Science and Technology Library

Chapter 437

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Chen mo."

"Me too, Princess shivery."

"Congratulations to Mr. Chen Mo on his award."

"Thank you."

Shivery uses less standard Chinese, Chen Mo uses less standard English. They communicate for a short time, tacitly, and smile at each other.

At this time, shivery wore a crown of jewels, a purple long dress, and royal noble temperament. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin and red skin. She was a typical Nordic beauty. Under her dress, people could not help looking at her more.

More than an hour has passed since the award ceremony, and now everyone has arrived at the city hall. At this time, the golden hall, where the king and the special guests are gathered, communicate with their friends.

"Mr. Chen Mo, I've always been curious about you in China, but I didn't get a chance to go there." Said shivery.

"There will be a chance. There are many beautiful places in China. You are welcome to visit them." Chen Mo said in less fluent spoken English.

"I'd like to visit your company's headquarters if I have the chance. I heard that it's the most advanced technology in the world. There are many interesting technologies. Your company's holographic mobile phone is my favorite mobile phone. It's amazing.

I've seen your wedding video. It's so beautiful. It's like a fairy tale. I hope to have a wedding like that in the future. It must be very happy. Unfortunately, I didn't know you at the beginning, so I couldn't participate. "

At the beginning of the experience, shivery began to communicate with Chen Mo like a little fan sister who met an idol: "can you customize your wife's wedding dress? When I get married later, I want to wear such a beautiful wedding dress. "

After the video of Chen Mo's wedding came out, that wedding became the dream wedding of countless women, but only Chen Mo could hold that kind of wedding. Now that the main character is here, she doesn't want to miss such a good chance.

"It can't be customized for the time being. That's the material and technology I studied. It may be in the future, but it depends on the situation." Chen Mo showed a polite smile.

Hearing Chen Mo's answer, shivery had a little disappointment in her eyes, but it soon came to an end.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the melodious organ rings. Two student volunteers come downstairs with the national flag. The king and queen of Sweden, as well as a opposite sex, come downstairs slowly.

Shivery reached out, took Chen Mo's arm gently, and then walked down the stairs.

At the dinner party, some reporters saw Chen Mo and princess sivili together, and began to take pictures crazily.

Shivery is the youngest princess, the king's favorite princess.

Did she appear as Chen Mo's heterosexual partner at a ceremony. The young Nobel Prize winner, the youngest princess, two people with their own flow stood together and attracted many people's eyes in the field.

Many cameramen are looking at Chen mo. Because in the scene, the most dazzling is Chen Mo and Princess shivery.

The blue hall is not blue. It's not too big. There are more than 1000 people at the dinner party and long tables.

In the hall, the long table is uneven, and the long main table runs through the whole hall. Every arrangement here has undergone the most rigorous screening, and each set of tableware is of great value, known as the "most crowded luxury dinner party".

When people enter their seats, they will sit in their own positions, communicate with people around them, or sit quietly. The banquet site is too crowded and limited to allow people to move freely.

all kinds of women's Dresses Dress for beauty, and the blue hall is filled with candles, flowers and perfume.

Intimate, noble and luxurious.

This is also the most attractive social dinner party. The people who come to the scene are not rich but expensive. They are all celebrities. They can make more friends. For the upper class, they have more contacts and more roads.

The dinner consisted of three delicacies, the front course, the main course and the dessert. There was not a lot of them. I ate them for three hours and watched many performances during the dinner.

"Mr. Chen Mo, how about the dishes?" Asked Princess shivery. A few hours of communication, the two people are familiar with a lot, communication is not so unfamiliar.

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

"Listen to the truth, of course."

"Not enough."


Hearing Chen Mo's answer, shivery was stunned and smiled.

She didn't expect that Chen would give such an answer, but it was very vivid. People in the upper class pay great attention to the image of dining. The most upper class banquet, like this one, is not about how much to eat, but about making friends. The dining is also mainly exquisite and high-end.

Chen Mo is very polite, and occasionally he doesn't stick to the form. It's very interesting, which makes her feel very strange.

"Then it's your turn to speak." Said shivery.

"Excuse me for a moment."

At the end of the dinner party, Chen Mo nodded slightly when he heard the host's words, stood up from his position and walked slowly to the podium. More than 1300 eyes were on him, and all the media at the scene were focused on him.Everyone's eyes have different emotions, mixed with curiosity, envy, jealousy, surprise and other emotions.

Today, there are a lot of news that others are concerned about, but the most eye-catching is Chen Mo, almost the treatment of the protagonist. Too young, but also the rare Chinese on the podium.

Young, steady and easy, almost everyone knows that the man in front of us is extraordinary.

Chen Mo has seen many of the scenes that people are concerned about, and now he looks as usual.

"Distinguished king, Queen and members of the royal family, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for me to stand on this stage."

Chen Mo opens his mouth and there is a stir in the scene. Chen Mo uses Chinese. Most people on the field can't understand Chinese, which makes them a little confused. After all, in the traditional way, most people use English. The number of times Chinese appears on this stage is very small.

However, after a brief commotion, the crowd also calmed down, because there was a simultaneous translation, which also made the crowd a lot more stable.

"When I knew that I was this year's winner, I was doing experiments in the lab. I was a little surprised to hear the news. Because I didn't expect that publishing that paper would have the current results and influence.

I published that paper after careful consideration. However, at the beginning of publication, I was rejected by many science magazines, and I was also scolded and ridiculed. It has a lot more resistance than I thought.

Although the experience of the storm, in order to bloom under the Rainbow Flower of truth. But it is also possible that the flower of truth will be hidden under the debris flow after the storm and never see the sun. I am lucky.

It's the 21st century. The world's tolerance of unknown basic science is still so weak. This is not progress.

At the beginning of quantum mechanics, Schr? Dinger questioned the theory of quantum mechanics and even made a thought experiment to overthrow the basis of quantum mechanics. But the cat experiment has become the most classical thought experiment of quantum mechanics.

In the physical universe, human beings are still in the exploration stage, there are too many unknowns waiting for us to discover. I hope that society will give more tolerance and understanding to the basic science in the unknown field.

The unknown field of basic science can be questioned, but not ridiculed and rejected without experimental proof. There is no experiment to reject a theory, which is not helpful for scientific research, but a persecution... "