Rise From the Humble

Chapter 695: nobleman from the palace

Chapter 695 The nobleman in the palace comes

   chirp — chirp —

  In the early morning of the second day, Zhu Pingan woke up amidst the graceful singing of birds. He opened his eyes in a daze, and felt dazzled by the bright sunlight outside the window.

  I felt a little difficult to breathe, as if a heavy object was pressed on my body, as if a snake was wrapped around myself, slippery.


  A lazy moan came from next to his ear, Zhu Ping\'an was taken aback, and then the memory of last night came back to his mind.

   Open your eyes again.

  Li Shu\'s delicate and fair face was pillowed on her shoulder, her dark cloud-like hair was rippling beside the pillow like satin, and a slender, white, tender lotus-like arm wrapped around her chest, wrapping around her body like a beautiful snake.

  The two people who had been absurd all night woke up, their eyes met, and they were a little shy.

   Li Shuqiao couldn\'t help but blushed.


  Zhu Ping\'an reached out to say hello.

   "Morning..." Li Shu blushed and let out a moan.

   "Bad guy, you are not being honest in the morning, so hurry up and take your hand away." The next second, Li Shu gave Zhu Pingan a look.

  Zhu Ping\'an withdrew a paw.

   "There is one more." Li Shu glared at Zhu Ping angrily.

   "Hehe." Zhu Pingan laughed, and took back the other dishonest paw.

   "There\'s one more!" Li Shu rolled her eyes and scolded Zhu Pingan fiercely, "You\'re dishonest early in the morning, what are you thinking about?"


  Zhu Ping\'an replied.

   next second

   Zhu Ping\'an begged for mercy, "It hurts, don\'t bite my aunt, if you bite again, I will bite you too."

   "You dare to bite me." Li Shu bared her teeth.

   "Hua\'er, Miss and Uncle haven\'t woken up yet. It\'s almost time to greet the old lady. The old lady has always had a problem with the lady. If it is late today, the old lady may say hello to the lady."

  Outside the bedroom, Qin\'er trotted into the living room, saw the little maid waiting in the anteroom, and asked anxiously.

   "Shh, keep your voice down" Baozi\'s little maid stretched out her small hand to her lips, nervously and cautiously, she winked in the direction of the bedroom to hint.

What\'s wrong?

Qin\'er saw that Baozi\'s little maid was so careful, she quickly stopped talking, and then the sound in the bedroom faintly reached Qin\'er\'s ears, Qin\'er\'s face turned red all of a sudden, from the base of her ears to her neck to her whole body , has been red to the heel.

   After a while, Li Shu\'s voice came from the bedroom, asking Baozi and the maids to come in and serve.

  By the time Baozi\'s maid and Qin\'er went in to serve, Zhu Ping\'an and Li Shu had already put on their clothes and got out of bed.

  There is a faint smell of chestnut flowers in the bedroom.

   At this time, the time to greet the old lady has passed, and Li Shu doesn\'t care at all. The old lady has opinions on her, and she still has opinions on the old lady. When Baozi and Qin\'er were serving, a girl was sent to the old lady to complain that she was unwell, and she would go to the old lady to pay her respects later.

   "Miss is even more beautiful." Baozi\'s little maid couldn\'t help but sighed while serving Li Shu.

"Yeah, Miss\'s skin is whiter and more supple." Qin\'er nodded, and couldn\'t agree more, "I used to hear people say that the skin can be broken by blowing bombs, and I always thought it was a lie, but now I read it Miss skin, only to realize that it is not a lie, it turns out that there is really skin that can be broken by blowing bullets."

"It can be broken by blowing and playing, Qin\'er is so powerful, I was still thinking about how to describe Miss\'s skin, Qin\'er even thought of such an appropriate word, Miss\'s skin is really tender and can be broken by blowing and playing." Baozi little maid Nodding again and again.

   "Muddly said."

  Li Shu let out a coquettish cry, looked at her own face in the mirror, it was white and rosy, pink and tender, both shiny and elastic, she blinked slightly.

  Zhu Pingan went to wash himself, and brushed his teeth with the Daming toothbrush and toothpaste with the characteristics of the times. The toothbrush is the prototype of the modern toothbrush.

  After washing up, the girls brought up the breakfast, which was cooked by the cook in Ting Yuxuan\'s small kitchen.

  Porridge, side dishes, shrimp cakes, tuckahoe cake, osmanthus cake, soup dumplings.

  Although the taste is not as good as Li Shu\'s, it is also a rare delicacy when paired with Li Shu\'s pickled cucumbers.

  Zhu Ping\'an and Li Shu were eating at the table, while Baozi\'s maidservant and Qin\'er stood aside to serve Li Shu\'s meal. After Zhu Ping\'an and Li Shu had finished their breakfast, Baozi\'s little maid and Qin\'er took away the leftover food from the table and gave it to the girl outside. The cook left another breakfast for the two of them in the small kitchen. Treated, the two of them filled their stomachs tightly in the small kitchen.

  It was too early. Not long after breakfast, a little girl trotted all the way in to report. The porter sent an urgent message to the inner courtyard, saying that someone came from the palace, and there was an order from the emperor to pass to Zhu Pingan.

  The emperor\'s oral order?

  Zhu Pingan didn\'t dare to be negligent when he heard the words, he hurriedly adjusted his clothes, told Li Shu not to worry, and walked out quickly.

  Why did Emperor Jiajing think of passing an oral order to himself? I don’t know what the oral order was. Zhu Pingan walked out of the inner courtyard without realizing it.

   "My lord, here, the nobles in the palace are in the main hall."

Steward Li in Linhuaihou\'s Mansion was waiting for Zhu Ping\'an outside the Chuihua Gate. He had never had contact with eunuchs from the palace. He didn\'t know whether the tea and gifts offered were appropriate. Going out safely, as if seeing a savior, he hurriedly reminded.

   "Well, Lao Li is getting old."

  Zhu Ping\'an nodded, and went to the main hall with Butler Li.

  Because the **** who came from the palace was to deliver oral instructions to Zhu Pingan, the old lady and others in the mansion did not come to see him.

  Zhu Ping\'an entered the main hall, saw the **** sitting in the middle seat drinking tea, couldn\'t help but smile, folded his hands and stepped forward to plead guilty: "Hehehe, Eunuch Feng came from a long way, and Ping An never greeted him from afar, so I\'m so rude."

"Hehehe, Master Xiao Zhu is too polite. The miscellaneous family has not yet congratulated Master Xiao Zhu for joining the cabinet." Feng Bao, who was sitting on the seat drinking tea, saw Zhu Ping\'an, smiled on his face, immediately put down his teacup, stood up and cupped his hands Greetings with Zhu Ping\'an.

"Eunuch Feng is joking, how dare I claim to be in the cabinet? I, Si Zhilang, just run errands for the elders and serve tea and water. When the elders sneeze, I have to fall." Zhu Ping\'an Shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

  (end of this chapter)