Rise From the Humble

Chapter 802: The Holy Spirit

Chapter 802 The Holy Spirit

   "Read the decree, Mrs. Li take the decree and thank you." After reading the imperial decree, Eunuch Jia smiled slightly and reminded Li Shu kindly.

   "My daughter, Mrs. Li, accepts the decree, long live my emperor."

  Li Shu accepted the imperial decree with a smile like a flower, her watery eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and a strand of blue hair hanging down her cheek fluttered gracefully and happily as she leaned over and kowtowed.

  Miss Six beside her looked at Li Shu with envy and hatred, her big eyes were as red as a little white rabbit.

   After Li Shu received the decree, Zhu Pingan thought that there should be no imperial decree, but he was still not sure, so he looked up at Eunuch Jia.

  Eunuch Jia seemed to know that Zhu Ping\'an would come over, looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a slight smile, and said, "The imperial decree has been announced."

  Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t get up when he heard the words, because he felt that the smile on Eunuch Jia\'s face had a deep meaning, and there was something in his words.

   Sure enough, in the next second, Eunuch Jia spoke again: "However, His Majesty specially asked Miscellaneous Family to deliver an oral order to Master Xiao Zhu."

   "Minister Zhu Ping\'an respectfully listens to the teachings of the Holy One." Zhu Ping\'an kowtowed again.

  Next, Eunuch Jia conveyed Emperor Jiajing’s oral instructions to Zhu Pingan. It can be said that Emperor Jiajing’s oral instructions were reasonable, comforting, considerate, and earnest, and they were all spoken words.

"Zhu Ping\'an, you did a good job checking the Taicang bank, and you paid a lot. I have seen it. Not only I, but also the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty know your credit for checking the bank. You are the number one scholar appointed by me. , well-read poetry and books, loyal and capable, you have done a good job. I know Zhu Pingan, you boy, when you heard my first imperial decree, you would complain in your heart that I don’t know rewards and punishments. Some of you are courtiers Difficulties, I also have my difficulties, Taicang’s treasury is hard to get back, extraordinary things should be done extraordinary things, it is related to the overall situation, you have to understand. Not to mention you, it is the Taifu who taught me Confucian classics for three years and assisted three dynasties Gu Gudong, a veteran and university scholar, has retired from his official position, but he was fined more than 20,000 taels of silver because of his involvement in the Taicang case."

"After the Taicang case happened, I was very angry. After the case was solved, I was even more angry. Every bank official and Chaku Yushi are trustworthy officials, but there is no one who can do it. Those who are not greedy will not be able to help me find out the shady scene, and they all failed my appointment, and I am really blind."

"I am very disappointed. All the officials and censors have failed me. Are all the officials of my Ming Dynasty so unbearable? Is my officialdom in Ming Dynasty so dark? Is there no clean official in my Ming Dynasty? Forced me to learn from the emperor\'s ancestors, are you willing to peel off the skin and fill it with grass?"

"After thinking about it, I am very unwilling. Disappointed, I asked the factory guard, is there any official who has never accepted a bribe? I have received a reply. So far, the only one with solid evidence is your boy who has never accepted the Taicang article. It is not only you, Even your servants have never accepted the benefits of Taicang Yiwen. Not only can you keep yourself clean, but you can also be strict with your subordinates, you have done a good job."

"Today, because of the inspection of the Taicang bank, your reputation has grown even more, and I have seen your integrity and ability. Now I reward you with the position of serving as a bachelor in the Imperial Academy. You must cherish it and don\'t underestimate this position." , although it is only from the fifth rank, but this is the only way for scholars to be promoted. I remember you. You are still young, you must study hard, and you must be an official, so that you can do more practical things for me in the future."


  After hearing this, Zhu Ping\'an felt a black line on his forehead. Emperor Jiajing wasn\'t a chatterbox, right? Why did he talk so much? The word count of the entire oral instruction is enough for high school students to write.

  Eunuch Jia’s verbal instructions are so many, are you sure they were all spoken by Emperor Jiajing?

  Although the tone sounds like Emperor Jiajing\'s superior tone, why did you reward you with the position of serving as a bachelor in the Imperial Academy, etc.? However, Emperor Jiajing was obviously aloof, so how could he talk so much?

  Zhu Ping\'an doubted that the oral instructions conveyed by Eunuch Jia were not 100% the original oral instructions of Emperor Jiajing, but just remembered the general meaning of the oral instructions of Emperor Jiajing. These words were freely played by Eunuch Jia on the spot.

  If Emperor Jiajing really said so much, how could Eunuch Jia remember it after listening to it once? Even with the ability and memory of my own photographic memory, I can only repeat about 90% of these words after listening to them once, and I can only repeat about 90% of them intact.

  Even if Eunuch Jia and the eunuchs who conveyed the oral instructions were trained, it would be impossible to do this.

   It is estimated that the oral instructions are roughly like this. Remember the general meaning, more than 60% of the original words, and the remaining 40%. You can\'t go back to the emperor and say, I\'m sorry, the emperor, I forgot what you just said, can you say it again? !

  Remember the core meaning, just play freely.

  Anyway, none of the officials who received the order would confront the emperor.

  After Eunuch Jia delivered the oral order from Emperor Jiajing, there were finally no more imperial edicts and oral orders.

  Zhu Ping’an and others got up after taking the decree to thank you, and asked people to put the imperial decree on the incense table to enshrine.

   "Your Majesty Xiao Zhu, you are being polite. The miscellaneous family is going to run errands for the sake of the saint. It is hard work." Eunuch Jia smiled slightly.

   "The family has prepared simple tea and light meals. Eunuch will take a break and go back after having some tea and rice." Zhu Pingan stretched out his hand to invite Eunuch Jia to sit down.

   "The miscellaneous family still has the name of the emperor, so I dare not stop for a long time, so I will leave first." Eunuch Jia shook his head with a smile, and then led the little **** and others to say goodbye.

  Zhu Ping\'an sent them outside the gate of the back mansion, watched Eunuch Jia get on the sedan chair and leave before returning to the mansion.

   "Good morning, my lord, my maidservant greets my lord."

   "Grandpa is good, I have met my uncle."

At this time, everyone in Linhuaihou\'s mansion, including the old lady who was sweeping the floor and doing laundry in the backyard, knew that Zhu Ping\'an had received the imperial decree and was promoted to a fifth-rank official. When Zhu Ping\'an passed by, they all stood on both sides of the road, expressing their feelings. Say hello to Zhu Ping\'an from the bottom of my heart.

After Zhu Pingan passed by, they looked at Zhu Ping\'an\'s back one by one, like chirping magpies, and said something like my uncle glanced at me, my uncle nodded to me, as if he had won a great honor .

"Good sister, my sister received the imperial decree, but she was worried that there was no box to put the imperial decree in. If I neglected the imperial decree, our entire Marquis Mansion might not be able to afford it. However, my sister heard that you have a high-quality red sandalwood tree Dressing dowry, red sandalwood is noble, it is the most suitable to be used as an imperial decree box, I wonder if my younger sister is willing to help my elder sister share her worries."

  When Zhu Ping\'an returned to the hall, he happened to see Li Shu talking to Miss Six with a smile like a flower. There was a charming smile on her delicate face, and her voice was also delicate and sweet, but her big watery eyes were full of narrow luster.

As for Miss Six, who is opposite Li Shu, she looks like a baby who is very angry but the baby can\'t say anything. The muscles on her face worked hard several times before she squeezed out a stiff smile, as if she had been stabbed to the neck by a knife. One sentence, "As long as my sister likes it."

  (end of this chapter)