Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 940

Qin Yilong looked around, saying that soft rice was fragrant, but things were not suitable for him. "High level talent" is not a magic weapon for your own growth.

Of course, there is also "this thing is predestined with me", um

A treasury like this is always a huge windfall. If it is found by outsiders, those that are not suitable will be exchanged with others for suitable things. However, it can't get out of the Beiming, which makes it useless to sit in the treasure house. It still leaves the original owner, Meng Qingying

Of course, it's cheap. His stepfather, Mr. Qin.

In a word, even sad wishes and evil thoughts are not applicable to most things, and there are few applicable to Qin Yi. After all, it is mainly the things of the nether world. Meng Qingying looks around. Her eyes fall on a jade book. She ponders for a moment and hands it to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi felt the innate Qi in the jade book and was surprised: "this is..."

"The book of life and death is the foundation of the judgment of yin and Yang." "You can call it The book of life and death. "

Qin Yi's hands all shook.

It's a bit of a shock If it was the book of life and death that I imagined, it would be a gift from my sister. I could eat it

Tassels jump in the jade book turn over, there is no name in the jade book, a blank.

Tassel said with a smile: "this thing has not been used yet If you link the soul, you can show the merits and sins of your life. It's amazing to reward and punish those who have done so. You can see what you've done in your life, and maybe you can see the past

Qin Yi tried to connect his soul.

The jade Book flickered, but no name appeared.

"Eh?" At the same time, several voices of surprise were heard around him. The shadow of Tassels and Mencius was sad, and he wished Qi Qi "Yi" for a while.

There is no name in the book of life and death.

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes.

Tassel is very surprised, want to try personally, eye drops slip around, but dare not try, pointing to sad wish way: "plate, you come."

Sad wish to say don't call me plate forget it.

He shook his head, reached for the jade book, and tried to input his soul.

The word "sad wish" flashed in the jade book.

"The master of Bodhi temple is sad. There is no previous life. This body is originally a six roulette, which is made for the Phoenix emperor to collect a number of congenital deities and inject the law of reincarnation into it. Eighty eight thousand years ago, the nether world was destroyed, the disk of samsara collapsed and fell to the bottom of Kunlun. He felt the lotus pond and became a spirit. He became the Buddhist idea of liantai. So he went to the wilderness to seek Bodhi, prove his Buddhism, and open up a lineage of Buddhism... "

Then he talked about his attempt to cut three corpses Now.

It's quite a few pages. I'm really clean. I've finished everything.

There are also judgments, but there is no end: this life is not covered, difficult to judge, dead again.

Finally, there is a symbol of Yang Shou: the foundation of gods, samsara as the foundation, Bodhi as the meaning, no life to speak, no death without death.

Sad wish:.... "

Qin Yi's secret way is that even if there's something wrong with sad wishes, there's nothing to hide from this display. He is willing to do so without saying a word to try, openly show to everyone, is really the heart of the light wind and the moon.

It's the dead ball that won't do it. It's fishy.

said that the first mock exam of the sad wilderness has been for thousands of years. There is really nothing to get away with. The Buddha's light is shining, and countless people can be passed. It can be called the first model among all the monks known by Qin. Qin Yi thinks that this is obviously wrong, but the book of life and death thinks it's hard to say until he dies. Another meaning is that he can wash it and see what he will do in the future.

"It's interesting." Qin Yi, such as the treasure to turn to look at: "this is not called, heaven and earth know?"

"Yes." Meng Qingying said: "this is the book of nature, in which the nature of living beings feeds back, and there is a trace of it. The way of heaven is long, people are doing it, and heaven is watching. That's why. "

"After all, we have to connect our souls and souls..." Qin Yi peeked at the tassel and his teeth itched.

Tassel "hum" a, slant a ball not to see him.

Qin Yi ignored it, touched his chin and pondered: "but this is strange. What about me?"

As soon as this was said, the whole room was quiet.

What about Qin Yi?

Why no name?

The only explanation, through the soul, does not belong to this world, so it is not included in this book.

This gives me a headache. If I want to find the way to my body, I still feel the soul of this thing.

Qin Yi shook his head and handed back the book of life and death to Meng Qingying: "since it doesn't work for me, keep it. This should be a very important basis for you to establish the six reincarnations in the previous life."

Meng Qingying thought: "you should keep it for a while. The meaning of life and death in this is beneficial to your chaotic way."

Qin Yi thought it was right, and then put the ring into it: "maybe it's really useful. I don't want to be coquettish with you."

Meng Qingying smiles.Sad wish I didn't want to eat the dog food of my stepfather and stepmother. I pointed to a shelf on the right side, which was also a row of jade books: "that's the research materials of youhuangzong that you want to see here."

Qin Yi went to the front and scanned his mind.

There are a lot of researches, some of which are even very close to modern medicine. According to the records here, you can be a miracle doctor of limb amputation and rebirth directly without even using the immortal method.

In addition, there are many ancient ethnic studies, including Guanxiong, Wuqi, and even Guhuo and Shuangren About their lives, such as the characteristics of why double faced people can change their personalities by turning their heads, all these, and the secret of death or immortality.

Of course, there is no lack of research on the characteristics of normal humans. This kind of normal human refers to the ancient human race. In the mouth of tassel, the "nearer" and "spirit of all things", are not the weak chicken people now. ——On why they are so strong, the reason why they can best fit the way of heaven.

Wait, wait, wait.

It's an ancient Museum.

As for the strength of the ancient human race, the answer is surprisingly simple, but it is reasonable: because the creator is another human race parallel to the universe. The creation of Terrans, of course, is a subconscious thing.

Simple and speechless.

In a word, all kinds of practice of Qin Lang are not studied.

He just quickly sweeps through what he needs, such as how to knead a human body and create a body?

This record No,

"No?" Meng Qingying frowned and puzzled: "this thing is absolutely there. What I have been studying in my previous life, is it sad wish and evil thoughts taken away?"

Sad wish: "may No, It means I haven't seen it. "

The tassel said: "there is a space between you, don't you feel it? Silly bird, isn't this your own way

Meng Qingying:

Tassel disdains a way: "oneself set the powerful space array, isolated the most important thing, the result oneself forgot."

Meng Qingying looks at his head: "yes Some memories are not clear... "

Tassel way: "I force to break open no problem, anyway, here is a relic, nothing to stay."

"It seems that It seems that there will be some self destruction settings. Don't be impulsive. Let me think about it... "

Fringed arms and squint.

Qin Yi's attitude towards tassels is a little difficult to understand. He didn't want to let himself know the origin of his body? So it seems that Bangbang doesn't want to. It can see the condition of the body's blood, but it doesn't know how to form it. So it also wants to explore the source?

"Ah Meng Qingying clapped his hands: "I remember, this array contains the opportunity to block, the starting point is It's outside. "

When they go outside, Meng Qingying's eyes fall on his Zhuo statue, and the whole person is suddenly silly: "yes, I set up a round bead at the beginning, I carry it with me, when I need to, I will embed it in Zhuo's mouth, and the prohibition will be opened But where is this thing now? "

People look at the sad wish and shake their heads.

I'm just a plate. What do you take with you?

Be quiet.

Feeling the tassel disdain of the eyes, Meng light shadow sweat are fast flowing down.

When everything was quiet, Qin Yi hesitated and touched out a stone bead: "look at this Is there any connection? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!