Science and Technology Library

Chapter 706

Chen Mo's battle armour is painted in black, with dark red marching ant logo in front of it. It has lines with metal texture and sense of science and technology. It is tall and straight, with cold pupils, mysterious and powerful. The battle armour of Mo Nu is painted in purple with black marching ant logo on the chest. The line of battle armour is soft, noble and perfect.


At this moment, people around the world are unbelievable in front of the live news pictures.

Iron man?

These three words come to mind of countless people.

The equipment in science fiction movies appears in front of them, although the world is science fiction enough now.

A thrilling way to appear.

Two people stand there, just like the center of the world.

Just drinking the freshly brewed coffee, Tom saw the picture coming back from the scene, shaking his hands with fear. The hot coffee fell on the root of his thigh. In the office, there was a sound of pain and noise.

Half a minute later, the office was quiet.

Tom was staring at the screen, sweating.

They have planned all the ways to get out, including the top guard team.

This scene is far beyond all their plans.

Chen Mo has been able to make war armor.

"All actions cancelled, all actions cancelled." There was a tremor in Tom's voice when he gave the order.

Once he doubted whether the strange death of the former director was related to Chen Mo, and now he has to be more skeptical. Because he knew that director Linna was going to report on Chen Mo's plan.

All the people who have big ideas in the dark see Chen Mo's armor coming from the sky, and most of Chen Mo's thoughts of assassinating him disappear.

With the cancellation of the task by the secret hands, the people in the secret also have no idea. Chen Mo's technology, and they are not at the same level, the consequences of moving Chen Mo will be very tragic.

The scene of Zhan Jia's appearance, through the global live broadcast, appears on every big guy's case table that pays attention to Chen mo. Chen Mo's technology is like a bottomless hole. No one will ever know what his next technology is.

When several black eagles landed on a single aircraft, Chen Mo and Mo Nu's armor opened and came out of it.

Countless scenes, record this scene of history.

No one cares if this is the space conference. There's enough news.

Today, before the start of the space conference, Chen Mo's most powerful steel and armor technology has been exposed, which is like the most important technology conference.

"It's so handsome. I want to have a pair of steel armour in my dream. All men's dreams have been realized by Chen mo."

"It's the man."

"It's so handsome. I'm going to give Chen Mosheng monkey."


"It's so powerful, I can't stand it. I like Chen Mo so much. Why is he not my husband? Wuwuwu...... "

"All the female assistants around him have war armour, and that woman is so beautiful, so envious, I don't live anymore."

See this scene of handsome men and girls, are extremely crazy.

The fanaticism of men to war armour and the fantasy of girls to the strong are more terrifying than any star. Chen Mo stands there in battle armor, which is the focus of the world.

"Handsome again."

fishing make complaints about the live broadcast, and can't help Tucao, but the eyes turn round and bright.

"You ha ha, someone's mouth is scolding, but his heart is very happy. He is proud of his man. You are duplicity, Ms. Xiaoyu. " Zhao Min nearby joked.

"I've become the public enemy of countless women. I knew I'd dress him a little ugly." Xiao Yu stares at the Chen Mo in the live broadcast, his eyes curved into crescent moon: "come back and let him sleep on the floor."

"I can tell from your unpromising appearance that he must have been waiting on you." Zhao Min deliberately chews the tone of a word and smiles with a flourish.


At the gate of the conference center, nialie and Alexander witnessed the whole process. At this time, niali, looking at Chen Mo with her eyes shining, looks like a little girl.

See Chen Mo come over, nialie directly trot up, like to see the idol of small fans.

"Chen, my name is niali. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, Princess nialie." Chen Mo shook hands politely.

"You were so handsome and charming just now. Can I make a friend with you?" Niyali looks at Chen Mo expectantly and completely forgets her identity as a princess. Just now, when Chen Mo landed in battle armor, he was so handsome. Now when he saw the real person, his heart began to beat faster.

"Of course." Chuckled Chen Mo, who also said hello to Alexander.

"I'll take you in." Like a passionate little fan, niali leads Chen Mo into the International Conference Center.

As soon as he entered the International Conference Center, Chen Mo became the focus of all media cameras. Black Hawk, Anan and other guards are around Chen Mo, playing 12 points to pay attention to the surrounding people.

As soon as they entered the International Conference Center, the staff in charge of the conference came up, but they did not see Princess niali's eyes, leading Chen Mo to the security checkpoint.Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

Chen Mo sends out an alarm through the induction door.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

Before they came up to stop Chen Mo, Mo NV followed Chen Mo through. The alarm rang again, and the staff members on the scene were embarrassed. The atmosphere was also a little embarrassed. Their eyes were fixed on Chen Mo and Mo NV.

Before they could stop Chen Mo and Mo Nu, they were stared back by Princess niali, who was stunned.

They dare to stop others. This God can't provoke them.

Chen Mo didn't stop to accept the examination. Princess nialie was following her. The security personnel could only pretend that they didn't hear the alarm just now.

Chen Mo enters with weapons?

Waiting for the reporters near the security gate to take this picture, collective silly eyes.

At this time, who dares to stop Chen Mo from checking?


"It's OK to pass through the special passage. Now the security check is a bit awkward, hahaha..."

"Chen Mo said: do you dare to search me? Ha ha... "

Some melon eaters gloated and discussed.

Seeing this scene, Jim and young Werner and others are collectively closed.

I didn't think Chen Mo would be there. Now Chen Mo is not only there, but also in the most high-profile way to show his powerful technology. Now he is also carrying illegal items.

Not only Chen Mo, but also the beautiful assistant beside him.

If there's a conflict in the meeting, aren't they very dangerous?

Several people are already in doubt.

The security authorities dare not stop Chen Mo and his woman from coming for a search. They are asking for nothing.

"The meeting is about to begin. Let's go now." Jim, with a black face, led the crowd to the central conference hall.

With the arrival of Chen Mo, all the people invited to the conference have arrived.

This is a time of chaos. The largest space conference is held in the presence of the world's top space scientists, astrologists and space research experts, as well as Chen Mo, the technology leader.

Compared with the past, extraterrestrial space exploration technology has made great progress.

Chen Mo's case of transforming Mars shows the horror of its technology to the outside world. The next step for mankind is the sea of stars.

This universal space conference is also an important conference for human beings to reach the sea world of stars.

A round table.

Chen Mo sits in his position, and Mo Nu sits quietly beside him. They represent the marching ant group.

The atmosphere is a little strange. Except for the domestic representatives and a few friendly representatives, other people look at Chen Mo unfriendly, as if Chen Mo robbed them of hundreds of millions.

All the momentum and pressure came to Chen Mo's side.

The air is filled with a heavy smell.

Chen Mo looks at the space agreement prepared by the conference.

"Next meeting begins." Jim, as the sponsor of the conference, took the lead.


Chen Mo interrupts Jim. Let everyone breathe.

The representatives of the round table, the guests and the audience participating in the meeting, and the lens of all journalists all focused on Chen mo.

Jim, who was interrupted, also had a dark face.

"Before the conference, I would like to ask, is it a fist or a reason?"

When this happened, everyone turned black.

Fist? You have illegal weapons, battle armor, countless advanced weapons, and Mars is under your control. Who will fight with you?

"No one to answer?"

"We are talking about space agreements, of course Said young Werner, gnawing his teeth.

"Well, then you go on."

Jim's suit was all right, and his mouth watered.

"Members of COPUOS and representatives of countries, organizations and enterprises were present. This space conference is to formulate rules for human exploration of space. Now the existence of aliens has been confirmed. In the future, mankind will surely carry out large-scale deep space exploration, so we must unite.

What is in your hands is a new space agreement drafted in accordance with the outer space law, which adds the Mars agreement. This space conference is to hope that you will sign this agreement, which will serve as a guideline for human exploration of space in the future. If you have any objection to the treaty agreed, you can put it forward and discuss it together. "

Chen Mo put the agreement in his hand.

"There are objections."