Rise From the Humble

Chapter 772: I'm not happy

Chapter 772 I am not happy

"I couldn\'t get angry, so I went to the stinky donkey in Baiyun Temple to make a theory. They said that it was the stupid monk Manjusri who made people stand up. What kind of **** monk said that my uncle was screaming and killing, what kind of a nose has already entered devil way"

  When the little maid of Baozi said this, her face flushed with anger, and her delicate body trembled, she was very angry.

  Actually, the signboard of Baiyun Temple was erected by monks last night.

Yesterday, the eminent monk Manjusri held a Dharma meeting at Baiyun Temple. Many believers came and the Dharma meeting went smoothly. But after the Dharma meeting was over, Master Wenju and the host and deacon of Baiyun Temple discussed Buddhism while having fruit tea. At that time, a deacon of Baiyun Temple said that a nearby Taoist temple suddenly became popular recently, and many people who oscillated between Buddhism and Taoism and even some Buddhist believers also went to the Taoist temple to participate in their celebration of Cihang Daoist Enlightened Hongdao Zhaijiao.

  Speaking of this, a monk said that Zhu Ping\'an\'s article "Kneeling Before the Buddha for Three Thousand Years" was to blame, which resonated with many monks.

   This article suddenly spread in the capital in the past two days, especially in religious circles and literary circles.

   But the eminent monk, Master Manjusri, didn’t know that he had been in retreat and participated in the Dharma performances in preparation for this Universal Dharma Conference a few days ago. This was the first time he had heard of Zhu Ping\'an\'s "Kneeling Before the Buddha for Three Thousand Years".

  Hearing that the deacon of Baiyun Temple said that the prosperity of the temple was due to Zhu Pingan\'s "Three Thousand Years of Kneeling in front of the Buddha", the eminent monk Manjusri was a little strange.

   "Amitabha... "Three Thousand Years of Kneeling Before the Buddha"... Judging from the name, this is a young man with a Buddha heart." The eminent monk, Master Manjusri folded his hands together, said a Buddha\'s name, and commented with some doubts.

How can Master Manjusri not be puzzled? The title of Zhu Ping’an’s article is about three thousand years of kneeling in front of the Buddha, and three thousand years of kneeling in front of the Buddha. This is a child with a Buddha’s heart and Buddha nature. Why do you still say that his article is a Taoist temple? What is the source of trouble for the prosperity of incense?

  When the monks of Baiyun Temple heard Master Manjusri\'s words, they all looked as if they had swallowed a fly in their throats, and felt uncomfortable.

In the end, Master Abbot of Baiyun Temple clasped his hands together, smiled wryly and shook his head, "Amitabha, Master Manjusri doesn\'t know something. This "Kneeling Before the Buddha for Three Thousand Years" is completely different in appearance and inwardness. The old monk has been meditating for more than fifty years. Yes, but after reading this article, Bodhi Mirror will inevitably get dusted."


  When the eminent monk Master Manjusri heard the words, he couldn\'t help being even more puzzled. This article "Kneeling Before the Buddha for Three Thousand Years" actually loosened the mind of the presiding abbot.

   "Alas... the master knows it at a glance." The presiding abbot of Baiyun Temple smiled wryly, took out a crumpled rice paper from under the futon and handed it to Master Manjusri.

"That poor monk, let\'s see where the sacred "Three Thousand Years of Kneeling Before the Buddha" is." Master Wenju stretched out his hand to take the rice paper handed over by the abbot of Baiyun Temple, straightened his body and said, he was very interested in Zhu Ping\'an\'s article .

   "I have knelt in front of the Buddha for three thousand years, but I have never seen my Buddha\'s heart feel pity. It could be that the dust covered the Buddha\'s eyes, so it was because there was no offering of incense money. If the Buddha is not greedy, why should the world worship it? The Buddha does not love vanity, why should the world kneel down..."

  Master Manjusri recited aloud while watching. Master Manjusri has already practiced reciting the Dharma, and his voice is full of magnetism and appeal.

When reading the first sentence, Master Manjusri had a smile on his face that all beings are equal. When he read the second sentence, the smile on Master Manjusri’s face of lifelong equality disappeared. She was getting smaller and smaller, and her emotions became more and more agitated, and even a trace of fear appeared on her face.

At the end, Master Manjushri shook his head while reading, and commented emotionally, "In troubled times, Buddha: Close the mountain gate and don\'t care about world affairs. Dao: Lead the people to go out of the mountain and hang pots to help the world. In peaceful and prosperous times, Buddha: Purdue all living beings People in the world. Said: Returning to the mountains and forests, studying the Taoism...Absurd, absurd, far-fetched..."

"Pagan religions in foreign countries corrupt people\'s hearts and steal money and food. You should be punished! You don\'t see the Buddha crossing the people, but the Buddha is plated with gold. It should be destroyed! You don\'t see the monks eating fast and reciting scriptures, but you only see the bald donkey wearing gold and silver. You should be killed! Hey! You bald donkey Dare to deceive people in the Daoist dojo, and spread the evil methods of foreign religions. I really think that there is no one in China! Seeing that the Taoist pushed your temple and smashed the golden body! Give me a bright future in China!"

  By the time he saw the last part, Master Manjusri could no longer read it, but just watched the end with a serious and indignant face.

"Amitabha Buddha... Heaven is ruthless, all living beings are suffering, the world of mortals and six desires, I am willing to rise and fall! Zhu Ping\'an "punished", "killed" and "destroyed", and threatened to push down temples and smash golden bodies. Such cruelty, it can be seen that he has been deeply involved in the way of the Abi demon It is hard to extricate myself. In order not to deepen this evil karma, but also to avoid accidents for the monks and believers in our temples, the poor monk suggested that all temples should not welcome Zhu Pingan. I will not go to hell, who will go to hell, Amitabha, such a bad name Let the poor monk bear it alone."

  The eminent monk, Master Manjusri, uttered a Buddha name, and said with a look of treasure, his words were peaceful and indisputable.

   "It\'s so good, it\'s so good... Master Manjusri\'s move is comparable to Shazun feeding an eagle with his body." The master abbot of Baiyun Temple praised.

The abbot of Baiyun Temple spoke highly of Master Manjusri\'s actions. In just a few days, Zhu Ping\'an\'s article has already revealed its negative influence on Buddhism. There are many more believers.

Although the impact on Baiyun Temple is not obvious now, the abbot has a long-term vision. Now this article has only been spread for a few days and is limited to the capital. If this article spreads widely for a long time, it will affect the entire Buddhism. But it\'s big.

  If left unattended, I am afraid the result will be even worse, the loss of believers may even affect the luck of Buddha.

  This kind of enthusiastic fan-style article is the most misleading public with little discernment ability.

   As for the consequences of doing so?

  I heard that Zhu Ping\'an is a scholar and a sixth-rank official, so he must have many scruples, and he will not act like a street thug.

   At most, make a statement, or argue aggressively.

  However, it would be the best if it could attract Zhu Pingan to come to debate Buddhism.

  When it comes to debate, Buddhism has never been afraid of anyone. Buddhism attaches great importance to advocating debate, and many Buddhist profound meanings are understood through mutual debate. The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism that lasted for thousands of years ended in the complete defeat of Taoism in the previous dynasty. Taoism was disgusted with Yuan Dynasty and lost in the two debates in the eighth year of Xianzong and the eighteenth year of Zhiyuan Dynasty, which made the imperial court order the burning of Taoist scriptures twice. Since then, Taoism has declined day by day, and Buddhism has flourished.

  If Zhu Ping\'an came to argue, it would be able to eliminate the influence of Zhu Ping\'an\'s article and add fire to the prosperity of Buddhism.

   Good, good.

  So, in front of the gate of Baiyun Temple, there was an additional sign saying "Zhu Ping\'an and dogs are not allowed to enter!".

  The abbot of Baiyun Temple and others thought very carefully, but he ignored that Zhu Pingan is a man and a scholar, but some people are not.

Li Shu listened to Baozi\'s little maid\'s narration, her black eyebrows raised, her dark eyes were as clear as autumn water, she covered her small cherry mouth with her slender hands and giggled coquettishly, but there was no warmth in her voice, instead it was chilling. Like a red plum blossoming in the wind and snow, "Heck, what an eminent monk, what a painter of Baiyun Temple, you go and tell Wang Xiaoer to bring more people and smash the gate of Baiyun Temple in Laoshizi, Then paint this poem on the Daxiong Palace."

  Speaking, Li Shu took the brush and ink, and wrote a poem on the rice paper: The dragon in the niche goes to the east, and the sun fades to the west. Jingwen is not here today, and the gravel has fallen into quicksand.

   "Miss, are you really going to smash the door? What reason are we looking for? It won\'t cause trouble for my aunt?" Baozi\'s little maid asked.

   "I\'m not happy, isn\'t that a good reason?" Li Shu raised her cherry mouth in a beautiful arc.

   "Will that cause trouble for my aunt?" Baozi\'s little maid asked again.

   "Getting into trouble? Heck, maybe, if I smash it, your uncle will be promoted." Li Shu\'s dark eyes are shining with a gleam...

   Baozi’s little maid looked bewildered. Isn’t this causing trouble?

   "Then what about the scriptures? How can you pray for blessings if you smashed the gate of someone\'s temple?" Baozi\'s little maid thought of another thing.

   "Stop copying Buddhist scriptures, copy Tao Te Ching instead, and send them to Taoist temples to pray for blessings." Li Shu smiled sweetly, and she was charming and coquettish.

  (end of this chapter)