Science and Technology Library

Chapter 991

The sword of thunder shocked the forest of stars and steles.

The external life is not clear about kulong's strength, but judging from the action, even some famous battle armour masters may not be able to take over. Such strength, but by thunder a sword cut into serious injury.

Thunder stopped in the sky above the forest of stars and steles. The sword in his hand flashed with a strong momentum. The eyes of the armour were cold and arrogant, strong and uninhibited.

He did not move, but shocked the audience, giving a strong sense of oppression.

Around countless lives look up at the thunder, eyes in awe.

Since his rise, his name is always weak pupil green, now many life just know that this is the real strength of thunder.

All the life of Thor civilization can't help but shout and look up at the thunder with blazing eyes.

This is their king.

Strong, arrogant, unruly, fearless.

This is the character of their Thor civilization.

Their king stood at the center of the universe's attention with the capital of heaven. This figure was deeply engraved in the hearts of every people of Thor civilization, and became their new belief.

"He already has Dan's shadow."

"The Raytheon civilization has such a king, is also a kind of luck."

The lives of the onlookers whisper.

The performance of thunder just now shocked countless lives. When thunder was just in power, many life doubted whether this young Thor clan could manage the huge Thor civilization.

At this time, like the God of war, thunder, let the outside world convinced.

In the era of battle armour, force was one of the conditions to be convincing.

At this time, the thunder was floating in the air, turning a deaf ear to everything around. His attention has been standing on Chen Mo in front of the ripples in space.

As he prepared for his next move, four figures suddenly appeared, blocking his front.

Ku Yao, Ku Liu Yun, Ku Chu Xin, Ku Shi.

Four guardians.

"Sir, stay here." Kuyao, with his spear in his hand, looked directly at the thunder.

The other three gods, Weimo, were silent, but the spears in their hands flashed.

The Shenwei who can follow Chen Mo are the most powerful group in the Shenwei team. They are not afraid of any life.

Thunder did not seem to see the appearance of God guard, eyes are still in the mirage.


Chen Mo is indifferent to everything around him. He is waiting for the opening of the space opening.

He can't leave here. Once the Tianxing secret room is opened, Mo Nu will become the target of public criticism. They are about to face more and more terrible enemies.

Space ripples are expanding, and the mirage scene is becoming clearer and clearer.

Every second, the ripples in the space will become more and more intense, and the fluctuations will become larger and larger. This is similar to Space folding recovery, each moment releases huge energy fluctuations and spatial fluctuations.

With the increasing volatility, the figure of Mo girl is becoming more and more clear.

You can almost see the real face.

But touch with your hands, you will find that you can't touch yourself at all. They are not in the same space.

At the same time, Chen Mo is still browsing the contents of the book handed back by Mo nu.

A conjecture about the existence of life in the fourth dimension of the universe, and in the book, how to control time, space, basic particles and energy.

In the fourth dimension of life, Chen Mo is now stepping into the door with half a foot.

Time, space, elementary particles and energy are the essence of the universe. He has the ability to control them, but lacks a key.

This key, sometimes, is just an inspiration.

As for the emergence of touch, it can be anything.

The essence of time is the constant movement and change of basic particles, and all of these need consciousness to feel.

The aging of life is the trace of time, that is, the particles in the body of life are moving and changing.

When the stone is weathered, the particles are also moving and changing.

Without the space of matter particles and consciousness particles, there is no time, because there is no matter movement, and there is no consciousness to feel the change of time.

The cosmic particles are constantly moving, and the combined time axis is forward.

Time reversal is to restore all the particles of the universe to the position and form of the last second. In the view of consciousness, it is time reversal.

We can see how difficult it is to restore all the matter particles and energy of the whole universe to the position and shape of the last second at the same time.

Only higher dimensional life, which can control all cosmic particles, can control time in this way. Just as life can control the timeline of virtual reality world, program algorithm is the soul of virtual reality.

In order to control all particles in the universe, higher dimensional life needs to find out the "program algorithm" of material essence.

And it is consciousness that can feel the change of time.

Consciousness particle is the fourth dimensional matter.

Matter in the third dimension can not escape the bondage of time, space, basic particles and energy, while consciousness can transcend time and space. It is faster than a beam of light and is not constrained by the highest speed of normal matter. It can imagine and create objects that are not available in the existing material universe and transform matter.The time in the physical universe can't flow back autonomously, but the time in the conscious universe can know the reverse flow or accelerate at will.

Let all the particles in the universe control the consciousness at the same time. This consciousness is the "program algorithm" of the universe.

Consciousness particle is the fourth dimensional matter.

Chen Mo has no feeling for all conjecture theories, but is shocked by this short sentence.

Chen Mo enters a very mysterious state.

He can see that every particle in the atmosphere is moving. As far as he can see, there is no color and no temperature in the world. Everything is made up of particles.

Only the mass of conscious matter in life is constantly beating.


Thunder's armour has some scars. The sword in his hand is dim with short pulse laser, and the gaps are all over the place.

He hasn't broken through the joint interception of the four guards.

The cooperation between the four Shenwei made him feel headache. They all belong to Shenwei, they are unknown, let thunder surprise, their fight is very tacit understanding, close cooperation, make up for each other's short board.

"It's terrible to stop the four of us from joining hands." Kuchu heart's voice is full of admiration.

Before that, they met can resist their joint life, only one instructor Jingge. Their cooperation in close combat was taught by drillmaster LAN. On the primitive planet, they had experienced a lot of tempering with bare hands.

The life that can be a Thor civilization is really not an ordinary life.

It's terrible.

The expression of Ku Liu Yun and Ku Shi is dignified.

But attention never dares to leave the thunder.

Just now Ku Long's sword was cut into a serious wound. They dare not take it lightly.

Kuyao is the most calm one. He has experienced the attack and siege of the underworld civilization. He has seen the legendary purple emperor easily block the siege of eight top battle armour elites, and he is not surprised to see thunder blocking the four of them.

The top of the list of lives, are very terrible.

The other guards of Raytheon civilization were entangled, because the strength gap was not too big, so although the Shenwei fell into the downwind, there was no danger in a short time. Jingge's situation is worse than thunder, surrounded by six battle a divisions, strength and momentum is not weaker than thunder.

Fortunately, there are not many guards following thunder this time.

The battle was a little fierce,

Thunder looks a little embarrassed, but he can feel the cells of the body become more excited, and the thunder light transmits between the flesh and blood, making his momentum more powerful.

He evaluated the ability of Chen Mo's guard, but he underestimated the other side.

The force value of these four guards is not weaker than that of the one just now. After long-term training, the four guards are extremely tacit.

Their ability is very strange. It seems that they can predict his next move in advance. Before he starts, they will cooperate with each other tacitly to defuse his attack and even counter attack him.

In his impression, this kind of special ability similar to foreknowledge can only be found in the life of the endless sea.

The four God guards, placed in other places, are absolutely famous in battle armour.

Even if the other four people, thunder is still not afraid, the heart of the war is constantly climbing, with the rising war spirit, his body's lightning flow faster.

It's the ability of Thor civilization to fight more bravely.

He suddenly raised his sword in his hand and looked at Ku Yao.

As the battle spirit continued to climb, his momentum became stronger and stronger. The thunder light under his skin seemed to be activated, and his body was like drum thunder, accompanied by thunder.

They feel more and more dangerous.

Just as the thunder was ready to start, a wave came from behind, and a strange hum appeared.

All life turns to the source of activity and stillness.

For a moment, the eyes of all life were blazing.