Sealed With Love

Chapter 199 Get Out Of Here

After pacifying her, Spencer released her and went to call the doctor. There were only the two of them in the ward. As soon as Celine turned her head to look at Fiona, her face changed.

If it weren't for Fiona, how could she be caught in such a strange place, and how could she be caught by two men.

Crack! Crack——

All of a sudden, the door of the ward was pushed open. Seeing this, Celine restrained the intense hatred in her eyes. A few doctors followed Spencer came in.

"Check how she is." Spencer pointed at Celine as he asked. A few doctors came over to check her up.

With her eyes closed, Fiona felt a pair of burning eyes staring at her. She frowned and opened her eyes, which met with the eyes of Spencer. It turned out that Spencer looked at Fiona, his eyes full of worry. When he saw that she opened her eyes, he trembled and rushed over to her. He grabbed her hand and asked, "Are you awake, Fiona? Did you really open your eyes? How are you feeling? "

A lump came into her throat. When she looked at the expression on Spencer's face, it suddenly occurred to her that in a dress shop on the street of T Country, they had just met for a short time. It was the most touching time in her life. At that time, she felt that he was the most handsome person in the world and it was a happy thing to know him. But why did he leave her alone to save Celine?

"What? Are you okay? " Noticing that Fiona didn't respond, he asked her again and raised his eyebrows, eyes full of concern.

"Ahem!" All of a sudden, Celine coughed and asked weakly, "Doctor, how do I feel?"

"You have almost recovered. You just need to rest for a few more days." The doctor answered.

Fiona glanced at Celine and didn't say anything. She still stared somewhere without being focused.

"Why don't you talk to me, Fiona?" He felt flustered and held her hand more tightly.

"Mr. Spencer, let me check Mrs. Cheng's condition," The doctor came to the bedside and said to Spencer.

"Okay." Spencer nodded and he didn't want to let go of Fiona.

"I'm fine." Fiona gently opened her mouth and finally said three words, but her voice became unusually hoarse because of her crying last night.

"Another check-up!" Said Spencer firmly.

The doctor nodded and began to do some simple routine examination for her, such as heartbeats and body temperature, while asking, "How do you feel, Mrs. Cheng?"

"I'm fine." Fiona replied indifferently.

"Well..." The doctor wanted to ask about the condition of last night again. He thought for a while and didn't know how to say. So he asked vaguely, "How was last night? Did you still have any, Did you still have any impulsive and necessary? "

It took Fiona two seconds to react. She shook her head and answered, "No, I didn't." She vaguely remembered that she was drugged and she also remembered her abnormal physiological reaction. But later

"Did I take the antidote?" Fiona muttered.

"Yeah, sort of!" The doctor nodded, looked at Spencer and said, "Mr. Spencer worked on your antidote last night. It was

n, you might still be able to stand up..."

"Is it possible for me to stand up?" Suddenly, George laughed at himself and said, "Get out, all of you!"

"But you haven't had any examination yet..."

"Get out!" He suddenly lost his temper and growled at them. He threw all the pillow on the bed out and pulled the needle out of his palm at once. He looked like a furious but injured trapped beast. He roared, "Did you hear that?! Get out of here! "

Dr. Xu frowned and waved his hand to other doctors, then they walked out of the ward silently. In the ward, with a wave of George's long arm, he swept all the things on the bedside cabinet to the ground.

"Ah --" George said in a sad low voice. His voice sounded shrill. He suddenly lifted the quilt and put his unconscious leg on the bedside. He propped his arms up with his bare hands. When he was about to stand up, his legs were completely strengthless. With a sound of "bang", George straightly lay on the ground.

"George!" Outside the ICU, Fiona sadly called out his name, but she was held on the spot by Spencer.

"Don't go in!" Spencer could not bear to look at George now. He slightly tilted his head and said, "He certainly doesn't want others to see him like this."

"George..." Fiona covered her mouth with both hands and closed her eyes, sobbing occasionally.

In the ward, George was lying on the ground, his fists smashing heavily on the floor. After a while, his body trembled. His tall body looked very helpless at the moment!

In an apartment near a university in B country, a young man walked out of the bathroom. He took up a dragon-like necklace on the desk and put it around his neck. He touched the pendant with his slender fingers and seemed to be missing something.


The phone on the table suddenly rang. The man frowned and walked to pick up the phone.

"Oh, Ryan! When will you come back! Bad news! Your brother has done something wrong Your father has been taken away by the police. You'd better return home as soon as possible! "