Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V1.Chapter 2106

In particular, Bai Yuexi's father is king of Bai Yuezhou. The people of Bai Yuezhou are very happy.

Because the people know under whose governance they can live a better and more stable life.

And the people also know that war is breaking out in most parts of Zihua, and only Baiyue Prefecture can be so peaceful and stable in terms of the death and injury of the people.

It's all because the Bai family is in charge.

People are not stupid, naturally know who is better to rule Baiyue state.

In contrast, the common people are more supportive of Bai Yuexi's father as king.

Bai Yuexi and amo went to Huadu with Yingwei after everything in Bai Yuezhou was arranged.

This time, Bai Yuexi wanted to save Wei Shao.

When she went from baiyuezhou to Huadu, Bai Yuexi could see civil war everywhere.

Seeing these scenes, Bai Yuexi realized that this was the ancient war.

Looking at such a war, Bai Yuexi's heart is heavy.

Seeing this, Bai Yuexi understood how important peace is.

In fact, according to the book, the reason why this continent became peaceful later was that amo became king and queen, and he unified the whole continent.

This time, when Bai Yuexi and amo went to Huadu, they also passed the forest before.

That's the forest where the white moonlight feels strange.

Once in this forest, Bai Yuexi once lived in a house, and later found that it was a white bone, a Mo's sister.

But up to now, Bai Yuexi still hasn't found amo's sister.

The reason for walking from this forest is that it is close and not affected by the war outside.

This time, it's amo, Bai Yuexi and Yingwei.

At night, there are shadow guards in turn.

But Bai Yuexi still felt that in the forest, at night, there was a gust of overcast wind.

So at night, Bai Yuexi is very alert.

And that night, there was thunder in the sky, "boom..."

Seeing that it was going to rain, Bai Yuexi didn't feel very safe in the forest.

Bai Yuexi let a group of people on their way quickly to see if there is a place to take shelter from the rain.

A group of people shuttled through the forest, walking forward.

In the smoke, in the rain, there is a red light in front.

When approaching, Bai Yuexi still saw a mansion.

Seeing this house, Bai Yuexi's face changed.

"Ah Mo, do you think this house is familiar?"

Bai Yuexi's face was a little white.

From her point of view, this house was the one she saw when she walked in the forest. After the day, it was a pile of bones.

It's about sister amo.

AMO's world, this is also the place where Bai Yuexi and his sister live later, right?

AMO said: "it's the same house, miss. I feel a little familiar with it."

At this time, a murmur of sound, there are a lot of light and shadow flash out of my mind.

But for a while and a half, a Mo also don't understand is how to return a responsibility.

Seeing more and more rain, Bai Yuexi said, "let's see if we can stay in this house for one night to avoid the rain."

With that, Bai Yuexi came forward and knocked on the door.

This time, it was the girl in the veil who came out.

Seeing this girl, Bai Yuexi was surprised. This is a Mo's sister!