Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1544: Report to the official

Chapter 1544 Report to the official

  In Yinshi, it was still pitch black outside the camp, with a star shining brightly in the night sky, and there was no ray of dawn.

  The cold wind howled from time to time, blowing on people\'s faces, damp and cold, making people shiver uncontrollably.

   "Zhi Niang, it\'s really cold in this hell!" The soldiers guarding the gate of the Zhe Army\'s gate couldn\'t help getting goose bumps, shivering, shivering and cursing as a cold wind blew past.

   "It\'s still warm during the day, but it\'s so cold at night, especially when the sky is about to dawn. The cold wind blows so much that I have a big nose." The soldier next to him slandered.

At this time, a gatekeeper narrowed his eyes, pointed to the front and shouted, "Brothers are all up! A group of people came from the opposite side and lit three torches. It seems that they came to our barracks." .”

  After the soldiers gave the warning, the soldiers guarding the gate also noticed that someone was coming from the opposite side, so they cheered up and stood ready.

  The group of people who came was getting closer and closer, and soon came to the gate of the barracks.

  The leader was an old man with a white beard. Although he was getting old, he was full of energy and agile on his feet.

  A middle-aged man followed closely behind. He wanted to help, but was thrown away by the old man. Behind them were a dozen middle-aged and young strong men.

"Hey, isn\'t that Zhuanglizheng in Zhuangjia Village? Didn\'t you just come to reward the army the day before yesterday? Why are you here to reward the army again today? The days are over?" A gatekeeper recognized the leader with a white beard old man and couldn\'t help being surprised road.

   As soon as the voice fell, the gatekeepers realized that something was wrong. Why did the reward army come empty-handed? ! Still look angry.

   It seems that this does not seem to be a reward for the army, but rather a visit to raise a teacher to ask a crime. What is going on? !

   "Stop coming." The gatekeepers on both sides of the gate hurriedly waved their spears and staggered in front of the gate, shouting loudly.

   "Master, Lord, we are the people of Zhuangjia Village, please let us in, we have to report to the officials, please master Zhu to make the decision for us." The leader of the old man hurriedly stopped, bowing his hands again and again, with a look of grievance.

   "Aren\'t you Mr. Zhuang Lizheng who came to our barracks the day before yesterday to reward the army? If you have any grievances, you should go to the Lord of Shuntian Mansion. Why did you come to our barracks to ask our lord to make decisions?!" The gatekeeper asked.

"It\'s the little old man, it\'s the little old man." The leader, Zhuang Laoli, bowed again and again, then sighed with grievance, helplessness and anger, and replied with a bitter face, "The reason why we came here is expensive. There is a reason why the army asked Mr. Zhu to make the decision for us. Alas, the three military masters from your barracks ran to our Zhuangjia Village last night, climbed the wall to break into the houses, and robbed two good women from our Zhuangjia Village. It\'s a waste. We heard the movement and brought people to block them at home. Unexpectedly, the three military masters were not only confident, but also uttered wild words to threaten our village fathers and villagers. We really had no choice but to come to your army to report to the officials , Lord Zhu, please make the decision for us and uphold justice for us."

"What? Three people sneaked out last night?! They also went to Zhuangjia Village to **** the women?!" The gatekeeper was surprised when he heard the words, feeling that the matter was serious, and after looking at each other, Zhuang Laoli was waiting for someone Waiting outside the gate, one of the soldiers trotted all the way to report to the camp.

   At that time, Zhu Ping\'an was washing up. After hearing the report from the soldiers guarding the gate, he immediately ordered the whole army to conduct a thorough investigation of the number of soldiers, to verify whether the Quanying soldiers were full and whether anyone was not in the barracks, so as to know well.

  In addition, regardless of whether the crimes committed in Zhuangjia Village are soldiers of the Zhejiang Army or not, there are thieves who commit crimes in Zhuangjia Village and **** civilian women.

Therefore, after Zhu Pingan ordered a thorough investigation of the number of people, he immediately ordered, "Liu Mu, order fifty elite soldiers to follow me to Zhuangjia Village, and prepare a few more cars and horses so that Zhuangjia Village can report the case to Lizheng and the people to go by car. "

   After giving two orders in succession, Zhu Ping\'an took people to the Yuanmen to greet Zhuang Laoli and other villagers in person.

"Elder Zhuang and fellow countrymen, please enter the camp and drink a cup of hot tea to warm up your body. I have ordered the entire army to conduct a thorough investigation and count the number of people, and prepare the chariots and horses. After the chariots and horses are ready, we will set off for Guizhuang immediately. If it is found that the soldiers from our battalion went out of the camp to do evil without permission, I will definitely not lightly forgive you, and I will definitely give an explanation to Guizhuang; condemn."

   Zhu Pingan welcomed Zhuang Laolizheng and others into the hospitality tent, and poured a cup of hot tea for each of them with a teapot, and assured them with a firm face.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord." Zhuang Laoli was flattered by the others, and thanked him again and again. He didn\'t expect Zhu Ping\'an to be so talkative. Ah, with the words of an adult, our hearts can be put back in our stomachs."

"Mr. Zhuang Lizheng, fellow folks, I am serious. As an officer, I am responsible for the execution of the punishment and the signing of the inspector. This is what I have to do. I am ashamed to say that the day before yesterday, Guizhuang was still eating pots of pulp. Come to our camp to reward the army, if the criminals are indeed soldiers of our Zhejiang army, I will really feel ashamed."

   Zhu Pingan apologized.

"My lord is strict in running the army, and it is well-known. The military camp in the city is no better than the Zhejiang Army\'s military discipline. Since stationed here, there has never been any disturbance to the people. Today is purely accidental and has nothing to do with your lord." Zhuang Laoli and others hurriedly Said.

"Report!" At this moment, a soldier walked in quickly and reported the result of the count to Zhu Ping\'an. After entering the tent, he saw that Dazhuang Laoli was waiting for someone there. Whisper to tell Zhu Pingan the result.

   "Zhuang Laoli is all parties involved, and enjoys the right to know, so there is no need to hide it, just say it bluntly." Zhu Pingan waved his hand slightly.

   "Follow the order." The soldier embraced the order, and reported the result to Zhu Pingan in public, "Return to your lord, today\'s count of the number found that Liu Gouzi, Han Laosan and Zhang Tiedan are not in the camp, and the rest of the soldiers are in the camp."

   Three people really sneaked out! It seems that what Zhuang Laoli told them is true out of ten.

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help standing up apologetically and bowing to the folks waiting for Zhuang Laoli, apologizing: "I have no way to control my subordinates, and I have caused harm to Guizhuang. "

   "My lord, you are serious. Those who commit crimes are deserters, so what have you to do with your lord." Zhuang Laoli was getting up quickly, not daring to accept Zhu Ping\'an\'s gift.

   "My lord, fifty elite soldiers have been ordered, and the chariots and horses are ready." Liu Mu came in and reported to Zhu Pingan.

"Okay, Mr. Zhuang Lizheng, folks, although you have already traveled all the way, it is not too late. I invite you to have a sip of tea before getting on the carriage and working hard to guide the way in the carriage. Let\'s set off now." Zhu Ping\'an Xiang Zhuang Laoli is waiting for someone to say.

   "We didn\'t work hard, it was hard work, sir, thank you for thinking about us, and also prepared a carriage for the little old man and the villagers."

  Old Li Zhuang got up and said movedly, Mr. Zhu is anxious about what we are anxious about, this is a good official who really does things.

  Zhu Pingan took Liu Mu and fifty elite soldiers on horseback, while Zhuang Laoli was waiting for the villagers to squeeze into three carriages and galloped towards Zhuangjia Village.

   "My lord, this is it." Zhuang Laoli was leading Zhu Ping\'an and his party to the east of the village, pointing to the yard where the incident happened.


   "Beasts, beasts, you must die a good death"

  At this time, the woman\'s crying and cursing could still be heard inside.

  (end of this chapter)