Science and Technology Library

Chapter 606

"Academician Chen, are you sure it's true?"


"Is the moon god 1 sure to return today?"

"OK." Chen Mo nodded and smiled helplessly: "academician Zhang, you have asked five times in an hour since you came here. I feel that you are more anxious than me."


Zhang Jianfeng grinned and looked out of the window at the horizon, looking forward to the return of moon 1.

"How many moonstones and moonloam did you bring back this time?"

"Not much, only 26 kg." Chen Mo said, "give you 10kg."

"That's enough."

Zhang Jianfeng's face is as bright as a chrysanthemum.

In the black market, the price of one gram of Yueyan is six figures, and there is no market for the price. It can be imagined how much the value of 10 kg of Yueyan is.

He felt how lucky he was to cooperate with Chen Mo in the lunar exploration project. Given a piece of data as an investment, now the return is far beyond their investment.

Time passed in the waiting. In the command center, report the location of yueshen-1 every two minutes.

Half an hour later, Chen Mo's side of the Mo woman just opened up.

"Mercer, Luna 1 has returned, about two thousand meters above the base, and is descending."


Chen Mo also had some expectations and led Zhang Jianfeng out of the command room.

Xiao Yu and Mo Nu are also behind them.

Out of the command center, to the edge of the airport, all looked up to the sky. In the public's vision, we can't see the shadow of the moon god 1.

"There it is."

Mo Nu points to a black spot under the clouds.

Sesame size, do not look carefully, will not find is the moon god 1.

Zhang Jianfeng is a little nervous and his eyesight is not very good. He still stares at the sky, hoping to find it.

A minute later, the moon god 1 lander slowly magnified in the public's view. Luna 1, slightly larger than the water tank, is descending vertically with blue fireworks at the bottom.


Finally saw the moon god 1, Zhang Jianfeng instant excited, he has recognized, no doubt.

This is the first time that the moon rocks and soil on the back of the moon have been brought back to the earth.

Due to the particularity of the lunar back, the research value of these lunar soils and lunar rocks is slightly higher than that of lunar rocks brought back from the United States.

The moon god 1 hovered two meters from the airport, with the landing gear extended and the ion engine shut down.


The moon god 1, which landed steadily on the ground, marks the official return of moon rocks and earth on the back of the moon.

At the next moment, the intelligent machines and staff on the ground will quickly encircle the moon god 1, take it back to the transport vehicle, and return to the Research Institute of the space center.

"Go and have a look."

Chen Mo led the way into the Research Institute.

Through the glass window, you can see that in the laboratory, the robot has taken out the sealed cans collecting lunar soil and lunar rock, and is carrying out disinfection and cleaning work.

Ordinary people can't get close for the time being, because they just came back from the moon. They are not sure if there are any mutated bacteria or the like in space.

Ten minutes later, after thorough cleaning, the sealed cans were sent to the sterile and dust-free laboratory.

"At last we can see the moon rock."

Zhang Jianfeng was very excited, wearing protective clothing, after disinfection, can't wait to enter the laboratory. What they put in the vacuum glass jar is the moon rock and the moon earth that their team dream of, or the moon back.

Before in the world, only the United States had the ability to acquire Moonstone. Now, another one is a private company in China.

Although it's not their team, it's also something to be happy about, proving that Huaxia's technology is now powerful.

"Academician Chen, what is your next space exploration plan? Is it convenient to say? " Asked Zhang Jianfeng.

"Now we are expanding the flying ant Space Center, and we will build a space station next. Provide locations for our company's space tourism programs and my research projects. "

Chen Mo said without hesitation.

"The next big plan is to find a suitable place on the moon and establish a lunar base. At the same time, I will build a larger space plane to prepare for future moon travel and exploitation of the moon's resources. But before that, I need to find a way to use moon rock and moon soil as building materials. "

Chen Mo refers to the moon rock in the vacuum tank.

If you want to build a base on the moon, you have to find a way to use the lunar soil as a building material for 3D printing. If you simply transport materials from the earth in the past, the superpower can't stand this kind of consumption.

He has the technical support of the science and Technology Library. It is not very difficult to use lunar soil as 3D printing material.


Zhang Jianfeng is frightened by Chen Mo's courage.

This kind of big plan, even a big country, is also a concept at this stage. Chen Mo, just a private company, dare to have the courage to claim to build a lunar base.If there is a problem, even a big company like the March ant group can be dragged down.

But considering the helium-3 and other rare minerals on the moon, as well as its significance, Chen Mo has that kind of scientific and technological strength, which seems to be nothing wrong.

If Chen Moshen succeeds in building the moon base and developing the resources on the moon, his personal wealth will reach a terrible level.

"During this period, I will continue to put more exploration robots into the moon to find the right place to build the base. What instruments do your team need to put in? I can help."

"Our lunar exploration engineering team is also preparing to launch Chang'e Lander in the near future. This mission is also to obtain samples of lunar rocks and lunar soil. You may need to provide some technical consultants at that time. " Said Zhang Jianfeng.

Chen Mo's success in obtaining samples of Yueyan does not mean that they are also successful.

This is the original plan of the lunar exploration engineering team, which will not be abandoned because Chen Mo successfully gets back the samples.

"No problem." Chen Mo said.

After handing over 10 kg of Yueyan and yueloan to Zhang Jianfeng, Chen Mo sent him away from the flying ant Space Center, followed by Chen Mo and Xiaoyu.

"Where to go on holiday? You decide or I decide? " Asked Chen mo.

Now just came back from space, the doctor told him to take a rest and eliminate the space fatigue. Although he is in charge of major issues, Xiaoyu never compromises on such issues concerning his body and life. Chen Mo can only rely on her.

"You can decide where you want to go, just rest." Xiaoyu said.

"Take you and matchless home for a few days, and then go out to play."


"Is Yueyan coming?"

"Just delivered." Li Ruoxi nodded, "does the boss come to announce himself?"

"He just came back from space, and the doctor said to have a rest. Xiaoyu was staring too hard. You should know Xiaoyu. At this time, I dare not rob her, or I will die." Zhao Min said with a smile.

Chen Mo's body has happened several times, which frightened them at that time. Now every time there is a problem about Chen Mo's body, Xiaoyu will never compromise.

Li Ruoxi smiled and understood immediately.

She and Xiaoyu are close friends who have nothing to say. Xiaoyu is gentle and uncontested. She is usually gentle, but she really believes it, but she is stubborn, and it's still about Chen mo.

"Let's go."

Zhao Min looks at the time and steps out of the background, followed by Li Ruoxi and Lanxi.

The press conference of March ant group was crowded.

Every reporter's face is full of expectation. March ant group announced yesterday and held a press conference today.

Even on the day of Chen Mo's safe return from space, the March ant group did not hold such a grand conference, or even invited reporters to the scene. Today's sudden conference must be more important than Chen Mo's return from the sky.

We have known the style of the March ant group since the previous press conference. The important news will not be released until the last moment, so they do not know what the important news of the March ant group will be released.

At the next moment, when Zhao Min came out from the backstage, the reporters on the stage were excited.

Zhao Min was present in person.

Judging from the previous press conference, Zhao Min personally appeared at the scene, without any ordinary news.

"Today's invitation is an important announcement."

Zhao Min stepped on the stage of the conference and went straight to the theme.

She looked at the opening, and the staff carefully carried a box into the middle of the stage.

Uncovering the red cloth is a stone covered with a glass ball. It is the size of a fist. It looks like a rotten fossil. There is nothing special about it.

"What is this?"

"A fast weathered stone?"

"Nothing special? Is it any special material? "

The eyes on the field were attracted by the stone in an instant, which did not see anything special.

When people were full of doubts, Zhao Min spoke again.

"Just an hour ago, the lunar god-1 lander launched by our group to the back of the moon successfully returned to the flying ant Space Center after obtaining the lunar rock samples on the surface of the back of the moon. The rock in front of you is a sample of lunar rock taken from the back of the moon. This is the first time that man has obtained samples of rocks and soil from the back of the moon. "


Originally confused scene, instant frying pan.