Rise From the Humble

Chapter 123: fat again

Chapter 123 Fat again

   What can more than two months do?

To be able to finish a novel of Tianlong Babu, to review the Four Books and Five Classics three or five times, to copy ten volumes of books, and to make a thin Zhu Pingan slightly fat, of course, this is the credit of his mother, Mrs. Chen, Anyone who eats chicken, duck and fish in turn will get fat. This is a bit unbearable for Zhu Pingan, a foodie. It can be regarded as a small trouble of happiness.

  Old Master Sun came back a month after Zhu Ping\'an came home. After returning, he called Zhu Pingan to open a small stove, and explained the stereotyped four books and five classics to Zhu Pingan alone every morning for about a month. As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual. After all, Zhu Ping\'an has been a human being for two lifetimes and he is still a bit wise, so this month has benefited a lot.

   "Yeah, Zhu Ping\'an, why do you feel like you\'re getting fat again?" That afternoon, when Zhu Ping\'an went to return books at Li\'s house, Baozi\'s maid, Hua\'er saw Zhu Ping\'an from a distance, and let out a cry of surprise.

  How could it be, but it’s only been two days since I’ve seen him, how could he be so fat.

   "It\'s true, if you don\'t believe me, ask the lady." Seeing that Zhu Ping\'an obviously didn\'t believe her, the bun maid pushed the lady out.

   "Hmph, it\'s none of my business whether he\'s fat or not!" The black-bellied girl Li Shu proudly raised her head 45 degrees to the sky, without even looking at Zhu Ping\'an.

   "It\'s really fat." Baozi\'s maid Hua\'er puffed her mouth and said, "Miss, take a look."

After repeated requests from the bun maid, the black-bellied girl glanced at Zhu Pingan arrogantly, then flattened her small mouth, "Oh, it\'s a bit haha." Then she suddenly pursed her small mouth and smiled, "It\'s more like a toad , giggling."

  Uh, could it be that the quantitative change caused the qualitative change? It’s possible. Otherwise, why did my mother smile when she saw her in the morning with a sense of accomplishment.

  However, at best, he is a bit fleshy, just a little fat.

   It doesn\'t matter, as long as mother is happy.

   "After returning the books today, I will set off for Yingtian tomorrow." Zhu Pingan took out the two books he borrowed last time from his school bag and said as he walked.

   "Huh?" The bun maid couldn\'t hold back, and said ah.

   "Why, are you reluctant to part with this toad? Would you like me to be kind and sell you to him and make him a bed warmer?" The black-bellied girl narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the steamed bun maid.

  The steamed bun maid hurriedly shook her head like a rattle, "No, no, I still want to be a dowry girl for Miss."

  Zhu Ping\'an just shook his head and smiled, then walked past them and walked to the study.

"What are you dragging? It\'s just a little boy. I don\'t know if a scholar can be an examinee. Even if you get in by chance, do you think you, a gluttonous toad, can be admitted to Juren or even a Jinshi? Hmph, why not?" Make yourself a character!"

  The black-bellied girl watched Zhu Pingan walking in front of her shaking her head without even looking at her. She couldn\'t help but get emotional. The new clothes she specially changed wanted to blind this stinky toad!

   "I didn\'t say that I would definitely pass the exam." Zhu Pingan turned around and said lightly.

  The black-bellied girl choked on this sentence again.

  Thus, another unlucky little maid ate for Zhu Ping\'an.

  As soon as Zhu Ping\'an entered the study, he heard the tyrannical reprimand from the black-bellied girl, as well as the trembling and inflected voice of a little maid.

   This is the Ming Dynasty.

  After returning the book, Zhu Ping\'an was about to leave, but was blocked in the study by the black-bellied girl and the maid.

   "What\'s the matter?" Zhu Pingan asked lightly.

   "Of course there is something, you haven\'t told the story yet." The steamed bun maid played the function of a personal maid, and spoke out the inner voice of the black-bellied girl.

   "Tomorrow, I\'m leaving, and I can\'t finish the story." Zhu Pingan spread his hands helplessly.

   "It\'s not too long, you can have short ones." The bun maid is not picky at all.

   "Short one." Zhu Pingan touched his ears, murmured softly, then nodded and said, "Then tell a short one."

  So, the peanuts and melon seeds are small snacks, and the old maids line up and wait for Zhu Pingan to speak.

"Once upon a time, there was a rich man who was seriously ill and was about to die. The doctor who saw the doctor called all the rich man\'s children and asked him, what is your last word? Tell him quickly, or you will lose your chance if you don\'t." Zhu Pingan Stop at this point and stop talking.

   "Hurry up and talk about it." After listening to a few sentences, it was gone, and the steamed stuffed bun maid couldn\'t help urging.

  Zhu Pingan glanced at the crowd and asked, "Guess what the rich man\'s last words to his children are?"

   "It must be the sons and daughters who called me to tell them about the funeral."

   "Yes, yes, and tell me where you hide the money, so you won\'t be able to find it later."

"Or the rich man has an illegitimate child outside, and he told his children to take care of him. Or find a pair of chopsticks, ask his children to break one, and then ask them to break a chopstick together. In the end, no one can break it, and then the rich man will Educate them to be united and not to fight among themselves."

  The maids and mothers had different opinions, and finally all looked at Zhu Ping\'an.

   "What the local rich man said is, can you try another doctor, I think I can still rescue it." Zhu Pingan imitated his voice when he said.

There was laughter in the study room, the black-bellied girl smiled and looked at Zhu Ping\'an with contempt, "It\'s so boring! How can such a thing happen! No one is serious, it\'s strange if you can pass the exam. You better not waste your parents\' money .”

   What an unlovable girl!

   "Well, let me tell another story." Zhu Ping\'an\'s face was calm, as if he didn\'t hear the ridicule of the black-bellied girl.

   Naturally, no one will refuse.

  “The young man trekked deep into the mountains, and after going through many dangers, he finally found the Zen master who lived in seclusion in the mountains. He couldn’t wait to ask: ‘I’m ugly, what should I do?’

  The Zen master touched the beads and smiled without saying a word.

  The young man looked at the Zen master’s calm and calm appearance, and nodded suddenly: ‘The master means that the mind should be like calm water, and be alone? \'

  \'Fuck off, if you are ugly, you have to find a deep mountain to hide quickly like me, and talk nonsense, not knowing that you are ugly. \'"

  As soon as Zhu Ping\'an finished speaking, the little girl and the mother laughed together. The contrast effect was so funny that they had never heard of it before.

  There was only one person who not only didn\'t smile, but stared at Zhu Ping\'an with murderous eyes, that was a girl with a black belly. Others couldn\'t tell, but she could tell that Zhu Ping\'an was mocking her for being ugly and talking nonsense!

   Blind toad!

  White-eyed wolf!

  The black-bellied girl gave Zhu Pingan a hard look, then turned and left angrily.

   "Miss, miss. Wait for me" Hua\'er, the maid of Baozi, realized that the lady had left after a while, and couldn\'t help chasing after her with her skirt.

  (end of this chapter)