Science and Technology Library

Chapter 847

Chen Mo is in a production workshop. The robots here are fully automated. Large circular instruments are printed out with a diameter of more than 40 meters.

These instruments are the most important parts of the spatial connector.

In the small universe, Chen Mo developed space connector technology, and now he has a complete technical reserve. Only enough materials are needed to complete the manufacturing. So the construction speed of spatial connector is not slow, the main structure is completed, and the rest is to install these special parts.

The use of space connectors requires two different frequencies of space to connect, such as the connection between the small universe and the main universe. The space trap changes the frequency and amplitude of the space, and the inner space of the galaxy cannot be folded, which is different from the main universe.

If there is no space trap, the space connector can only be used to communicate the main universe and the small universe, but not the channel between the two galaxies, because the space of all galaxies in the main universe is of the same frequency.

Chen Mo has seen some of the history and events of the universe alliance.

One hundred and sixty million years ago, there was a humanoid life called Eisenhower. He put forward a bold concept of "universe village": using space traps to close some inanimate barren galaxies, changing the space frequency of galaxies, making a large number of space connectors at the edge of galaxies, as the traffic center of the universe, using the space connectors in galaxies to connect all corners of the universe It can greatly reduce the risk and time of long-distance space jump. In the shortest time, shuttle to every corner of the universe.

Once the concept was spread, it once caused a huge stir in the universe alliance. Until now, there is still life praising the idea of "flying in the sky".

Because with the technology of divine civilization, the concept of "cosmic village" can be realized. This means that any ordinary life can travel all corners of the universe without spending too much star money.

But the ideal is full, the reality is bone feeling.

The seven divine civilizations rejected this idea and joined forces to suppress it. The reason is very simple.

The divine civilization does not want to make the space connection technology public, because the space connection technology can find the small universe, and can connect the small universe of the divine civilization. In case the space frequency of the divine civilization small universe leaks, the top-level civilization in charge of space destruction technology uses space connection to connect the divine civilization small universe, and puts space destruction weapons inside, which can threaten the status and safety of the divine civilization.

So the technology of spatial connection has not been controlled by other civilizations. Even the top civilizations dare not take it out openly, for fear of being swallowed up by the divine civilization.

Chen Mo first thought of using space connector technology to leave the system when he was sure that the system was blocked by space traps. Now this dilemma is to consider the issue of escape rather than the suppression of divine civilization.

The key component of the connector is the spatial amplitude meter in front of his eyes.

The space amplitude device can adjust the amplitude of space frequency to the same space frequency as the main universe, thus opening the space barrier.

Due to the need to bear the squeeze and pull of space, dark matter synthetic materials are necessary.

Now, the dark matter extraction plant has been mass produced, and the spatial amplitude device is being manufactured and assembled. After that, it needs to be tested and confirmed to be able to be installed on the spatial connector.

Now that space connector in space needs at least two million amplitudes.

"How high is the production now?" Chen Mo asks Mo nu.

"The average output per day is 22000, and 570000 have been produced. It will take about 65 days to reach the target." Mo Nu gives an answer. Like this kind of workshop, 300 of them have been built on the planet, all serving the spare parts of space connectors.

"65 days?"

Two and a half months. It's a fast time, but it's a little nervous.

Ever since the news that the endless sea civilization is stationed here has been spread, more and more spaceships and life around the stellar system have taken this place as a hope of escape.

After killing the dark forest's oder, the life outside was shocked for a short time, not daring to act rashly, but there was also a potential threat. No one knows if there are any other warriors or other people with ulterior motives lurking in the dark forest civilization.

There are a steady stream of non light speed ships and battle armour coming behind. In case of life mutiny outside in the past 60 days, it will be troublesome. Hundreds of billions of lives mutiny, unless this stellar system is destroyed, otherwise impossible to prevent them to come in.

In the face of death and the threat of non freedom, life will lose its rationality.

Now we have to find a way to deal with the crowd outside.

"Mogo." Thinking, Mo female interrupts him: "Shui Ling looks for you. She brings a humanoid to join Saturn."

"Eh? Let them in. "

Chen Mo turns and leaves the workshop.

Shuiling enters chenmo's base with a strong looking humanoid. Her bronze skin looks very dignified. She has a knife like face with clear edges and corners. There are two finger long bone angles on her forehead.

Judging from temperament, Chen Mo is sure that this person is not an ordinary life, but a superior person.Wait for water Ling to introduce, Chen Mo knows, own guess is right.

"This is fan Yun, the leader of Yunzhou civilization. Yunzhou civilization is an indigo civilization. Mr. Fan Yun was born in a mediocre background. He first shaped the Yunzhou civilization and built it into an indigo civilization. He is a close friend with his teachers. This time, I came to visit my friends and gathered for the fun. I was trapped here. "

Shuiling introduces them.

"This is Mr. Mochen, the current master of the stellar system."

"Hello." Chen Mo held out his hand first and shook hands with the earth.

Tea cloud also extended his hand and shook hands with Chen mo. there are countless civilizations in the universe alliance. All the rituals he has seen will not be unexpected. The handshake is one of the common rituals in the universe civilization.

"Hello, Mr. Mochen is really young and promising." Tea cloud looked at Chen Mo, and boasted a word, which was sincere boast.

According to the average life of top civilizations for thousands of years, Chen Mo's age is only the initial stage of students for them. As you know, it will take 50 years for students of top-level civilization education to be in the school stage alone.

It's hard to imagine that such a young life would dare to challenge the authority of dark forest civilization and be treated equally by Kun Fu.

Chen Mo's Jingge is the first division to defeat oder. He can't help but take a high look at the battle picture. He has seen it. There is no doubt that he is an expert. Even he is not sure that he will surpass Jingge.

"Hello." Tea cloud also reaches out to Jingge.

"Well." Jingge also reached out, but his eyes were fixed on the tea cloud. This man feels a little dangerous to him. He should be a master. Out of habit, he instinctively defends himself and his eyes are still cold.

"What's the matter with Mr. Deyun this time?" Chen Mo interrupts their gaze.

"Let me talk." Shuiling took the lead in saying, "Mr. Deyun is hoping to bring his men in. He can promise to give you the command of the 500 senior war Division A and other weapons that followed him this time, including Mr. Deyun himself. He is also a top class division

"Oh?" Chen Mo looks at the tea cloud in surprise: "yes, more people and more power."

With a relaxed smile, he said, "does Mr. Mochen have a headache about the spacecraft gathering outside the stellar system?"

"It's a bit of a worry." Chen Mo didn't give a nod.