Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1074:

Chapter 1074

  Xiyuan, shrouded in clouds, white cranes soaring.

  Meng Chong brought several young eunuchs back to Xiyuan from Beizhen Fusi Prison to return to Xiyuan, as if he had come from **** to fairyland.

   "Eunuch Meng is back, and the Holy Majesty is not in the bedroom. At this moment, the Holy Majesty is inspecting the Imperial Garden with General Longhu. Eunuch Meng can go to the Imperial Garden to ask the Holy Majesty." The **** Sizhi at the gate of the palace said to Meng Chong.

   "Thank you for the reminder, Eunuch Zhang. Eunuch Zhang has time to sit in my Shangshan prison." Meng Chong smiled and cupped his hands in thanks.

   "That\'s a good deal, the miscellaneous family has long been hungry." Eunuch Si Zhi said with a smile.

"Our Shangshan prison doesn\'t have many other things. It\'s enough to eat, so it\'s settled. The miscellaneous family will wait for Eunuch Zhang." Meng Chong replied with a smile, and he didn\'t forget his official duties while connecting with each other. After finishing speaking, he bid farewell to Eunuch Sizhi, "The miscellaneous family has to report to the Holy One, so I won\'t say much."

   "Eunuch Meng, walk slowly." Eunuch Si Zhi cupped his hands.

  Meng Chong led the young eunuchs to turn around and trot all the way to the imperial garden. When they arrived at the gate of the imperial garden, the **** on duty passed the message to Li. In about a few minutes, a young **** sent an order from Emperor Jiajing, ordering Meng Chong to come in and return to his command.

The Xiyuan Imperial Garden is much larger than the Imperial Garden in the Forbidden City. Stacked stones form mountains, caves form caves, winding up to flat buildings, there are palaces in the garden, Jiuqu Pond, all kinds of rare flowers and plants are competing to bloom. , like a fairyland on earth.

  Following the little eunuch, Meng Chong walked along the winding path for a few minutes before approaching the place where Emperor Jiajing enjoyed himself.

   "Great kindness, my dragon and tiger generals are worthy of the talents of generals. Taking the enemy\'s head from among thousands of troops is like picking something out of a bag."

   Before reaching Emperor Jiajing, the sound of Emperor Jiajing clapping and applauding had already reached Meng Chong\'s ears. Meng Chong lowered his head, bent his waist and walked forward in small steps, not daring to look directly at Emperor Jiajing Longyan, but lowering his head was enough for him to see Emperor Jiajing. In his sight, Emperor Jiajing squatted in the grass regardless of the emperor\'s majesty, clapping his hands and applauding. Right in front of Emperor Jiajing, a tabby fat cat with a tiger head and a tiger brain took out a ball of yarn from a bush.


  Obviously, this fat cat with a tiger head and a tiger brain is the dragon and tiger general that Emperor Jiajing called, and taking the enemy\'s head from among the ten thousand armies means that this fat cat took out a broken wool ball from among the flowers.

  The fat tabby cat is born with a tabby coat color, with yellow and black coat colors, two round cat eyes are full of aura, and also have a majestic power, like a little tiger in the sun.

  Hearing Emperor Jiajing\'s applause, the fat tabby cat proudly threw the ball of wool high, and then rushed forward to grab it.

   "The dragon soars and the tiger leaps, and the tiger and the tiger are full of power. My dragon and tiger general is really a mighty general." Emperor Jiajing applauded again.

   Being praised again, the fat tabby cat proudly walked towards Emperor Jiajing with a ball of wool in its mouth, walking with a step of disapproval.

Emperor Jiajing stretched out his hands to pick up the fat tabby cat, sat down on the grass, put the fat cat on his lap, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke the head of the fat tabby cat. Tickle the fat cat under its chin, and rolled it up skillfully and enjoyment, while the tabby fat cat stretched its chin to meet Emperor Jiajing\'s hand, and purred with enjoyment.

  Hearing the purr of the fat tabby cat, Emperor Jiajing smiled, as happy as a child weighing more than 100 catties.

  At this moment, Emperor Jiajing didn\'t look like an emperor, he was no different from a cat slave returning home from get off work.

  Meng Chong lowered his head to see this scene, his eyes were not surprised, he was obviously used to it.

   "The slave pays homage to the Holy Majesty, long live the emperor, long live the emperor. The slave pays respects to the Dragon and Tiger General, and the Dragon and Tiger General Weihu."

Bending his waist and lowering his head, Meng Chong walked to a distance of more than two meters in front of Emperor Jiajing, stopped, knelt down to pay respects to Emperor Jiajing, and at the same time paid respects to the fat tabby cat on Emperor Jiajing\'s lap. Greetings from Fat Cat.

  That\'s right, Meng Chong paid a special visit to this fat tabby cat. This fat tabby cat is the new favorite of Emperor Jiajing. It is more favored than the previous cats. Emperor Jiajing almost takes time out of his busy schedules such as government affairs, alchemy, and immortal cultivation to play with it every day, and take it to visit the imperial garden. The harem and Taiye pool, eating and living with it, the degree of pampering, even the most favored Shangmei in the harem can\'t compare with it, every time Shangmei is able to sleep, she will half act like a baby and half complain in front of Emperor Jiajing , said she had a dream to become a cat.

Oh, by the way, some time ago, when Emperor Jiajing and the fat cats were patrolling the imperial garden, a small snake came across it, and it sprang out from the flowers unexpectedly, as fast as if it was equipped with a jumping knife. Coming towards Emperor Jiajing\'s feet, Emperor Jiajing and the eunuchs and maids accompanying him had no time to react, and panic suddenly appeared. At this critical moment, a yellow shadow flashed by, and the fat cat screamed and slammed one after another. Go up and give the little snake to gank.

   Escorted successfully.

   It did it before everyone had time to react.

   This made Emperor Jiajing, who loved it very much, love it even more.

   For this reason, Emperor Jiajing specially held a title ceremony for it in the name of the emperor, and specially named it "General Dragon and Tiger".

Well, the first celebration banquet of General Dragon and Tiger was made by Meng Chong himself. The whole fish was made of 18 kinds of precious fishes, such as Yellow River carp, Songjiang perch, Xingkai lake carp, Songhua river mandarin fish, etc. feast.

   "How did you reply, boy Zhu?" Hearing Meng Chong\'s greeting, Emperor Jiajing turned his head and asked softly.

   "Return to the Lord, Lord Zhu." Meng Chong knelt on the ground and replied with his head down.

  At this time, Emperor Jiajing unconsciously stopped stroking the cat because he was listening to Meng Chong\'s return.


When Emperor Jiajing stopped, the fat tabby cat with its neck stretched out on his lap, with a face full of enjoyment, quit, and suddenly became unhappy. He glanced at Emperor Jiajing, staring at Emperor Jiajing with a pair of big round eyes in desire and dissatisfaction. It seems to be asking: This general is enjoying himself, why did you stop, Your Majesty, hurry up and continue.

"Hehe, okay, okay, I won\'t stop, I won\'t stop, I\'ll be scratched by the dragon and tiger." Emperor Jiajing laughed when he saw the fat tabby cat, and continued to move his hands stand up.

   "Long story short."

   Emperor Jiajing said something to Meng Chong while tickling the fat tabby cat.

"Slave complies with the order. For the first question, Lord Zhu nodded sincerely and said yes. For the second question, Lord Zhu replied \'or ask the second king\' wrong, so the suggestion was deleted. He also said that there is no investigation and no right to speak. He was an official in Prince Yu\'s Mansion, knew about King Yu\'s affairs, and knew that King Yu respected the ancestral system, did not interfere with government affairs, and did not contact foreign ministers, so it was wrong to say \'or ask the second king\', and I suggest that Yang Jisheng delete his words."

   Meng Chong lowered his head and replied.

   After hearing this, Emperor Jiajing didn\'t say anything, and there was no emotion on his face.

   "This is "Quiet Night Thoughts" revised by Mr. Zhu." Meng Chong then took out "Quiet Night Thoughts" written by Zhu Pingan, holding it above his head with both hands.

  A little **** is coming to pick it up.

   "Read and listen to me." Emperor Jiajing said lightly.

   "Follow the order." Meng Chong complied.

  (end of this chapter)