Science and Technology Library

Chapter 632

In Russia, a top secret underground experimental base, a dozen people are in the Supercomputer Center.

It includes Russia's president, defense minister, head of the security service, and a dozen core leaders in artificial intelligence research.

In front of them is an independent server, which is connected to the hard disk and U disk secret key of "Tianzhao" obtained from the island country.

For these two things, they paid a lot of money. Fortunately, they succeeded.

Now the island nation is breaking off with them.

It doesn't matter to them.

Anyway, the two countries, because of the four islands and the United States, have never been normal. The islanders dare not fight at all. If they dare to treat them, they don't mind letting them know why the flowers are so red.

As for American sanctions, they are even more afraid.

Every time, it's sanctions. Although they suffer a little, they can't hurt the root. They were already in the situation of high-pressure sanctions. Now, there are too many lice to worry about itching.

Some losses, in exchange for an artificial intelligence technology, it is very cost-effective, so they choose to take risks.

"Copy succeeded."

Prompt on the screen, let the spirit of the people present a shock.

The first rocheskye is to click and copy the successful files, folders, and a section of AI program code.

Chinese programming language and a variety of languages combined to form a program, do not understand people, is simply a face ignorant. But for the rochesky couple, these millions of lines of code are the most beautiful works of art.

After the Chinese programming language came out, they all learned it. Unexpectedly, the islanders have learned to integrate the Chinese programming language with the traditional computer language to form the current program.

Rocchisky had to admire it.

"Try running it."

After removing the hard disk, the AI team began to try to run in the computer.

Copy of the computer, is independent, do not worry about these programs are viruses, will invade their computers.

"Artificial intelligence Tianzhao, glad to serve you."

When the computer rang in Japanese, several people on the field smiled and immediately changed it to Russian and ran it again.

"It's true."

More than a dozen AI members all smiled pleasantly. Russia's president, defense minister and head of the security service, Leonov, all showed a glimmer of joy.

It's not in vain to make such a fuss.

"What do I need to do next?" Asked Leon of the security service.

"We need to make some necessary program changes to this AI, such as name, default language and control key, to turn it into our AI completely, then test its intelligence and various security tests, and then research and improve it according to our AI research progress." Said Rocchi.

After all, it's the island country's things. Before they are confirmed to be successful, even if they have already been in their hands, they dare not use them indiscriminately.

But intuition tells them that the intelligence of this "sky light" is absolutely not low, otherwise the islanders will not be hysterical and tear their faces.

"Hard disk and secret key should be kept in the laboratory for a period of time. Only secret key can copy the program. We need to use it to modify the program, and the program of secret key also needs to be reprogrammed."

"Good." Leo nodded.

They won't be as stupid as the island countries to let AI programs leave the base.

The security here will definitely be upgraded again. This is a high-tech secret research and development base. No one can take anything from it without the authorization of the president and the Secretary of defense.

"Does the president need to give AI a name?" Locksky looked at the Russian President around him, and others on the field looked at him, waiting for him to speak.


The Russian President, who had been quiet for a long time, finally spoke, with an inner and outer Majesty in his voice.


"What is the president's attitude now?"

Tom looks at Nick in the video, a little serious.

He knew that the president was still furious because of their failure and exposure. Although the island states have not announced their existence, they can deny it, but both sides know it.

And this time, they were shaded. It was Russia, their enemy.

It's a great shame for them.

"The president is still very angry, or the same request, to get the AI program, now can use any means." Nick said.

They are very urgent for advanced AI technology. Now the AI of island countries is likely to be acquired by Russia, and they have to acquire it, otherwise they will be led by Russia. How can they still be the world leader?

"By any means?" Tom's eyes twinkled. "Including the pressure on the surface?"

"Yes, but it's better to have a good reason." Nick said, "do you have a plan?""It's better for us to play a network virus crisis by ourselves, and then say it's done by the island countries, put pressure on them, and hand over the team of Murakami. Because of the last virus crisis, Murakami should be imprisoned in theory and forbidden to study artificial intelligence, and we have evidence that they are participating in the research freely, so we have enough reasons to find trouble. " Said Tom.

Originally, the plan was within the scope of their plan, but the state forces should be used. At the beginning, they said they didn't want to make too much noise. They tried to keep a low profile and do things in secret, so the plan became an alternative.

Now the last scheme fails, and AI is stolen by Russian agents. The island countries' protection of AI will surely reach an unprecedented high level. It is impossible to obtain AI by special means.

Now we can only use yangmou.

"This is the easiest way to get Ai, but in this way, we may have to face the island countries." Tom reminds me.

"Tear your face?"

Nick thought about it.

He is the president's chief think tank, and his opinion is very important. As long as he suggests, the president is more than 70% likely to adopt it.

He is now considering the cost of Tom's plan.

The first plan failed. The island countries have found out their actions, but they have not chosen to release them to the public.

All along, both sides have their own thoughts.

In recent years, they have controlled the economy and politics of the island countries. The island countries are not comfortable with their control in private. If they want to get rid of the control, it is because of some interest cooperation at most, which has always been a seeming divorce.

This incident has completely opened a gap between the two sides, but on the surface, the two sides have maintained a relationship without breaking through each other, maintaining a tacit understanding.

"I'll consult with the president."

After careful consideration, Nick hangs up the video call.

Tom sat in the office and began to wait quietly. After the last plan was exposed, the two sides were already torn apart. He knew that the president would probably agree to the plan.

Because the news of the next election has confirmed that the president's daughter is one of the most vocal candidates, and she has enough reputation, popularity and experience. The survey shows that the possibility of successful election is very high, probably the first female president of their country.

It's the best opportunity for the president to prepare for them to be strong again and for his daughter to be elected.

It's a critical moment for China to take the lead and the world's technology is changing. The most important AI technology must be mastered as soon as possible.

Sure enough.

Half an hour later, Nick called again.

"The president agrees with your plan, and Washington will cooperate with you, but you need to send in the detailed plan a week before the start."

"OK." Tom agreed at once.

The islanders did not know that in their hysterical war of words with Russia, a pressure on them had been put forward.