Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1085: Five Great Harms in Jingnan

Chapter 1085 Jingnan Five Harms

After Zhu Pingan had a brief acquaintance with the officials and gentry of Jingnan County at the Jieguan Pavilion, under the guidance of the county magistrate Zhang Changru, the master Yao Wenyuan and others, he walked towards the north gate Wangyue Gate, preparing to enter the county through the north gate , to the Town God\'s Temple to worship.

  When the county magistrate arrives, he first worships the city god. This is the etiquette rule of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Ping\'an has done his homework and is very clear about this.

   City God is one of the Eight Gods of Confucianism "Zhou Guan", and a priest who guards the city believed by folk and Taoism. In the Ming Dynasty, the status of the City God was further improved. After Emperor Hongwu ruled the world, in the first month of the second year, Bingshenshuo was granted the title of City God of the World. The town gods of the capital city were conferred the title of princes, and the city gods of Bian, Hao, Jiu, He, Chu and other prefectures where Emperor Hongwu was founded were also conferred the titles of first-rank princes. He was named the Marquis of the third rank, and the city **** of the county was named the Earl of the fourth rank.

  The city **** of Jingnan County is the official fourth-rank conferred by the Ming court, and his official rank is much higher than that of himself, the seventh-rank county magistrate.

   It is normal for a subordinate official to worship a superior official.

   Zhu Ping\'an ignored feudal superstitions, and purely worshiped his superiors as a subordinate.

   "Greetings to the county magistrate."

  When Zhu Pingan passed Wangyue Gate, the people around him knelt down and saluted one after another, looking at Zhu Pingan secretly from the corner of their eyes.

   "Fathers and folks, please forgive me." Zhu Pingan didn\'t have any pretensions. He stopped and smiled and nodded back to the people who were saluting around.

   "Master of the county, Caomin is from Dayao Village, and the surname of Caomin is Yao...Master of the county, go to our Dayao Village when you have time..." The old man who was lifted up by Zhu Pingan was very excited, and his voice was a little trembling.

   "It turned out to be Yao Lao, okay, I will go to Dayao Village to disturb Yao Lao after I settle down." Zhu Pingan responded with a smile.

  After Zhu Ping\'an and his party entered the city gate and walked away, the people watching the excitement under the Wangyue Gate city wall immediately gathered towards Yao Lao, and formed a group around Yao Lao, asking questions one by one impatiently.

   "Old Yao, what did Xiaozhi County tell you?"

   "Yes, Mr. Yao, what did you and our Xiaozhi County talk about?"

   "Old Yao, we saw you chatting and laughing with the county magistrate, what are you talking about?"


Looking at the people around him, Mr. Yao straightened his back, coughed, blew his beard and stared at those who called Xiaozhi County, and said angrily, "What Xiaozhi County, is it decent? , that is the magistrate, the magistrate, the parent official of the common people in Jingnan County."

   "Yes, yes, yes, what you have taught me is that it is the magistrate. What did the magistrate say to you?"

  People want to know what the new magistrate will say to Mr. Yao, so they will say yes to what Mr. Yao said.

"What did the county magistrate say to me?" Mr. Yao glanced at the crowd, satisfied with everyone\'s curiosity. He stroked his beard and shook his head and said, "After the magistrate helped me up, I invited The county magistrate is free to go to our Dayao Village for a sit down."

"Ah? Mr. Yao, you are so awesome. You dare to invite the county magistrate to the village. Hehe, you really dare to say that the county magistrate is so precious. Can he go to our dirty and dilapidated village?! How much have we changed in Jingnan?" The magistrate of Ren County, which magistrate has ever been to the village? Mr. Yao, thanks to you, you are still a sensible person in Dayao Village."

  People couldn\'t help laughing when they heard the words, laughing at Lao Yao\'s whimsy, that he dared to invite the county magistrate to come to the village as a guest.

"Why don\'t you say why the county magistrate helped me but not you? Let me tell you, after I invited the magistrate, the magistrate happily agreed, and said he would go to Dayao Village to bother me after I settled down, magistrate The old man is polite, don\'t bother me, if the magistrate can come, it\'s a condescension, it\'s a respect for the old man." Yao Lao glanced at the crowd, raised his head, and said shaking his head with his hands behind his back.

   "Really?! Couldn\'t it be coaxing you?!"

  People couldn\'t help being stunned when they heard the words. They didn\'t believe what Yao Lao said.

   "That\'s still fake!" Yao Lao rushed to the questioning people, blowing his beard and staring, "I see too many people, and the county magistrate looks like a promise-worthy person."

  People looked at Zhu Ping\'an\'s back and were slightly stunned.

   "This new county magistrate seems to be a little different from the previous one. At least, he is quite approachable."

   Someone said so.

  However, someone quickly refuted it.

"Amiable? Hehe, knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing hearts, is it too early to make such a conclusion based on today\'s fate? It\'s not like you don\'t know, some people just pretend, this is his first time here today, and he hasn\'t even handed over yet. When he takes office, pretend to be close to the people. When he takes over the office and stands firm, he must have a different face. Even if he is really approachable, what\'s the use? Look, our new county magistrate, how much He is young, and his hair has not yet grown. As the saying goes, if there is no hair on the mouth, he will not be able to do things well. If he is a noble son who comes from a high official\'s family to be gilded, he will not care about the lives of us ordinary people; if he is not, he is so Young, simple-minded and unimpressive, how can he hold down our complicated situation in Jingnan? Can he fight against our Jingnan\'s five evils?! Hey, I would rather have a defiant, domineering, but A capable magistrate."

   Someone shook his head and retorted with a sigh.

"Hey, yes, the name of Jingnan County is so good. At the beginning, it was the Han Dynasty or the Song Dynasty. The general named our county after he pacified the south. The word \'Jing\' means Pingding , peace, and peace, named Jingnan County, which means \'the tranquility of the south\', and is a sign of good fortune. Our Jingnan County is a beautiful land, and the name is full of good wishes, but... Hey, Zanjing Nan did not receive good wishes, but was cursed, suffering unbearably with blood and tears, especially the five major harms. The first harmed corrupt officials and evil officials, the collusion of officials and bandits, the collusion of officials and businessmen, the collusion of officials and mines, and the fish and meat of the people; the second harm The Nanman Miao descendants rebelled, and the people suffered; the third evil bandits invaded, the fourth evil pirates invaded, and the fifth evil Japanese pirates slaughtered and plundered, all of them were disasters for our people, and any of them made our people bleed, cry, and suffer unspeakably. These five evils If we don’t get rid of it for a day, our Jingnan will not have a good day. However, our new county magistrate is too young.”

  A peddler who wandered the streets mentioned the five major harms, which immediately aroused the sympathy of the common people.

  Looking at the young, short figure who went away again, people couldn\'t help but cast a cloud over their hearts.

  The county magistrate is too young, he can’t bear the expectations of the Jingnan people on his shoulders


  We Jingnan people are really suffering.

  (end of this chapter)