Secret Marriage: The CEO and His Pampered Wife

Chapter 2758

Jiang Nianhua's heart is indeed a great impact, more accurately, perhaps the ultimate fear! That night, even with the help of sleeping pills, she still had nightmares near dawn. She couldn't sleep well and kept mumbling something in her mouth, so that Chi Hegang, who was guarding her by her side, dozed off and was awakened by her. Finally, she pushed her to the side of the bed and held her in her arms, patted her for a long time:

she was brave, It's still a woman after all!


There was no discomfort in her body. Chi he took her to have a detailed examination. After confirming that there was nothing unusual in her body, he believed that she might not have taken the capsule bomb. They were ready to leave the hospital. Because of this, Jiang Nianhua has always hated him, and his attitude towards him is more emotional. If you can ignore him, you can ignore him. When you do, it's half a firearm barrel. It's a standard ice and fire double sky.

Soon after they left the examination room, they ran into Guan Guan, who was accompanied by a policeman. At this time, they were communicating with the doctor: "so she is not in danger now, is she?"

"Well, don't worry, it's not dangerous goods at all. She should have been cheated. There are only some ingredients similar to overpowering drugs in the capsule. Even if they are not discharged, broken and digested, they will only be in a short coma and will not be life-threatening. As for the real experiments you said you had done, I guess it's not a cover up to cheat people. It should be that the capsule is really broken. The ingredients in it play a role and make people temporarily comatose. Maybe the drug ingredients have the effect of slowing down breathing. If you don't check it, you'll take it seriously! This kind of micro bomb is feasible in theory, but it's too dangerous, and the risk of individual difference is very high. What's more, if you really want to put electronic products in the capsule to control it, what high-end technology and equipment are needed? How can ordinary people make it? If you don't believe it, you can go back and check. I'm afraid the controller is just a cover! Don't worry

After hearing the doctor's professional analysis and explanation, Chi he really put down his heart. The key is that he hasn't found the medicine that she said was stuffed near the bed. Although she hasn't found it in her body, she's still a little nervous!

After that, two police officers with Guan Guan also came over, nodded and said hello to them: "Mr. Chi, can you take a step to talk?"

Then, a man went to one side with Chi he and muttered for a long time. When he came back, the two groups of people went their separate ways.

When the three disappeared in the elevator, Jiang Nianhua said, "what did you say? Will they go to jail? "

It seems a bit complicated. Is it a crime? Crime is also an attempt. It's estimated that it's not serious. No matter how much money you have to dredge it, maybe you can't even go to jail!

Chi he hugged her and shrugged unconsciously:

"he didn't say anything, just let you have time to make up a confession. The time of the case was too long. Many evidences were very vague at that time, and now the evidence collection is all right. My suspicion of intentional homicide is barely cleared. Guan Guan's money and sex should have been cheated in vain! As for Guan shuolan, what happened in those years was at most a few words of instigation and no evidence. The kidnapping of you and Guan Guan was not investigated by Guan's parents, and it didn't happen. The police couldn't file a case. Even if the case was filed, it didn't make much sense. It depends on what you mean. I heard that we had better solve it privately and don't give them any trouble! Basically, it's not a good thing to contribute! The outstanding accident case of that year can be settled! "

"So, it's just a fight, and all three of them are OK?"

Frustrated, Jiang Nianhua unconsciously boasted: it's true that the trouble is not small, but it basically does not cause any social impact and financial losses to the public. In the final analysis, it's your love and my wish. Apart from moral condemnation, what can be done legally is really limited.

It's really suspected of murder to start on his car, but it's been five years. The biggest person behind the scenes may be gone, let alone the possibility of investigation.

"No! Those gold bars are not all fake. They are suspected of robbery and illegal financial embezzlement. Guan Guan does not pursue them, and the monitor sees that you are following Guan shuolan on your own initiative. Therefore, it is troublesome to pursue them. In addition, the preliminary expert diagnosis shows that Guan shuolan has a real mental problem, which may be a real "impulsive personality disorder", and the possibility of her bearing criminal responsibility It's relatively low, so just now the police officer explained it to me in detail and suggested that we not waste money and time to investigate. As for preciseness, he and Guan Guan are involved in feelings. They are not clear about their quarrels and are not under the control of the police. Guan Guan will not wait until today if he wants to fight a lawsuit. However, he will inevitably be in prison. He took my gold bar, but there are both human and material evidence. In addition, he has invested and borrowed a lot of money before, and soon someone will chase him for debt, but he will not be able to pay the money. He will be in prison for five or ten years Disaster is inevitable. If we don't pursue it, his life won't be so easy! "

After hearing this, Jiang Nianhua didn't know what kind of mood he was in: did he deserve it? In her mind, such an elegant figure suddenly became a devil in human skin!

Holding her into the elevator, Chi he hugs her and presses her in his arms"Forget him! This kind of person is not worth your emotions at all! He was abandoned when he was born. There is nothing wrong with survival, but every face, every expression and everything he does, whether it is necessary or not, is too selfish for his own survival! He doesn't know love and is most afraid of being abandoned, so he has learned to observe what he says. He is always on the way of abandoning others, and is destined to be abandoned finally! "

Rigorous micro mind is too deep!

This kind of person is polite on the surface, but there is no possibility that he is calculating in his heart. This kind of person is the most terrible!

When they think of each other, they are silent. Jiang Nianhua hasn't spoken for a long time, but his heart keeps shaking and shaking again and again:

to speak of, whether Guan shuolan or rigorous, the distorted ideas and decisions that affect their life are more or less caused by the original family. I really don't know whether they are hateful or pitiful!


It's the end of the matter, but Jiang Nianhua's attitude has also been greatly reversed. Before, she wanted to prepare for the wedding with all kinds of personal efforts. After this, she suddenly faded away and asked nothing. It seems that it doesn't matter whether she can do it or not. Chi he was so frightened that her hair was only missing a lot!