Rise From the Humble

Chapter 655: Xu Jie's visit

Chapter 655 Xu Jie visits

  The gathering of officials in the Ministry of Criminal Justice today is a rare major event in the Ministry of Criminal Justice in recent years. Naturally, the Ministry of Criminal Justice must entertain them well. The kitchen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice also showed its housekeeping skills. The four dishes and one soup seemed simple, but they exhausted their thoughts, not to mention the exquisite materials, and the cooking was even more delicate.

  Chicken marrow bamboo shoots, tender and refreshing.

Paoding uses fresh bamboo shoots transported to the capital from the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal in the south of the Yangtze River, cut into even thin slices, served with freshly picked mushrooms at the foot of Yanshan Mountain, chicken nuggets rolled in hot oil, poured with chicken bone marrow broth, and boiled over low heat. .

   Rouge goose breast, beautiful in color and fragrance.

   Paoding is taken from the big goose raised in the farm. It is marinated with salt for two nights, and then cooked. After cooking, the goose meat is carmine-colored, so it is called Rouge Goose. Add a pot of apricot flower stuffing, the most delicious.

  The rest of the Dragons Gathering, Emerald Jasper, and West Lake Whitebait Soup are also carefully cooked, with a combination of meat and vegetables and balanced nutrition.

  Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t have much appetite at first, but after taking a bite of the chicken marrow bamboo shoots, the taste was opened up. It was delicious and sweet to eat with Liu Dadao and Sledgehammer.

  In the world, apart from beauties, food is the most worthy of disappointment.

   Not long after, Zhu Pingan ate up the four dishes and one soup on the table. At this time, the officials at the other tables had only eaten the tip of the plate.

   Several self-sufficient officials nearby watched Zhu Pingan eating with Liu Dadao and others, and couldn\'t help but look sideways.

  A number one scholar actually ate at the same table with a group of mud legs! It\'s really gentle.

   When Zhu Ping\'an and the others ate up a table of four dishes and one soup, they shook their heads again and again.

  Zhao Daying is also paying attention to Zhu Ping\'an.

  At the beginning Zhu Pingan stared blankly, Zhao Daying laughed in his heart, now he is scared after knowing it, and it is too late to tell you Zhu Pingan.

   However, the next second.

  The painting style changed suddenly, and Zhao Daying\'s mouth was distorted because he was not mentally prepared.

  What kind of **** worry can\'t eat, Zhu Ping\'an\'s appetite is so good that he almost ate his plate.

   But it\'s not over yet.

   "Please continue the dishes."

  After the dishes and bowls were exhausted, Zhu Ping\'an straightened his clothes and said something to the guards nearby. Zhao Daying\'s face turned green with anger.

  Continuation? !

  Why don\'t you let me kill you bastard!

  Eat it!

  After today, you should have prison food, which is not as delicious as today\'s food. You enjoy it! There are times when you cry!

   Want more food? !

  Others looked at Zhu Ping\'an in a strange way, an official eating with Mudlegzi was fine, and he asked for refills so unpromisingly.

  However, no matter what others think, Zhu Ping\'an takes it lightly, eating and drinking as he should, and it doesn\'t affect his appetite at all. Even when the servants came to refill the dishes, they took the time to praise the cooking skills of the chef in the Ministry of Criminal Justice.


  Yan Shifan, who was surrounded by stars and moons in the distance, glanced at Zhu Pingan, smiled and shook his head. If it weren\'t for the memorial, Yan Shifan would have wanted to win over Zhu Pingan.

  After lunch.

  Before the officers who went to the Ministry of War to pick up the head came, several more officials came to the Chen Qing Court, one of whom was Xu Jie, who had just been promoted to the cabinet a while ago, and Zhang Juzheng and others.

  Xu Jie walked in with a smile on his face, and exchanged greetings with Yan Shifan and others. Xu Jie\'s popularity is good, not only the neutral party and the Li party greeted Xu Jie, but also many people from the strict party came to greet Xu Jie. In the past few months, Xu Jie often went to Yan\'s mansion, visited Yan Song like a junior, played chess, drank tea, and exchanged feelings with Yan Song. The relationship with Yan Song was like a honeymoon.

   "The student met the teacher."

   When Xu Jie came, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t sit still. Seeing that Xu Jie and Yan Shifan had almost talked, he straightened his clothes, got up, walked to Xu Jie, and paid a respectful visit to Xu Jie.

"Well, Zi Hou came just in time, and I was talking about you. Come here, and introduce some senior scholars. You are young and reckless, and you are immature in doing things. You still need to learn from a few seniors." Xu Jie Seeing Zhu Pingan coming to salute, he nodded with a slight smile, beckoned Zhu Pingan to come over, and introduced several nearby officials to Zhu Pingan.

  Every time Xu Jie introduced someone, Zhu Ping\'an naturally respectfully greeted them one by one.

Of course, the officials in the strict party did not give Zhu Pingan a good face, such as "I can\'t bear the gift of the champion", "You student has a really good appetite", "Forget it, how can we be qualified to teach the champion?" Such cynicism.

  Responding to this, Xu Jie\'s smile remained unchanged.

"Brothers, this is my ineffective student Zhu Zihou. He is not experienced in the world and is easy to go on the wrong path. If Zihou stumbles and goes on the wrong path, you don\'t have to give me face. You should be punished and punished. Du Jianfang A small responsibility, who else is worthy of it!" When Xu Jie introduced Zhu Ping\'an to nearby officials, he added a sentence later.

  The general meaning is: I am a poor student, you should be beaten and punished, and it is everyone\'s responsibility to prevent the small things from happening.

  Although Xu Jie said so, everyone knew it in their hearts. Xu Jie was able to introduce Zhu Ping\'an to everyone, and he also showed an attitude to everyone.

   This is similar to how parents introduce their children to teachers and friends around them. My child is naughty. Teacher, you bother me so much. Don’t be polite to me. Beat me when you want, and scold me when you want to. Don\'t be polite if you are mischievous and make small mistakes. If you make a big mistake and you can\'t control it, you will be beaten to death. Don\'t be merciful at all.

   But in fact, he introduced you to me as my child, can you save face? ! Can you beat and scold as you please?

   If you dare to beat yourself to death, try it!

   On the surface, it looks like scolding or derogation, but in fact there is a kind of protection in it. Xu Jie showed everyone that the relationship between Zhu Ping\'an and himself is a kind of protection.

   Introduce to everyone.

   This is an unspoken rule, which is equivalent to a formal informed relationship. If Xu Jie pretended not to be clear, everyone would pretend to be ignorant; now that Xu Jie is clear, everyone has to worry about Xu Jie to some extent.

Especially the well-connected officials know more about the inside story. Xu Jieqianer won the favor of the Holy Master because of Qingci, and was awarded the flying fish suit. The key sentence of "turning a tiger into a dragon" in this Qingci is said to be from Zhu Pingan hand. Zhu Ping\'an\'s Qing Ci in the previous examination and palace examination was also very good. Xu Jie is not blind for such an outstanding student, how could he give up so easily. Not to mention anything else, just relying on Zhu Pingan\'s Qingci skills, even if he can\'t be trained as a right-hand man, it\'s good to keep writing Qingci in the future.

   "Brother Zisheng, why are you here today?" Yan Shifan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a smile.

"Oh, Donglou, you don\'t know something. There are few things in the cabinet today. After handing over the affairs of the Ministry of Rites in the morning, the old man gave me a half-day vacation. I happened to pass by here when I went home. I heard about today\'s petition, so I don\'t know how to go home If there is something wrong, I stopped by to join in the fun." Xu Jie replied with a slight smile, calling Yan Shifan familiarly.

  (end of this chapter)