Rise From the Humble

Chapter 227: borrow money

Chapter 227 Borrowing money

  Auntie\'s prevaricated response made Zhu Ping\'an realize that Auntie didn\'t take what she said seriously at all.

Looking at Brother Jun next to him, they are all of the same family. They grew up naked together when they were young, and they have been classmates for several years. I would not stand by and watch such a hidden danger in his marriage. After all, this is a matter of the rest of my life, Zhu Pingan Thinking about finding an opportunity to tell him what he thinks later, of course he will definitely tell him not to talk nonsense, and how Brother Jun decides after that is his business.

The uncle, aunt, and grandmother took turns to fight, and they gave Zhu Pingjun every word. The saliva almost flew on Zhu Pingan\'s face, but it didn\'t work. Zhu Pingjun was still full of confidence. Agree to the marriage.

  But in the end, the uncle took out the parental authority and made the decision, even if Zhu Pingjun didn\'t go, he would go.

  Mother Chen made a pot of tea and poured tea for grandparents and eldest aunt, ignoring uncle from the beginning to the end. However, the uncle\'s face was as usual, and he didn\'t see any abnormalities at all. He poured himself a cup of tea and said good tea after taking a sip.

  My mother, Mrs. Chen, didn\'t even look back. This tea is the cheapest tea in the town, so it\'s not good tea. This person is really hypocritical.

   "Ahem, it\'s like this. My father and mother and I are here this time to discuss something with our second brother and younger siblings." The uncle put down the teacup in his hand and said slowly.

   "What\'s the matter?" Mother Chen raised her eyebrows and asked.

  Zhu Ping\'an also turned to look at the uncle, thinking that it was about Brother Jun\'s marriage, but unexpectedly there were other things.

   "Brother, just speak up if you have something to say." Zhu\'s father interjected after the uncle finished speaking, causing Chen\'s big eyes.

   "As the saying goes, brothers work together to cut money. Back then, the elder brother was confused for a while, and the elder brother was wrong."

  When the uncle said this, his face was full of regret, and his voice was full of sincere feelings.

  Father Zhu is a tall and thick man, when he heard the uncle\'s apology, the corners of his eyes were moist, and he was so moved by the uncle, how many days did Father Zhu wait for this sentence.

   "We are all a family, what does the elder brother say?" Father Zhu let out a long sigh, but in turn comforted the uncle and got up.

The uncle wiped the unnecessary tears from the corners of his eyes, and he agreed with what Father Zhu said, "Family, yes, the second brother said it well. I can\'t write a single word in Zhu, I was thinking, back then I I lost my mind and did something wrong for a while, why did my second brother recite it for me for so many years, I was thinking, we separated too hastily back then."

Speaking of this, the uncle sighed for a long time and then said emotionally, "I was thinking, we made a mistake when we separated, we can\'t make mistakes again and again, we have to correct our mistakes Yes. I also discussed it with my father, and this is how I thought about it, and you, you should move back to the old house again, and we will not separate."

  Hearing that, before Father Zhu spoke, Mrs. Chen was very reluctant. What did we do when we separated? A whole lot of dirty water was poured on my family Shouyi. No matter what we said, we would be separated. Now five or six years have passed, and we can’t separate. The water that was poured out can be collected. Are you not coming back? At the beginning when the family was separated, it was hard, no food, no drink, no clothes, no clothes, and even the place where I lived was not sheltered from the wind and rain, but now it is easier, my house is also built with a big house, which is better than the old house, with a hundred fertile fields. Yu Mu, Zhu\'s father can earn hundreds of dollars a day by driving a car, eat good food, drink well, and have meat every meal, and he doesn\'t have to be angry, let alone how nourishing his life is. What\'s more, you were throwing the pot away when you split up, but now the motive for joining the family is nothing more than profit. If I won the second grade, my family can be exempted from tax and corvee. Because of the separation, the old house cannot enjoy tax exemption, corvee exemption and Other benefits, it is estimated that this has moved the mind. Now let me live in the old house, who owns the wealth of my family when it goes back to the old house, so the Chen family is 10,000 unwilling.

   "It was all divided at the beginning, and the village elders and village officials all witnessed it, and the separation agreement was stamped in the county."

  My mother, Mrs. Chen, did not express her objection, but said that everyone knew about the separation of the family at the beginning, and the agreement was stamped in the county.

   "It doesn\'t matter if the county seals it. Well, I\'m a juren now. It\'s a trivial matter to go to the county to find the county magistrate. Our parents are old and look forward to having a full house of children and grandchildren."

  The uncle seemed to be prepared for his mother Chen\'s objection. He glanced at Zhu Ping\'an and expressed his thoughts.


   I have to say, Uncle is still the same as before.

   "Second brother, what do you think?" the uncle raised his teacup, looked at Father Zhu and asked.

  Father Zhu was a little agitated by what his uncle said, his face turned red, and he was about to speak. But before Father Zhu answered, the mother here, Mrs. Chen, walked over attentively and poured a cup of tea for Father Zhu, but by coincidence, her foot stepped on Father Zhu\'s foot. Traces winked at Zhu Ping\'an, and almost choked himself on the sip of tea that Zhu\'s father stepped on.

This foot stepped on Zhu\'s father soberly. Since the separation, his wife and children seem to be getting more and more comfortable, and just like what Chen said just now, he also has to consider the future of his son. The separation agreement is all in The county has stamped it, and it\'s against the rules to ask Xi\'er to go to the county magistrate, so don\'t have a bad influence on Xi\'er.

"Well, brother, the old house is not spacious, and Dajun is about to say goodbye, so let\'s leave a room for Dajun, my yard has not been built for a long time, and I can live in it, and I can bring my parents in when the time comes. "

  Father Zhu\'s words are impeccable. I have to say that Father Zhu looks dull, but not pedantic.

   "We live in the old house very well." The grandfather knocked on the cigarette bag and shook his head.

  Grandma really meant it, but grandpa said that, so grandma didn\'t say anything.

   It is much more difficult to persuade Chen, so I will find an opportunity to talk to the second child alone. After Zhu\'s father declined, the uncle didn\'t continue to persuade the family, but took advantage of Zhu\'s words to change the subject suddenly and turned to borrowing money.

"Speaking of Jun\'er\'s marriage, I just remembered that there is still something I need to trouble you guys. Well, you also know that our old house has been tight recently, and Jun\'er said about kissing, so I have to trouble you as an uncle Yes. This time, the woman’s house mentioned by Matchmaker Wang is really a good family. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. I was wondering if I could borrow twenty taels of silver from you to help Jun’er open it up later. The time will be returned to you when I have enough money."

   "Twenty taels?"

   As soon as the uncle\'s words fell, the mother Chen\'s side was surprised, saying that the kiss cost twenty taels of silver, and it wasn\'t like marrying back home. Besides, your family said they were close, so why should we pay for it. Pay back? To put it nicely, the money I borrowed before has not been repaid!

   "Father, why are you borrowing money from the second uncle again? You haven\'t paid back the money you borrowed from the second uncle before! I don\'t agree to the marriage, so don\'t bother, I will rely on myself from now on."

  Zhu Pingjun\'s voice rang out in the room at the same time. It was too loud. Although this kid was conceited to the point of conceit, he still had a sense of responsibility.

   Zhu Pingjun\'s voice came down, and Zhu Pingan looked at his uncle\'s face, which turned red like Guan Gong.

  Then there was another flutter of chaos in the room.

  Finally, it was the grandfather who stopped the chaos and asked Zhu\'s father to borrow ten taels of silver from his uncle first, so as to settle the marriage for Zhu Pingjun first. Because grandfather had spoken, Mrs. Chen gave ten taels of silver to Father Zhu even though she was not happy, and Father Zhu gave it to the uncle.

   While sending his grandparents, uncle and others away, Zhu Pingan found an opportunity to call Zhu Pingjun into his room, whispered a few words to Zhu Pingjun, and repeatedly told Zhu Pingjun to do what he said before sending him out.

  I did everything I could, and became Yun Shu Yunjuan.

  (end of this chapter)