Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 696

After Popovich was expelled from the field, the Spurs seemed to lose heart for a moment.

Although the manager's role in overtime is not as big as regular time, as one of the Spurs' soul figures, Popovich's absence always makes Spurs players feel uneasy.

In the past, no matter what problems they encountered, as long as the old man stood on the sideline with his hands around his chest, the grizzly players would immediately feel at ease.

But now, when they want to find spiritual support in a critical moment, they turn around and see only the flustered chip Englander.

"Stabilize the situation, we have to fight to the end without the old man!"

Finally, Duncan gave a rare roar on the court, which calmed the Spurs' players.

However, in the case of link strong play three points, Spurs players are still a little nervous.

At the regular time, Leonard and Duncan have killed link.

But after entering the overtime, link blocked Duncan and scored three points on Leonard's head, which made young Leonard doubt the feasibility of defending link.

This guy, can you really be prevented?

So in the next few minutes, Leonard was clearly out of shape. On the offensive side, he didn't dare to attack easily, for fear of delaying the battle. On the defensive side, he became afraid of being fouled by link.

In Leonard this first blockade problems, Duncan in order to worry about Conley and can not make up for defense in time, link began to score, a uncontrollable.

"Link broke the layup, this time link and Conley cross run, so Tim Duncan didn't know who to make up for. Beautiful goal, the difference is further opened

"Link stopped the jump shot in the middle distance, Leonard retreated too hard, he gave link a lot of space to shoot. Yes, the Spurs are in danger

"Link broke through and met Leonard and Duncan. Wait a minute... Link passed the ball through the crack and sent it to Mike Conley! Duncan is willing to lose the other, Conley easy layup, no one to stop him! The Grizzlies are eight points ahead of the Spurs in the last 42 seconds! The Spurs are in danger. The Grizzlies are going to take the victory they have won

Popovich sat in the locker room and kicked the tactical whiteboard over.

What hobby Brown said just now was a stab in Popovich's heart. "The Spurs won the game, and the Grizzlies took it."

Popovich was thinking that if it hadn't been for that damned make-up, or if link had made it a little bit later, he would have been sitting in the media room and making fun of Grizzlies and link with all sorts of cold jokes.

Without that damned make-up, the front page headlines of major sports portals tomorrow would be the news that the Spurs stopped the Grizzlies from winning.


however, there is no if in this world. That damned make-up basket was in, and it was just before the end of game time.

That make-up basket, Popovich now can only sit in the empty dressing room, angry at the TV.

That make-up basket, let Popovich's mind all the good fantasy, can only be fantasy.

Once again, Popovich's plan was broken by link. Since that dunk, link has actually sentenced Popovich to death.

In a trance, Popovich heard a sharp electronic beep coming from the TV.

After overtime, Popovich looked at the score at the bottom of the screen and shook his head.

112-101, link in overtime, 9 points, 2 assists, the game shot down 33 points, 6 rebounds, 8 assists, let the Spurs from heaven to hell.

Popovich turned off the TV, because on the screen, link was cheering with the camera.

Popovich really didn't want to see this scene. It was an insult to him.

On the field, the fans were jumping and jumping with excitement. Once again, linck turned corruption into magic. Turn a game that will be lost in 0.3 seconds into a victory.

Spurs players shake their heads in secret, and even Tim Duncan, who is "paralyzed," can't hide his disappointment today.

The Spurs have been chasing the Grizzlies all season, and they have done their best. Before this game, they played a proud 26-8 record, leaving behind young teams like the thunder and the Clippers.

Finally, when the opportunity to narrow the gap personally, the Spurs fell.

Duncan couldn't help but look up at the new championship flag at the dome of the FedEx stadium.

I don't know if they will be able to get back to the top of the world this time.

In the past, the Spurs have always been able to take out those superstars who are popular and the teams with outstanding record by not warm or hot.

For example, the Cleveland Cavaliers and James in 2007 were unstoppable. In the playoffs, James repeatedly showed magical performances. Everyone thought that the "little emperor" was finally going to be officially crowned, and the Cleveland Cavaliers were also the most popular to win that year.However, no one expected the San Antonio Spurs to be a troublemaker. The aging, outmoded and out of sight Spurs beat James' hot fried chicken down on the stage of the finals 4-0.

But now, when Duncan looks at link, at the championship flag. He realized that young link was not as easy to deal with as young James as he was then.

Does the Spurs want to overthrow another ruling dynasty? This time, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

Duncan dragged his tired figure to the players' passage, until today he finally realized that one thing - their era may have been over.

At the press conference after the game, link didn't say much about Popovich.

With link's character, many reporters think that link should be able to win the game after Popovich a cynical.

After all, link has always been a dare to talk and not afraid of offending people.

However, link said nothing about Popovich today. Even if the reporter asked about Popovich, link was just perfunctory.

For one thing, link was really afraid that he would be angry with Popovich. Popovich's face was as red as a monkey's ass when he left the field, and link was worried that Popovich would burst his blood vessels.

Secondly, link would rather talk about his teammates than Popovich.

"Mike did well today. Without him, we would never have won."

"What do you think of Mike's regular time last shot? No, it wasn't a miss. It was just a pass to me. You didn't see it

"Is Mike eligible for all star? If he doesn't, who is more qualified? Long ago, Mike should have been an all star player. I hope this year, Mike can do it

At the press conference, link frantically said good words to Conley, hoping to win votes for Conley.

As a member of the Grizzlies, link certainly wants his teammates to be included in the All-Star lineup.

If you don't even have this selfishness, it's about being a star.

Instead, Popovich was furious at the press conference. He angrily denounced link for not understanding respect, and he angrily accused the referee of not being rigorous.

Compared with the elegant link on the other side, Popovich's performance today is simply a self degradation.

It seems that link is a mature and steady man, while Popovich is just a hot tempered boy.

After watching their performances at the press conference, Jeff Austin couldn't help laughing.

Link's approach to the media is as fast as his game.

Austin was just about to turn off the TV when she felt her cell phone vibrate.

He picked up the mobile phone on the desk and looked at it. It was a text message. The sender is Jeff Austin's new client this summer and a key customer.

"Link's performance today is wonderful! He Leng is in the impossible situation to win, Popovich was mad by him, ha ha ha! I'm so excited to meet him soon! Jeff, can you tell me what link likes? I'll get him a present

Looking at the childish text message, Jeff Austen laughed and shook his head.

"You don't have to prepare a gift, and you don't have to be so excited. Because you'll soon find that meeting link isn't something to be excited about. Get ready for the game, Janice

After Austin replies, press to turn off the screen.

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