Sealed With Love

Chapter 195 Be Fiona's Antidote (Part One)

"No!" Fiona shrieked. Her hands grasped tightly on George's clothes. Her eyes were wide open, but rain were streaming down her face, mixed with her tears.

George knew what was happening behind him, but he didn't turn around or stop. He was afraid that once he stopped, he would be unable to lift his feet, as his condition had reached the limit.

"George!" Seeing his pale lips, Eric ran to him and asked, "How's it going? Run! " While speaking, he shot the man who was about to rush at him again.

George nodded and came to the car under the cover of Eric. He opened the door and pushed Fiona into the car immediately and got in.

"Retreat!" After that, Eric rushed to the driver's seat and started the car.

As the members of the base protected Eric and the others, they retreated. At the same time, they threw out the smoke grenades in their hands. Outside the Manor Residence, it was suddenly covered in white. No one could see their fingers.

The most urgent thing to do was to end the fight as soon as possible. Now that Fiona had been saved, they couldn't continue fighting. Moreover, they were in T Country, if they didn't leave early, they might be tied up by Charles and couldn't leave.

"I'm going to save Leona --" Fiona kept shouting in the back of the car, clapping at the window, choking off and on, "Leona!" She just helplessly watched Leona fall down in front of her. At the moment she turned and fell down, she saw the blood at the corners of Leona's mouth and the smile of relief on her face.

"Fiona!" All of a sudden, George reached out his long arm and held her tightly in it. He said in a weak voice, "Going back is the dead end! Leona's dead now. We can't save her! "

"No, no, no! She cried Fiona cried bitterly, and her body was becoming hotter and hotter because of George's embrace.

"Ahem!" Suddenly, he coughed, blood oozing from his mouth. But he still held her tightly, regardless of the wet clothes of them. He had promised to Spencer that he would take her back! However, when he looked at Fiona in front of him, his eyes were lit up. He had made up his mind to protect her, and he would try his best to find her even without Spence

hand, pulled the safety lock with his right hand and loaded the gun. His move was smooth and quick in the next second. Bang! Bang! Bang——

"Ah --" shouted Charles. He held the gun and kept shooting. The sparks flew, the water splashed, and the blood splashed. His eyes looked more fierce in the light smoke, "George, Spencer --"

At the same time, the weather was dull in the southern county base of Z country, but it didn't rain at all.

"Mr. Spencer! Mr. Spencer, you can't go out! " In front of the whistle, Leo stopped Spencer with all his might, and several doctors behind him blocked his way. "George will get Fiona back safe and sound! You are injured now. You can't go out! "

"Get out of my way!" Spencer opened his mouth with red eyes. His face was a mess of mud and blood. When they were at the entrance of the dilapidated check station, he protected Celine safety, but his back was burned by the explosion wave. Half of his back was bleeding. He took Celine back in a hurry, calmed her down, and then helped the doctor bind up his back. He thought Fiona was supposed to come back, but he didn't see anyone...

"Mr. Spencer, you can't go out!" Leo tried his best to persuade him, but his voice was dignified. "Your health is the most important. Do you want to die if you rush to the Manor Residence now?! Although your position is higher than mine, at this moment, I have to suppress you with my identity of an elder! Go back now! "