aspect of invading privacy even if it is not.

It should be noted that if the contents of the opened letter are communicated to others on their own initiative, they may be subject to punishment separate from the act of opening them.


Round your eyes to unexpected words, as Guru was upset.

It's certainly something you shouldn't open someone else's letter to on your own.

But I can't believe that's a crime...

It was force majeure that broke the seal, and it was also force majeure that got the text of the letter into my eyes.

Sure, although it may have been a fault that I loaded the contents of the letter from there -.

etc., and Precious reflexively makes such a self-defense on the inside.

But soon I realize.

- No, you can't. It's a crime for a person other than the addressee to open a letter sealed by a nobleman on his own?

Regardless of when I read Aki's letter, when I read Miharu's letter, I was told that it would be a clear crime from Chiara, who was badly upset.

"... ah"

"Apparently, you understood."

Say, Liliana exhales deeply.

"No, but... I didn't break it on purpose."

Guigu clouds his expression in an unconvincing manner.

I strongly believe that this is only due to negligence.

So I was unconscious that you had sinned for a long time.

"Indeed, being punished can be an act of deliberate opening. You won't be able to punish opening by negligence like this one. But Takahisa read the letter after opening it, didn't she?

"Oh, that's..."

Show Liliana's voice colour, which is different from her normal state of relaxation, the way she looked cowardly.

"If the fact that Master Takahisa read the letter is revealed, the presumption would be that the opening act itself was intentional and subject to working punishment. If Master Hart complains like this, there will be a trial. To prevent it, Master Hart will ask forgiveness."

He told me to push him away from Liliana, who was supposed to be on his side, and Precious accidentally breathed.

"The trial is such an exaggeration..."

"Exaggeration depends on the content of the letter and the will of the victim..., but Takahisa will be shown to be a brave man, so even if Hart sues, political circumstances won't hold him accountable for his work."

Will the right to trial in the country extend to the brave?

Fundamentally, this issue will be the subject of controversy, but even this should avoid judgment due to political circumstances and should not lead to the eventual prosecution of criminal responsibility by Precious Long.

There are no other problems. I congratulate you, and if this were within the St. Stella kingdom, it would have happened, but when it happens within the Kingdom of Galark, the Inquirer (Tonya) does not wholesale.

It is easy to imagine that if there were to be a trial, we would probably be making a debt against the Kingdom of Galark.

In order not to do so, you will need to formally apologize to Rio and ask him not to press charges.

"So, but, well, if it's such a dangerous substitute, nobody deposits noble letters... If you open it by mistake like this one, it's a pain in the ass."

He opened his mouth in such a way that Nobu-kun did not interpret (shudder).

How unfriendly it would be to deposit a letter without any explanation as to what would happen if it were opened.

Even though I like Miharu in the first place, it's too insensitive to leave a letter of that content with a lover.

Why did you leave it with me if I should just give you a letter with my own hands?

Miharu was trying to stay under Rio in the first place, and Miharu likes Rio.

I could have handed him the letter myself without having to give it to him in a hurry.

Yet I don't see why you tried to give me a letter in such a hurry.

And, remembering the contents of the earlier letter and frowning, I hold an emotion in Rio that is close to resentment apart from one of this one.

"Come and apologize to Master Hart now. I'll bow my head with you."

Liliana suggested in a kind voice.

As if to encourage the reflection of a child who has done something wrong.


Precious expressly revealed psychological resistance.

Liliana narrows her eyes softly.

"So what do you mean?


Nobu gets stuck in his reply.

Apologize to Rio and Miharu will pass on the contents of this letter as well.

What if I gave this letter to Miharu?

Imagine ahead...

No, you can't.

And, I feel a strong sense of rejection that precious times are.

Don't forgive me.

It can't be forgiven.

Because Rio is a liar, a murderer.

Rio helped me about Mi Chun and continued to protect Mi Chun who didn't even have the skill to live.

Miharu and the others are also very grateful to Rio.

So I also asked you to come with me to Rio for a long time.

Because then Miharu will come too.

I had been trying to contain my emotions that Miharu and Rio should not be jealous, although I had felt faintly that the distance was approaching.

Yet Rio had betrayed him.

It was a murderer captured by distorted vengeance.

It can't be a good story about a bug that such a dangerous man wants to be with Miharu, etc.

With dirty hands that have killed people, you should be able to make Mi-chun happy, but you can't be qualified to be with Mi-chun.

You can't bring Miharu closer.

"Did you tell me to hide the facts?

Liliana questioned her face slightly.

"He's... dangerous"

Precious answers with tannic surfaces.

Liliana could not gauge the sincerity of the reply, but only found that Nobu was out of the question affirmed.

"Assuming I tried to work with Master Takahisa to hide the facts, there should always be a breakdown one day. You don't have to tell me that, do you?

If we're going to hide the facts, we'll have to take Miharu back to the country before they make contact with Rio.

But that would only be a limited-time buy.

If you try to force me to take you home, Miharu and the others might resist and make a scene, and even if you can fool me back successfully, you're likely to realize that one day you were fooled.

Besides, Charlotte had witnessed that Rio had handed him a letter for a long time, and I know that even Sharon was about to give him a letter.

Later on, if Sharon meets with Miharu and the others, he may know the fact that he hid it, and even his relationship with the Kingdom of Galark, which has just become an ally, could deteriorate.

"Still...... I'm sure it'll do Miharu better."

Precious crushed by a slight lack of confidence.

"He asked us with integrity, no, to allow Master Takahisa to meet with Mr. Michal and the others. And yet you respond to him with dishonesty and extreme manipulation to cover up the sins you have committed?

Liliana asks.

Rio trusted me as Aki and Jaya's brother about Kuchi, but Kuchi betrayed that trust until he sinned.

The bad news is, did you trust Precious and hand him the letter, or did you betray Rio's trust and read the letter on your own, Precious?

Which, I wonder.

"Li, Lili...... That's not true."

Liliana's sincere appeal pierces her chest deeply.

When she was the only one on her side, she took it for granted somewhere in her heart.

How can you not understand?

No, Liliana just doesn't know.

That Rio has been fooling Miharu and the others...

"Chi, no, no... Don't let Miharu meet him with everyone."

Nobu desperately tries to sue me to explain the situation.

But Liliana waved her eyes sadly,

"Dear Takahisa, we promised Master Hart. Respect the will of Mr. Michal and the others. Is that even betrayed?

I peeked deeply into your face.

"No. The problem is that the will is... induced! Miharu and the others are deceived!

"Is the will... induced?

Liliana's reaction also changes slightly to the words of a noble and enduring calm.

Of course I cannot judge the details of the situation without listening to what you have said for a long time.

But if you go too far, you could invade the privacy of the letter.

It was usually Liliana, who had a glimpse of a glittering grin like a flower that blossomed with Rin, but all this time she had a glimpse of a glimpsing look.

"... his being with everyone could make him unhappy"

I told him that you would blur the contents.

The Spring Man of Tenkawa is a dead man in the past.

But Ayase Miharu lives now.

Yet there can be no forgiveness for a dead person to like about a living human being.

You can't be happy.

Death shouldn't be that light.

Rio lacks that awareness.

Even Miharu would be saddened to find out that the Spring Man is dead, and daring to tell him about the Spring Man's past would be nothing more than such a Spring Man's, no, Rio's self-satisfaction.

Precious reasoned so in himself.

"Wrong. Yes, I'm wrong. What he's doing is wrong..."

"Was that all the secrets written in that letter? You think if I knew, Mr. Michal and the others would be unhappy?


Nobuku agreed to it.


It is only the person who wrote the letter, with what intent.

It's up to the reader to know what way to receive it -.

This time it is precious that we are drawing conclusions by giving subjective appreciation to the facts written in the letter.

So maybe there's really no danger as long ago as you say.

Liliana thought so.

Nevertheless, it is possible that there is a real danger as long ago as you say.

There is a danger that Mizuki's life, body and spirit will be harmed if she does poorly -.

But that is something Liliana herself cannot judge without reading the letter.

"Then let's go down to Master Hart, apologize, and ask him about his sincerity. Does Takahisa mean anything to Hart?"

Apologies are mandatory, and in time it is where Rio is that details the truth.

It is not a matter for outsiders to pry at will on this occasion.

Because if you are wrong for a long time, things will only get worse.

Liliana decided so.

"No, you can't! You can't do that!

Nobu loses color and screams.

If you do that, Miharu will...

"What's wrong?

A knight who was patrolling the side walked over and asked.

I guess I was suspicious, albeit of royalty and bravery in other countries, because I've been talking in the hallway with my voice absurdly for a while now.

"No, it's nothing. Please go back to security."

"... I understand. Please refrain from suspicious behavior, as the castle is now in a moody state."

"Yes, I understand."

When Liliana smiled and said, the knight left the scene without going deep into it.

"Dear Takahisa, don't be too loud. Now the castle security is laid in a quasi-combat position, and all the soldiers are in a killing mood. And Aki will notice, won't she?

"Oh, I'm sorry. But I can't. Don't let him near Miharu."

"I mean... tell Master Hart the facts and that you don't intend to be apologized for?

"... sorry"

Nobuku turned his gaze away like he was behind.

"I'm not the one to apologize to"

Liliana tells as she sighs.

"I, I..."

Though Precious tries to say something, words don't even come out.

From what, no, what do I talk about?

"He made Mitsukumi..."

Still, when Precious tries to explain,

"Please wait. You can't let me know that now. The contents of that letter are solely for the sender and the addressee until permitted by the parties. If you speak out of darkness, this time it will be a crime, won't it?

Liliana made a stop.

Precious eats.

"If you can't give Mr. Hart a letter first, why don't you give Mr. Michal and the others a letter now? On top of that, I think we should get them to judge..."

Precious claims about the impact of the letter should probably include an assessment by his subjectivity.

The conclusions that you have evaluated do not necessarily coincide with those that Miharu and the others evaluate and arrive at.

Liliana was only calmly thinking so.


"That's why I can't do that!

and your voice was roughed up with your grieving face.

"Dear Takahisa, I don't even want to apologize to Master Hart. I don't even want to give Mr. Michal and the others a letter. Do you think you can do such a convenient imitation? You must have deposited a letter from Master Hart, right?

"But if you don't..."

Miharu goes to a killer wearing the skin of a good man.

Precious tried to say that, but Liliana stopped me, and I can't speak of it.

How can you not understand that?

You usually believed anything I said, why?

Your precious face is about to cry.

The only thing that dominated his brain was his fear of being deprived of Miharu and his contempt for Rio.

"Dear Takahisa, do you care about Mr. Michal and the others? Then why don't you believe me? About Mr. Michal and the others. And about Master Hart, whom Mr. Michal and the others believe. I believe."

Liliana speaks softly.

"How can you believe someone you don't know that easily?

Guiguo asked with a suspicious look.

"Because Mr. Michal and the others trust Master Hart. Master Takahisa must be trusted by Mr. Michal and the others. Because I want to believe as much as I can when it comes to people I care about who I trust. I thought Takahisa would do the same..."

I did intend to believe in Rio until I read this letter.

But now...


Turning to Liliana, his gaze seemed backwards off, Precious swallowed the words.

She smiles gently as usual in front of you.

But the atmosphere felt from Liliana today seemed different than usual.

I'm not Liliana, the innocent and soothing gentleman you know so well.

Now she had a face as a mentor who stood over people and led them.

"I trust Master Takahisa. I haven't been on your side in Dada for the past three months. I know it because I have dealt with many people as royalty. Though you are immature, you are never a bad person."


You didn't tell me what you knew about me in just three months.

"Didn't Hart entrust Takahisa with a letter because Mr. Michal and the others trust him?

"I don't..."

Precious distorts his expression in a spicy way.

"Perhaps Hart doesn't trust me completely. But I think Aki and Masato will be trusted about Takahisa as your brother. This is the most important proof that you've allowed me to meet again."

Liliana smiled softly.

I guess Rio believed in them and their preciousness because Mizuki and the others wanted them, too.

Otherwise, if you don't trust Miharu and her precious things, believe only what you think, Rio should have taken Miharu and her away from the Kingdom of Galark at her own discretion.

"Can't you believe it? About the people you care about that you trust."


Precious silence with a bitter look.

Are you sure you're right about what you think right now?

A slight doubt began to sprout in my mind, but I could not abandon my misery.

Jealousy cannot be combined to wipe away complex mistrust of Rio.

People's minds aren't made that convenient.

You're guessing such a precious perplexity.

"Let's apologize. To Master Hart. Believe it. About you all."

Liliana told me to sag.

"... no.... I knew I couldn't."

I tell you with a trembling voice.

"Dear Takahisa..."

Liliana clouds her face,

"... then I must come and tell Hart the truth as it is instead of Takahisa. I also apologize because nothing is the sole responsibility of Lady Takahisa and Chiara for this incident. And then I have to tell Michal and the others the truth."

And that's what I declared.


Precious screams haphazardly and sorrowfully at the least longed for words.

I stared at Liliana with a grueling eye.

Why do you say that, all the time?

"Dear Takahisa, please don't let me imitate you like that. I want you to know from Takahisa's mouth."

Liliana makes a sincere appeal.

Guigu warped his face like he was cornered.

For a few seconds or so, they stare at each other in silence.


Eventually, your mouth began to move in a way that made you feel tired.

The next moment,

"I will stop the brave! Stop it and I'll take Miharu and the others!

I proclaimed it as if you were frightened.


Liliana, the boulder, also opens her eyes in amazement at the remarks of the shock of precious times.

Chiara and Alice, who were listening in silence, are also taken aback.

"Didn't you tell me that you would be a brave man in our country? When you join me in making the country better...... Was that oath even a lie?

Liliana says sadly.

"I'm not lying! I don't want you to lie, and I don't want you to! I don't want to imitate that either. So...!

Precious turned desperately.

"This is what I have to do. You can't let Mi-chun stay on the side of a man who kills people all right!

The colour of agitation runs slightly on Liliana's expression in his precious remarks.

- What the hell does it mean to kill people?

Liliana exchanged her gaze with Kuchi, and she patrolled a lot.

"I'll leave it to you that I didn't hear your most recent statement. … but do you think it is feasible for your statement? You want me to stop the brave men and take Mr. Michal and the others to life?

And that's what I asked.

"I'll do it. No, we have to do it."

Answer as you will feel.

It's unstable, dangerous.

Liliana decided that she believed her thoughts were absolutely correct and that she had no intention of trying to lend her ears.

I don't know if I can persuade you to take some time in your current state, and as it is, you can abandon (quit) and run wild.

"... the reality would be far harsher than Master Takahisa thinks. Assuming you choose that option, there will always be a time to regret it before it's too far away."

"... if you don't try, you don't know"

"I know I don't have to do this."

Liliana slashes the buckwheat.

"That's not true. Lily would know that, too. My power as a brave man. My power can protect the people I care about."

"Some things can't be protected by simple force alone. What do I say, because royal nobility is good at such manipulation. If it's for your own good, some of you can be ruthless everywhere."

"... this is more parallel to each other, Lily. I'm not letting things like you say, and I'm not letting Miharu and the others see him like this. If Lily's going to get in the way, I'm going to take Aki with me and Mizuki with me."

Guigu made me smell like he wasn't going to go on talking any further.

I don't even know when Miharu and Jason will be back on this scene.

From that eye it sucks, I can feel the disturbing determination not to quit imitating the absurd either.

"Dear Liliana..."

Seeing the vibe, Chiara and Alice stepped forward.


Liliana stops the two of them.

"Dear Takahisa, are you not going to give it to me?

"... no. Because I have to protect everyone. So that we can all live safely."

Precious looked bitter and spoke quietly.

Liliana distorted her face in troubles,

"It is...... Takahisa's..."

I tried to say something, I interrupted.

Because it seemed to me that if I spoke of it, my relationship with the precious people I had built would be completely broken.

Liliana took a small breath, a few seconds of silence descended,

"No, that's right....... ok. Follow Takahisa's request."

Pompous, I said.

The voice is shaking small.

Are you sure that's all right?

And, - so as to ask itself.


He exhaled as if Guigu had relieved him with a ho.

"However, there are a few conditions. You promise me you will never break that. I won't let anything similar happen again in the future. In the unlikely event that that happens or that the same facts as Takahisa said do not exist, I will punish you relentlessly. Never regret it later. I bet my life on that, and I swear to God, but do you choose this option?

Liliana asks chilly, as she is prepared to ask.

For a moment, Guiguo was about to be pushed by its power,

"... choose. If Miharu and the others can live safely."

I uttered the word of my vows resolutely.

"I did take that word for granted. Never be different."

Liliana says quietly.

Then you take a small, deep breath,

"Well, I'll tell you more about the terms later because I don't have time, but give me that letter first. I'll handle it here."

Go on, that's what I talked about.

"Give me this letter?

"Yeah, were you going to dispose of it like that? I'd like to process it here because I have trouble getting a halfway job."

Liliana answers neatly in the precious time she was here.

"No, but..."

"Processing that letter here is also a condition for my cooperation with Takahisa. Please make your decision as soon as you don't have time."

"... ok"

It was a precious time to be showing some reluctance, but in the end I was rushed to agree to give the letter.

Liliana will cooperate, and she won't be able to read this letter anyway.

Upon receipt of the letter from Precious, Liliana hands it to the frills of the samurai who had kept it aside.

"Frill, you know what I mean?

"Yes, Princess!

The frills nod vigorously and punish the letter with nostalgia (two places).

Liliana confirmed it and regained her gaze for a long time.

"Dear Takahisa, I will explain the necessary steps. It will be essential to have the cooperation of someone out of the three, can anyone persuade me?

"... if Aki, if I ask, maybe"

Kuniku answered with a slight distraction.

"Then please persuade me"

"Wow, okay. I'll try."

"Please. So..."

Upon hearing the necessary steps from Liliana, Guigu immediately returned to his room.

Miharu and the others return on the way and the conversation is interrupted. It is not good, so we take Aki straight to Liliana's bedroom.

Aki, I need to talk to you.

Precious opened his mouth.

Liliana, who is present, looks just a little more difficult and remains silent.

"Yeah...... What's the matter with you?

Asked Akichi if he felt a heavy vibe somehow.

"Actually, I'm leaving this country at noon today"

Precious tells the truth.

Then Aki rounded her eyes.

"Yeah? Aren't you supposed to meet Mr. Hart and Mr. Sharon this afternoon?

"I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore."

Kuniku tells Aki, who looks upset, that his butt looks bad.

"I couldn't, and I haven't even talked about it yet..."

Aki puzzles me.

"Hey Aki, will you come with me?

With a frightening look on his face, Guiguo was interrogating him directly.

"Also, of course, I want to be with your brother..."

Is the story too abrupt, and Aki's reaction to the boulder is dull.

"Then can you ask for it?

Ask for your precious shapes in a burning phase.

"... Miharu, what do you do with your sister and Jason?

Aki didn't know what to talk about.

That we were all so committed to being together, did you mean leaving these two in the Kingdom of Galark?

Or am I going to persuade you even now - that Jasmine, anyway, says Miharu will stay clearly under Rio.

"I'll take you"

When Nobu told him in a hard voice, Aki breathed stunned (groaning).

"Duh, how?

"I want Aki to help me with that. Can't you ask for it?

"Yeah? Mm, I can't do that."

It seems like it tends to be flushed, and Miharu has something she doesn't easily give way to once she decides for herself.

I don't think I can convince you two by noon very much.

"Please! I don't have much time, and only Aki can count on me."

"So, but no matter what they say about cooperation..."

When Nobu lowered his head desperately, he showed an attitude of cooperation, although it appeared that Aki was uncomfortable.

"First of all, I want you to join me and Lily in greeting the king."

"Oh, to the king?

"Oh, because Aki basically just needs to be on the spot"

Nobu speaks to Anxious Aki.

"... What about Miharu's sisters?

"Tell them I'll move the room when I get back and have them pack their bags"

"So, you're going to trick me into taking you? What about Mr. Hart and Mr. Sharon?

Ask Aki as he wanders away.

Such imitation, if those two hear it, there's no way they're going to shut up.

We haven't even had a proper discussion yet.

"... I'm fine. Later, Senior Sharon and Mr. Hart will come to the Kingdom of St. Stella. We can talk about it then."

Precious answered to distract himself from the point of view and distract himself from the controversy.

But Aki assumes that Rio and Shark Moon are not involved in this story.

"I can't say goodbye without saying anything to Mr. Hart and Mr. Sharon. I'll make you worry, won't I?

"So don't make me worry, I want Aki to tell me the story came together in front of the king. And I want you to write to me to convince us both."

"Oh no..."

"I told Senior Sharon and Hart last night that everyone was going to follow me. I think Aki would believe me if he wrote a letter."

"I said that... did I say that?

It should have been a one-off lie, as you would have seen this afternoon, but surely then you might be able to convince Rio and Sharon.

It would be more convincing, not only because of the letter from Aki, but also because greeting the king would have led him to leave peacefully.

But still, it's too hasty to talk, and can I imitate working such an insolence?

Aki was terribly distressed.

"Please! I have to go home now. But now that we're back together, I don't want to say goodbye again like this. I don't even know when I'll see you next!

Nobu desperately bows his head and complains.


Seeing his lower back brother, Aki felt somewhat annoyed.

Even Aki doesn't want to break up with you like this.

Because I was finally reunited with my dear family.

And for you, Miharu is your first love.

Although the trigger may have been love at first sight, Guido has always liked Miharu since we met.

It's not that I simply like Miharu because of her appearance, and there's no doubt that the thought is real.

So I understood Aki so painfully with his precious feelings.

"... ok. Fine. I'll work with your brother. If I can do it."

With his head still bowed, Aki was accidentally flushed and broken.

I declare my clear cooperation, although I still have a troubled look on my face.

"Aki......! Thanks!"

The look on your face brightens up.

"But you can properly convince Mr. Hart and Mr. Sharon to see them as soon as possible. I don't know how urgent it is to go home, but I don't think everyone will ever be convinced."

It revealed a line that Aki could not give way to at least.

"... oh yeah. I know it depends on what Mr. Hart wants, but I'll have him work on getting back together with Senior Sharon as soon as possible. Hey, Lily."

I said, and Kuchi pointed the water at Liliana a little unexpectedly.

"... Yes. We also have relations between countries, but we have become allies, so we will do good."

Liliana concurs solemnly.

"Thank you"

Aki says thank you very much.

Liliana smiled a little less and returned,

"Then Dear Takahisa, we don't have much time. I'd like to get into the necessary explanations..."

And so I cut out the story.

But he said with a slightly patronizing look.

"Sorry. Just one last thing. Hey, Aki, okay? It's totally irrelevant..."

"Yeah, okay?

Aki responds by tilting her neck.

Precious is strangely butted,

"Are you a Tenkawa Chunman?

I asked softly.


Because I heard a name that was too unexpected, Aki flashly puts a question mark on his face.

Next to you Liliana was moving Pickle's expression.

"Miharu's favorite person. Um, maybe it's called the Tenkawa Chunman?

The question was supplemented by a question that was approximated by Nobuku.

Then it seemed that Aki understood the content of the question only this time,

"Hey, how does your brother know about that guy?

I started asking questions like I ate bubbles.

Its eyes are just a little bit, no, it's a lot steeper.

"No, well..."

Word clouds in the way that Nobu is taken aback by the reaction of Aki, who does not even try to hide his discomfort.

"Maybe Miharu asked me directly..."

Aki tries to identify where the information came from.

"No... I've heard that before. It was Aki's brother, wasn't it?

When Precious spits a lie to deceive,


Aki affirmed.

"That guy, he's not my brother! My brother is only your brother, so stop it! Don't say that!

Aki, who looked terribly frightened and anxious, trembled with pride.

There is a slightly inclined surface, but it is an unimaginable reaction from the dear Aki.

That's all for Aki, the presence of the Spring Man Tengawa may be a clear landmine.

It was a moment of great enlightenment.

At the same time, I feel confident that I might still have gotten it right without showing Aki that letter.

Guigu was relieved without realizing it.

"Aki...... Sorry. I heard something weird. Forget it."

I'm sorry, Kuniku says.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I'm the one screaming out loud."

Aki also returns to me with a hack and apologizes as if the bat looked bad.

Liliana was staring at them with her eyes round.

Afternoon, after noon.

At the end of lunch with Charlotte, Rio headed with Sharon to the room where Mizuki and the others were supposed to be on that leg.

In front of the door, the frills are waiting alone and will be passed indoors by facepath.

"I've been waiting for you. Please have a seat."

Along with his precious words, he lowered his hips in a chair placed together in the center of the living room.

"Miharu and the others aren't there?

Sharon asks as she looks indoors where she can't feel people's signs.

Then, for a moment, your preciousness stifled your face just a little,

"Excuse me. Actually, I'm going to have to return to the Kingdom of St. Stella abruptly..."

And that's what I answered.

Set aside a beat and round your eyes properly, as Rio and Sharon were taken aback.

"What? Really? Hey, why?

I was there like Sharon ate a bubble.

"I can't tell you the details confidentially, but actually, as soon as possible on the matter of the newly formed defensive alliance..."

Answer with a hard voice.

Then, he peeked at the expression that Sharon was not convinced of.


Doesn't that explain it as if you don't get the guidelines?

Nevertheless, if they say it's a national secret, I don't even think it tells me where I asked.

Sharon looked confused.

"... what are you going to do about Miharu and the others?

Calm down and Sharon will ask you the most critical questions.

"You're coming home with me."

Nobu told him quietly.

That means...

"So now, Miharu and the others...?

Ask in a hurry.

"Pack your bags, we just headed to the demon ship first"

"Oh no..."

Sharon's heart was shaken badly by the sudden unfolding.

Are you saying that instead of discussing it, you will go without any greeting?

Miharu and the others, really?

Sure, although I heard stories last night about Mi Chun and the others being positive about going with them for a long time -.

Can I at least have a word of greeting?

Does that mean we're in such a hurry?

And, Sharon wonders.

That was the same for Rio.

"I don't care if they say that all of a sudden..."

Too many necessary steps have been omitted and the mind is not ready to accept the story.

I need you to tell me these important stories more upfront.

I don't think Precious is lying, but I don't have enough evidence to believe the story and I don't get realistic.

"I'm sorry. I tried to wait until I was critical, but I had to send those three first because of the exit process."

You think it's bad for a boulder, and Kuru whispered an apology at random.

Turn your gaze mainly to the shark moon...

"Well, I was a little alarmed to think I still had time because I certainly couldn't make the time to be with you either..."

Sharon speaks reluctantly.

As of last night, we were all supposed to get together this afternoon to talk.

So I guess it's really sudden that there's been talk of having to go back to the Kingdom of St. Stella.

But then, I wish you'd taken me to Charlotte's room and let me know...

Sharon felt such dissatisfaction.

"Excuse me. I really decided earlier that I would reschedule due to national circumstances..."

When Nobu-kun explains,

"... Really?

Shark Moon asked Liliana, who would sit next to him for a long time.

"Yes, my home country contacted me urgently. I was in the middle of a tour of the aristocratic city after the tour of the magic ship, so was it just before lunch?"

and Liliana supplemented the explanation.

That look looks sorry somewhere, and troublesome.

"That was really sudden..."

Sharon tells me to sigh.

If it's before noon, it hasn't been that long.

"I rushed to His Majesty François earlier to apologize and bid farewell."

"Aki was getting ready first, so we went to say hello together. Ask Miharu and Yamato to prepare their luggage in the room. Maybe the seniors were coming."

As Liliana takes over the words, Precious will supplement the explanation.

"Yes, what..."

Snuff at how Shark Moon hasn't been able to accept things somewhere.

Indeed, I heard from Nobunaga last night and expected that Miharu and the others might go to the Kingdom of St. Stella.

But a little more, at least one more day, I thought I'd have time to talk to Miharu and the others slowly.

If the answer was originally given by Miharu and Mizuki, I am not going to force Sharon to hold back either.

It was something I had decided to do with Rio to respect the will of Miharu and Miharu from the beginning, because last night, after listening to you from a long time ago, I had confirmed with Rio once again on my way home.

So, at this hour today, I was prepared that Miharu and I might be spared a temporary farewell.

Because we have a position as brave men, but we'll see each other again if we want to see each other more than we know where we are.

It would be a lie if I told you I didn't miss you, but I knew I'd see you again, and I thought if I'd done a proper goodbye, it wouldn't be that hard.

But I didn't know there would be such a sudden goodbye to the boulders.

"I wanted to say hello, but it's unclear when I'll see you next..."

As I said, the shark moon made my lips pointy (and).

Not that I'm angry, but I'm a little dissatisfied.

"Actually, Aki wrote me a letter. I was in a hurry and couldn't seem to write a big deal..."

Saying, Guigu took out Aki's letter at this time.

The envelope is indeed written in Japanese in the letter Aki with the Shark Moon as the destination, sealed with a seal of wax (furrow).

"... show me"

Upon receiving the envelope, Sharon removed the seal.

When I take the letter out of it that way, I spread the letter so that it could be seen with Rio.

Did you write it in a short time. The text of the letter is brief, but the atmosphere that I am trying to write carefully in Ashi conveyed.

The letter also states that Miharu and the others have spared their goodbyes, their apologies for not being able to say goodbye and going to the Kingdom of St. Stella, and their desire not to worry because they seem to see each other in such a short distance.

When Sharon quickly moved her gaze and finished reading the letter in roughly a few decades,


And he gave a slight snug voice.

Hold the letter so that Sharon's hand can rest.

But slightly, when you tilt your neck like you noticed something,

"But this......, a letter written to me?

And so crushed.

The letter only says the name of Shark Moon, but it never said the name Rio - Hart.

"Yep. We were trying to write to each other separately, but we didn't have time... So I'm keeping a message directly with Mr. Hart."

I say with a slightly stifling grin from your precious.

"Message, is it"

Rio blurted out.

"Yes. Um, there's something about the letter, so should we be alone?

And, you reluctantly suggest.

Rio was instantly good at it and sent his gaze to this one and Liliana.

On the other hand, Sharon is putting a question mark on her face as to whether she hasn't been able to grasp the flow of the story.

"Excuse me, are you two talking about the contents of the letter?

"... Lily knows nothing"

When Rio asks, Nobu shakes his head (wears it) and tells him.

"I see. So may I just confirm one thing on this occasion?

And, says Rio.

Then, Kuniku shook his shoulder perfectly.

I thought Rio wouldn't want us to hear this story in Shark Moon.

It's only a little inconvenient for Nobu to be asked more about Sharon.

Later on, when Sharon met Miharu and the others, it could be a difficult situation.

I don't even want you to know that Rio sent Miharu and the others a letter in the first place.

But I couldn't hide the story unnaturally.

"Yes, what is it?

Kun was there, and Kuniku swallowed his goku and spit.

What the hell is Rio going to confirm?

I feel my heart beat faster.

"Did the three of you read the letter properly?

Rio asked looking deeply into his precious eyes.

Right next door is Sharon as well as Liliana.

Assuming you answer yes on this occasion, you will not be able to escape saying later that it was a no.

But I have to say yes.

Would it be more realistic to also tell them how I reacted when I read a little?

With that in mind, Guigu remembered Aki's reaction he showed when he gave the name of the Spring Man of Tenkawa.

"Yeah...... I was very surprised. Especially Akichi... the... disturbed..."

Stifles his face and answers with great diligence.

"Was it..."

I said as Rio was convinced.

Sharon was still unable to perceive the core, but it seemed understandable that Rio would have given Miharu and the others a letter, silently listening to the story.

"... did you give Aki a letter after you figured out how he would react?

I asked Rio's reaction in an unexpectedly murky way.

"Yeah, I vaguely predicted it"

Rio smiles weakly and nods.

The smile even pictured brutally.

Not only is it precious, but even Liliana is so breathtaking.

What Aki would react to is what Rio had thinly expected, too.

All right, then I gave him the letter, and Aki reacted as expected.

That's all.

And still, I thought I'd give it to you.


There was no bad looks, and the attitude of Rio, calmed down, took precious breath.

I do feel the discomfort that boils in my heart.


No, definitely...

I can't get along with this guy, not reason.

That's what Guido thought.

"So are you sure you want to hear the message?

Rio asked.

"Yeah...... Shall we go to that room?"

That's how Rio and Guigu changed their seats in the bedroom.

That's the bedroom where Nobu stayed until yesterday.

"Anyway, Miharu and Aki will never see you again."

I was just alone with Rio, and Precious told him in a hard voice.

I can't contain the kind of cold that thrusts into my voice color.

But that's all Rio was good at.

There is only one in two reasons why Miharu and the others won't see Rio.

Don't you want to see me or can I not see you?

At a time when, with the cooperation of Aki, he had broken up peacefully with the king of the country of stay and was sending a letter of farewell to Sharon, the situation natural to consider the former had been fed.

In addition, it also reinforces the credibility of the situation that Aki's reaction, which he heard from a long time ago, was indeed the best.


Rio sneered a shady grin and leaked a groan.

Then you stare at the precious,

"May I ask you something that doesn't make sense?

Poopy, I was there.


Precious snorts in a heavy voice.

"Is Mr. Takahisa dating Mr. Michal?

When Rio asked, Nobu unexpectedly circled his eyes.

It was surprising that Miharu and I were so perceived.

Although Guigu was slightly upset,

"... yes. We're dating."

And, when I realized it, I was reflectively affirming Rio's question.

"I see...... Did Miharu tell you that it was a night club last night?

"... only that he was confessed"

Kuniku replied (probably) unexpectedly.

"I'm sorry. You weren't at peace when you heard your lover had a man to stop by, were you?

"No, well..."

Nobuku turns to his face and clouds his response.

"Maybe it's not what I'm supposed to say, but I'd like to say hello to Mr. Michal and the others."

"... of course. From now on, I will protect the three of you."

I try to contain my emotions, and my precious time runs out clearly.


Rio said in a polite tone, bowing his head.

"What... are you..."

Even this period did not show how it moved, and the discourse was roughed up as if precious times were irritating.

How can you give up so easily?

Don't you have pride?

Don't you like Miharu?

Just spin it around and act like such a saint. What the hell did you want?

I wish it was one of the objections...

This is like heartbreaking.



Realizing that Rio's fist was gripping him powerfully, Precious swallowed the words.

I knew I was pushing my emotions to death.

Then, now guilt pushes in as soon as possible.

Precious missed his gaze at first,

"Well, that's all..."

And I tried to break up the conversation.

"Did Miharu say anything else?

But Rio asks.

"... said I was sorry"

"Really...... Thank you for your message. Bye."

With his precious time behind him, Rio walked out first and opened the door leading to the living room.

Then, after a few minutes or so of parting and finishing the necessary conversation, the nobles left the castle in a hurry.

When you escort the nobles back home to the castle gate in a hurry,

"Are you glad I didn't have to go drop you off?

I was there in Shark Moon, where Rio stood next door.

"Yeah. Well, I wouldn't be able to go any further in relation to the proceedings. It'll be too late to go get permission."

"I see."

Rio nodded, and the silence of time descended,

"... hey, this was good, right?

The shark moon spoke of a rough question.

"Good or bad, they wanted to follow you."

Say it, Rio shrugs his shoulder.

"Sure, yeah, what, but we broke up without even being able to talk properly? Honestly, what is it..."

I gave him a peek at how Shark Moon didn't make sense.

Things are unfolding too fast.

It's like skipping the necessary event and getting the ending -.

It's like I was given only an answer by omitting the process of solving the problem -.

I had indigestion that I wasn't even told about.

Maybe that's it if you think of reality as just such an event.

However, I was not convinced that I had been omitted from the procedure I should have followed.

No matter how much we are promised to see each other again.

"What's more or less a national secret?

I get the look that Shark Moon doesn't know the wax.

Just a minimum of explanations and greetings, and just walking away, can't get a sense of parting.

Because if it were true, I would have welcomed Miharu and the others by now.

Sharon sighed irritably.

"Mr. Sharon will see everyone again, won't he?"

Talk to Rio so he can mock the Shark Moon.

Then he silenced for a while as Sharon conceived.

Eventually, suddenly,

"... I've decided! Me, I'll follow Miharu and the others as soon as I can! I'll hang on to the king."

And, Sharon declared decisively.

It must be the same for Miharu and the others who are confused by the sudden situation.

It doesn't suit my sexuality to just say I'm dissatisfied without even trying to know the situation in which they were placed.

Then you should just go see him from yourself and talk to him.

If that's the case, it's quick to talk.

"Hey, Hart, let's go with you! I don't want to be in such a mess like this."

And, Sharon proposes to Rio.

But Rio gently shook his head to the left and right,

"Excuse me, I can't go with you."

And I answered quietly.

Expectations fall off and Shark Moon faces off.

"Hey, why? You don't care? About Miharu and the others!

Sharon asked in momentum.

Its eyes complain of jitty dissatisfaction.

"... I have business to attend to."

Without answering from the front, Rio told him to tease.

"The one you said last night for? He said we have to go west...

"Yeah, because it's a promise to an acquaintance. We can't put it off."

"Then even after it's over. I hope you're not with me. I'll let you go."

Shark moon still eats and talks.

"... but I better not see everyone anymore"

I said with a smile as Rio looked lonely.

That smile has more persuasion than words.

"Hey, why? That should be..."

In the confused and questioning shark moon,

"I've been shaken. To Miharu. I confessed."

Rio told me he was rushing.


Sharon's expression freezes.

But not realizing her upset like that, Rio goes on to talk further.

"You were dating, weren't you? Guigu and Miharu. Did you know?

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Looks like it's been rumored since middle school, and I thought it wouldn't be strange to hang out..."

I answered with a confused face and a voice with a sharp moon up.

"Did you, after all?"

If Sharon is going to say it, I guess there is no mistake at last.

Miharu originally liked precious things and could not take Rio's confession.

I guess that's what this is about.

"I confessed before the battle was decided, and I tried to turn it around, but it sounds like the battle was decided from the beginning"

Smaller distortion of the licence so that Rio mocks himself.

Last night, when I heard about Miharu trying to follow me for a long time, I had a faint anticipation.

Though I tried to confess, he said it might already be too late.

No, it was from a previous life that I thought Miharu and Precious might be dating.

What the Spring Man of Tenkawa has continued to regret is his inability to convey his thoughts to Miharu.

So even if Miharu were attached to it for a long time, he decided to confess, and the Spring Man came alive.

The feeling should have remained the same after Rio.


Still, I had a pale hope that if I revealed about my previous life, it might even be possible.

I want to tell him quickly.

I have to tell him quickly.

Because if it was this afternoon, they would say goodbye and I really felt like it would all be too late.

Moved by the thought...

Rio got in a hurry.

I really wanted to write to Miharu before she could say goodbye to me.

"That's a hard one. Tell people what they think."

The voice contained an exhausting sound.

Yeah, let's be reasonable. I've been thinking about the procedure, and it's rarely useful in real life.

When it comes to occasions of need, it also becomes difficult to stay nervous and calm in your thoughts.

Just fix the surface.

"Mr. Hart..."

I spoke to her so that Shark Moon would hear Rio.

"Excuse me. Say something weird"

Smile calmly, Rio apologizes.

But the fist was gripped powerfully.

"With that said, you didn't tell Mr. Sharon. I have to explain it to you."

If you mean to meet Miharu and the others in the future, maybe you should know.

That's why Rio decided to teach in Shark Moon.

"About my last life."

In the king's office, Rio was meeting with François-Galarc.

François sits deeply down in the luxurious seats placed on his upper seat, right beside him is one magnificent Kingsguard knight.

In the lower seat, Rio lowered his back to the chair and several other young Kingsguard knights refrained.

"Your Majesty, this time I give you the glory of prayer, and I know the joy."

Rio greets François with a compliment.

"Mm-hmm. Well done. Looks like Charlotte's been taking good care of you."

François said with a delightful grin.

"It's a terrible thing, but we are very grateful to Charlotte."

"Ha, don't you seem to have become very close to Lord Satsuki as well? As long as you do, you'll have to show your face to the castle on a regular basis in the future and be the two people you talk to."

"Ha. I'm a stranger, but if you both want..."

and while Rio returned it to

(I guess this king had ordered me to move it to Princess Charlotte)

Rio inferred Francois's measures.

Since it is disrespectful to actually ask the truth, the answer is only to know the king of the battle who sits in front of him, but there are a few verses that come to mind.

Rio has now become an honorary knight and formally a member of the Kingdom of Galark.

By bringing Rio and Shark Moon closer together like that, the Kingdom of Galark is looking to tie up Shark Moon - or something.

For that reason, Charlotte was ordered by François to move to bring Rio and Shark Moon closer together - or something.

Now in retrospect, Charlotte and Michelle's friendly approach to Rio as of the second day of the night club may have been part of that.

Michelle and others should not have thought fast (in the near future) that Rio and Shark Moon would dance together on the first day.

There may have been other eyes for surveillance or hand-wounds out of sight.

Even though there was a prehistory of respecting the will, it was only slightly surprising that Miharu's figure was honestly turned over to the Kingdom of St. Stella, but maybe there was a back deal apart from the matter of signing a defensive alliance with Liliana.

I guess it's still quite the food, this guy, and Rio thought so.

And I tend to be frightened that I don't want to get too involved with the royal nobility because of this.

Even if you are acting without difficulty to prevent anything from happening, if you realize it, the royal marquis has found value for use, put you on your thoughts and moved you.

Teenage young aristocrats such as Stiard and Alphonse tend to overact the power vested in them, but as they grow older with their twenties and thirties, so too do those blessings.

The first-class royal nobility moves people cunningly so that they are not enlightened.

Most of the time it is already too late to skilfully squeeze (squeeze) from those who are thus worthy of use and realize that their opponents have been put on thought.

Because the artisan comes fine enough to put a friendly grin on his face and hide a knife in his left hand while seeking to shake his hand with his right hand.

So, what brings you here today?

François spoke with majestic rhetoric, whether he realized that Rio was perceiving his intentions or not.

It's not like anything changes where Rio crushed one of his grudges here.

Rather, for selling fights to kings, it's even likely to blow unwanted causes.

"I have come to offer you a gift of mercy that has made us an honorary knight. And I thought about the family name, so I want you to report it."

And, Rio affectionately puts on a laugh and cuts out an errand.

"Hmm. I'm curious about the family name, but is that what you got?

"Ha. I heard His Majesty could be revealed in a liquor lover, so I brought the liquor from the Yagmo region. I'm not sure it suits your mouth, but I can assure you that it is a very rare item because it is not on the market at this time"

When Rio said so, the colour of curiosity lit François' eyes.

"Wouldn't you do a lot of good? It's a pleasure."

"I'm afraid so. As a matter of fact, this item has been decided to be wholesaled by the Ricca Chamber of Commerce, which is owned by Mr. Reese Lotte, and if you like it, it will be possible to obtain it in the future with your handbook."

"I see. Can we expect more and more from the liquor that Lieselotte deals with? The fact that you can drink before you go to the market is also exciting. Let's try it soon."

"Thank you Happiness"

This time the liquor offered by Rio to François was made by arranging it into Rio, with the knowledge of the spiritual people's liquor brewing and the knowledge of the kingdom of Karaski.

Therefore, it is not a mistake that alcohol is passed down from the Yagmo region.

"Uhm. And what's your family name going to be called?

I nodded at him and asked him, and François looked straight down at Rio.

Family names play an important role, which should also be called the face of the nobility.

Rio previously used the name Hurt as a pseudonym.

Although at first I had a slight resistance to naming a dead human name, if I were to use it as a pseudonym, I might have decided to use it instead.

It may not be a very favorable thing to be getting a title under a pseudonym in this way, even though it is inevitable to stop.

However, if we report the family name here and it is adjudicated by François, Hart's name will henceforth be treated not as a pseudonym along with the family name, but as an official common name.

And when they told me to decide what to make that family name, one candidate was immediately on my mind in Rio's brain.

But can I really use that name?

Rio was even troubled.

Because I felt like if I named it, it would really bring the dead back to life.

Because my identity was shaky and I wasn't confident that I was really a Tenkawa Chun who had nothing but vague things to rely on: losing my flesh and remembering.

But I could also blow it off to some extent when I confessed to Miharu, wrote a letter, and maybe it's not even a very difficult matter to think about.

Because I thought it wasn't who I was that mattered, it was how I felt.

So, Rio names it.

"Amakawa -"

When Rio briefly told him, François caught a small eye, sounding unfamiliar to hear.

"We are going to name him Hart-Amakawa in the future"

Continue and declare in a resolute tone.

François narrowed his eyes softly and gazed at Rio's face.

Slightly, with a hoot of laughter,

"Fine. Halt, in the name of King François Galarc, I hereby officially authorize you to name Amakawa's family name."

Allowed François to give Rio the Amakawa surname.

"I sincerely thank you. His Majesty King François."

Rio bows his head deeply to François.

1000 years of the Holy Calendar, spring, one day.

On this day, beginning at this time, Rio will be the knight of honor of the Kingdom of Galarc, both in fame and in fame.

It was the moment when the Black Knight, Hart-Amakawa, was born.