Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 146: Extra Story (1) Dizziness

"It\'s so good."

After dinner, the servants took away the dishes, and Yang Dejin patted his round belly and collapsed on the imperial concubine\'s bed.

Xie Zhi kicked her foot: "Get up, lie down right after eating, your stomach will be overwhelmed."

"I can bear it." Yang Dejin retracted her feet, closed her eyes and continued to lie down.

Xie Zhi: "Sleep after eating, I\'m not afraid of gaining weight."

"..." After a few seconds of silence, Yang Dejin sat up slowly, and she admitted that she was afraid.

"Come with me for a walk and digest food."

Yang Dejin said reluctantly: "I don\'t want to go out, it\'s getting dark outside."

Xie Zhi: "Then what do you want to do?"

Yang Dejin pouted in distress, thinking about finding something to do.

"By the way!" She seemed to have thought of something, "Is there a hot spring in Chengguang Palace?"

"Yes, in the apse, craftsmen gathered local materials near the mouth of the spring, and built a bath with raw stone and wood." Xie Zhi said, "Why, do you want to soak in the hot spring?"

"Hmm! I haven\'t been in a hot spring yet."

"Then I will arrange it."

Yang Dejin looked at Xie Zhi. This person had a pretty face, but his expression was not rich. He was wearing a slim-fitting crimson arrow robe, which was put on her body, making her figure even thinner.

Yang Dejin is taller, more handsome in appearance, and has a careless demeanor. Wearing men\'s clothing can really deceive people\'s eyes and ears.

But Xie Zhi is different, she was born soft and beautiful, and when she was young, she could blend in with the boys without being noticed, but once she entered puberty and the female body grew, she could only be a "little man" who was ridiculed ".

In order to survive in the officialdom as a woman, she did not make friends with anyone, and even poured the dirty water of "the lone star of the evil spirit" on herself. Plenty of eyes.

With such a graceful posture, Yang Dejin really thought she was just a boy and a girl, foolishly being led by the nose by the hidden settings.

"Master Xie, you need to eat more." Yang Dejin said without thinking.

Xie Zhi, who was explaining to his servants, paused when he heard the words, then turned his head and asked her, "Why did you say that all of a sudden?"

Yang Dejin held her chin: "I just think you are too thin."

After dismissing irrelevant personnel, Xie Zhi replied, "No."

"Yes, look at you, you are weak," Yang Dejin said affirmatively, "Eat more to gain strength."

"I\'m weak?"

Xie Zhi was slightly surprised, she looked Yang Dejin up and down, feeling a little funny.

"So, you think you can beat me?"

Yang Dejin was at a loss for words: "...Who is going to fight with you? I hope you can add more nutrition, eat so much, it\'s like a bird\'s stomach."

Xie Zhi: "Compared to you who just made three bowls of rice, this is indeed the case."

"..." There is no way! She has a big appetite!

Can a person live without carbs? Just hold on!

"Okay, let\'s go to the bathing hall." Xie Zhi urged her, "I will guard outside to prevent anyone from approaching, so don\'t worry about taking a bath."

Yang Dejin said hello, looked at the person leading the way in front of him, and said in a mysterious way: "Xie Zhi, will you come with me?"

"Together with what?"

"Let\'s take a bath together."

Xie Zhi stopped and looked back at her: "Why?"

"There\'s no reason, I just want you to enjoy it, anyway, you and I are..." For some reason, when Yang Dejin said this, he felt an inexplicable guilt.

"Do you want to do something?"

"How is it possible?!" Yang Dejin denied it flatly, "Even if I have a wicked heart, I don\'t have the guts!"

"..." Xie Zhi gave her a deep look, but did not accept her proposal, "No need, I need to ensure that your identity is not exposed."

"It\'s okay, without my order, who would dare to approach the Yudian?" Yang Dejin continued to fight.

"Don\'t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

Moreover, she herself is the one who needs to conceal her gender, so it is even more dangerous for two people to take their guard off at the same time.

After being rejected, Yang Dejin looked a bit disappointed, Xie Zhi didn\'t know why, so he could only ask, "Do you need someone to serve you?"

"No, it\'s not..." Yang Dejin blushed and said sullenly, "I just want you to accompany me."

Xie Zhi was slightly taken aback, Yang Dejin was a little depressed all day today, it was rare that he was interested in taking a hot spring, but he insisted on being with him.

To be honest, Xie Zhi was a little happy, because it meant that she was special, even if it was because of the same sex, she trusted herself more than others.

After thinking for a while, she nodded: "If this is what you want, then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman."

"Why risk your life to accompany a gentleman... just take a bath, I won\'t eat you..." Yang Dejin muttered, but Xie Zhi could tell that she was a little happier.

Xie Zhi: "I know."

She was afraid that she would not be able to control herself and eat the other party.

After a quarter of an hour, Yang Dejin regretted it.

What a shame! Why did I let Xie Zhi come in with me? ! Just taking off his clothes, Yang Dejin couldn\'t do it!

Yang Dejin stood with his back to Xie Zhi, clutching the collar with both hands, not sure whether he should take it off. She glanced at Xie Zhi furtively, and when her eyes touched the back of the large and clean shoulder blades, Yang Dejin turned her head reflexively.

Careless, she will not be able to pass the psychological test no matter what!

This is the so-called, is the niece open and frank, and the curvy daughter is the eldest?

or else...

"What are you dawdling about?" Xie Zhi\'s voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Yang Dejin almost cried out in fright.

Xie Zhi pressed her shoulders and turned her around, Yang Dejin\'s eyes wandered, looking at the sky, the ground and the air, but he didn\'t look at Xie Zhi.

"You want me to take it off for you?" Xie Zhi\'s expression was flat, but there was a hint of teasing in his tone.

"You, what are you talking about?!" Yang Dejin reacted greatly, her voice was erratic, and she couldn\'t hide her panic.

Xie Zhi didn\'t care what was going on in her mind, and started to pick off her clothes.

"Wait, wait, wait, I can...??"

Yang Dejin couldn\'t speak clearly, and she couldn\'t hold Xie Zhi back. Before she could think of an excuse to escape from the scene, she was dragged into the hot bathroom.

When the whole body was soaked in the mineral spring water rich in trace elements, Yang Dejin was still in a daze.

Rao she has lived in the world for more than 20 years, and has seen countless romances, so she can only fall into a passive position when encountering this kind of situation.

"Speaking of which, your identity was also exposed in this way." In the empty bathroom, Xie Zhi\'s voice echoed in the white mist.

"That\'s because you broke into my fasting room." Yang Dejin felt a rush of heat rushing to his forehead when he mentioned this, "and you have already seen through my identity."

"It\'s because your vigilance is too weak." Xie Zhi said, "But thanks to this matter, I can take this opportunity to be honest with you."

"What\'s the meaning…?"

"Because..." Xie Zhi lowered his eyes, stroking the water with his slender hands, "I don\'t want to lie to you."

She kept trying to find a chance to tell her.

He didn\'t hide from her, nor did he deceive her. He wanted her to know, whether it was his real identity or his immoral intentions, he wanted her to know.

After finishing speaking, Xie Zhi stared at Yang Dejin. The distance between the two was a bit far. At both ends of the hot spring pool, the floating mist filtered out some hidden feelings, and Yang Dejin didn\'t dare to confirm what it was.

Yang Dejin didn\'t know how to reply, but he heard Xie Zhi say: "You are not in a good mood today."

After Yang Dejin said something, he sank the lower half of his face into the water and blew the hot spring water into a gurgling sound.

"I have no intention of prying into your mind, I just hope that you can be happy, don\'t have to think about anything, and take this opportunity to have fun."

After hearing this, Yang Dejin had a slightly bitter smile on his face. She also wanted to put aside all her troubles and concentrate on enjoying the atmosphere of autumn hunting, but it happened that it was related to her and Li Zishou\'s fate, so she couldn\'t help but care about it.

They are outsiders, ruled by the laws of the strange world, as long as they make a wrong step, they may be lost forever.

"If... what I\'m talking about is if, I did something that was not out of my heart, but of a very bad nature, what would you think?"

"Do you have any reason why you must do something like that?"


"Then what do you want me to think?"

"I do not know......"

For a moment neither of them spoke.

"Then if I didn\'t do such a bad thing, but everyone thinks I\'m the culprit, would you believe me?" After a long time, Yang Dejin asked such a question again.


Xie Zhi\'s answer without thinking made Yang Dejin open his mouth in surprise.

"Even if everyone thinks so?"

"I don\'t care what other people think. I am a prison officer, and I only pursue the truth."

"But what if you can\'t see the truth clearly? Just rely on my one-sided words, what if I lied to you?"

"Will you lie to me?"


"Then it\'s over." Xie Zhi said, "I won\'t believe you because of your one-sided words. I believe your one-sided words because I believe in you."

"What do you mean?" Yang Dejin was confused.

"It means that I trust you first." Xie Zhi explained, "As long as you say you haven\'t done it, I believe you haven\'t done it; as long as you say you\'re innocent, no one can frame you .”

Such unconditional trust made Yang Dejin feel troubled but joyful. She laughed: "Aren\'t you just making assumptions? Are you still a fair and impartial judge?"

"I trust you and be a competent judge with me, there is no contradiction.

"You said, what the truth is, I have to listen to my heart to find out.

"Then I can listen to my heart for you and prove that you are trustworthy."

Yang Dejin didn\'t answer, she dived into the water silently, Xie Zhi was stunned for a moment, before he realized what she wanted to do, this person suddenly broke through the water and appeared in front of him.


She let out a long breath, wiped off the water on her face, and scratched her hair back with her hands, leaving a wet strand stuck to her temples.

Yang Dejin made a big move, raising a foot-high water splash, which splashed onto Xie Zhi\'s face, but she didn\'t dodge, nor did she reach out to block it.

She just watched, absent-mindedly.

The corners of the eyes moistened by warm water, the beautiful and delicate collarbone, the smooth neck, the scene, the body, and the person all had a fatal attraction to Xie Zhi.

Closing your eyes or moving them away is a waste of everything.

At this moment, the distance between the two suddenly narrowed, Yang Dejin seemed to have forgotten the previous shyness, and now she just wanted to ask Xie Zhi one question: "Is this your truth?"

Those aura eyes were right in front of her eyes, Xie Zhi couldn\'t possibly lie to her: "Yes."

"Xie Zhi, why do you trust me so much?"

"Because that\'s what you want."

Yang Dejin was stunned for a long time, the undisguised partiality and favor in the other party\'s eyes stirred up a storm in her chest. She was a little flustered, and this time the feeling was too obvious for her to ignore.

Yang Dejin suddenly leaned over, under the water, their skins were pressed together, Xie Zhi didn\'t show his face, but subconsciously clenched his hands under the water.

Raising his hand and pinching Xie Zhi\'s cheek, Yang Dejin smiled and said, "It\'s still too thin."

Xie Zhi held her hand and showed an impeccable smile: "Really?"

Yang Dejin glanced at his wrist, and then into the other\'s eyes. A sense of crisis hit his brain from his back, like a prey being targeted by a natural enemy, who wanted to escape but couldn\'t move, and was extremely frightened but excited.

…What does it mean?

Is it too be here at this be here?

Just when Yang Dejin was dreaming, Xie Zhi suddenly let go of her, then stood up and put the bathrobe on his body.

"I\'m going out first, take your time."

"Huh?" Yang Dejin was stunned.

Xie Zhi glanced back at her: "Ah, what? I\'m done soaking, I\'ll go out and watch for you."

The people in the pool were a little annoyed, ashamed of themselves whose minds were full of harmonious images just now.

What was she expecting? !

"Don\'t tease me like this next time." Yang Dejin complained, and soaked half of her face in the water again.

She couldn\'t resist being so seduced.

"How did I tease you?"

"If you mess with me like this, I will think you have that kind of thought about me."

"What kind of thought?"

"Just..." Yang Dejin was a little embarrassed.

This bad woman, do you have to say it outright? !

Xie Zhi couldn\'t say anything after listening to her muttering for a long time, he couldn\'t help but smile helplessly, his love was growing unscrupulously in a place that he hadn\'t noticed.

"Maybe." Xie Zhi dropped these words and left the bathroom, leaving Yang Dejin alone in the steaming water.

What is "maybe"? Xie Zhi What does she mean? ?

The more Yang Dejin thought about it, the more something went wrong, and he slipped to the bottom of the pool again.

Xie Zhi, who got out of the bathroom, was adjusting her breathing unhurriedly, she muttered to herself, "It\'s dangerous..."

Even Xie Zhi, who is always reserved, can\'t guarantee that she won\'t lose her sense of proportion in front of the person she has a crush on. She almost, almost couldn\'t help but cross the line.

Standing in place for a while, my heart still couldn\'t calm down, I was too impulsive, and the touch was too vivid, as if engraved deep in Xie Zhi\'s memory, taking a deep breath was futile.

Xie Zhi raised her hand to caress her heart, then moved down to grab the clothes on her stomach, after a short hesitation, she turned to the inner room.

Xie Zhi didn\'t come out until his subordinates came to report important matters. It was a bit cold outside, and the autumn wind at night felt rather bleak, which just calmed down the heat in her heart.

The subordinates noticed that the troops of the city defense department were changing secretly, and Ji Zhuilu, who was the leader of the city gate, was moving surreptitiously, and seemed to be planning something.

Xie Zhi quickly made up his mind, and after giving instructions to his subordinates, he called someone to ask about Bai Qingyang\'s affairs. It took half an hour to finish all this before she returned to the hall.

"Huh?" Xie Zhi called out with some doubts when he didn\'t see the person he wanted to see, "Yang Dejin?"

No one answered, Xie Zhi seemed to have thought of something, and immediately ran to the inner hall.

This fool, isn\'t she still soaking in the water? !

The door of the bathroom was pulled open violently, and Yang Dejin was still sitting in the water, with her upper body lying on the edge of the bathtub, her skin was abnormally red, Xie Zhi called her several times but did not respond.

Xie Zhi quickly picked him up from the water, not caring that the water droplets on his body would wet his clothes, so he hugged him out of the bathroom.


"Woke up?"

As soon as Yang Dejin opened his eyes, Xie Zhi frowned, looking down at him, which made Yang Dejin a little dazed. Xie Zhi put the teacup aside, and wiped away the water stains at the corner of Yang Dejin\'s mouth with his hands.

"Huh?? This is...?" Realizing that he was pillowing on Xie Zhi\'s lap, Yang Dejin wanted to sit up, but was pushed down by him.

"You\'re dizzy." Xie Zhi said angrily, "I don\'t feel well, why don\'t you come out quickly? What if I\'m not here?"

Xie Zhi was very nervous, so his tone was unavoidable.

"It\'s not because of you..." Yang Dejin shrank her neck and turned her head away from looking at her, "I\'m sorry..."

Seeing Yang Dejin\'s aggrieved look, Xie Zhi eased his attitude a little: "Yang Dejin, I\'m just worried about you. Your status is so special and your defenses are so weak. I\'m afraid you will suffer a loss."

"Aren\'t you here?"

"It\'s impossible for me to stay by your side forever. Have you made the same mistake once?" Xie Zhi looked down at her, "If someone else came in once, I can\'t protect you well."

Especially in such a sensitive period as Qiu Lie, if something unexpected happened, Xie Zhi might not even care about her.

Yang Dejin was speechless, just got out of the dizziness and high fever, her skin was still pink, her body was weak, she didn\'t deny Xie Zhi\'s words, she just absorbed the coolness from her body silently.

"Even if no one breaks your identity, isn\'t it dangerous for you to pass out in that kind of place?"


"Yang Dejin, promise me that no matter what the situation is, you must protect yourself." Xie Zhi patted her head, his words were full of tenderness, "Don\'t make me worry, okay?"

Yang Dejin met her eyes, and it took a long time before he said hello.

The atmosphere was a bit delicate, reprimanded and reprimanded, exhorted and exhorted, Xie Zhi didn\'t know what to say, the two of them maintained the knee pillow position, and did not speak for a while.

It was Yang Dejin who couldn\'t hold back the silence, and spoke first: "I have a question—how did I get out of the pool?"

"Of course I carried you out. Can you still expect you to stand up and walk when you\'re dizzy like a dead pig?"

"You, you, why are you attacking personally!" Yang Dejin was dissatisfied immediately, but his ears were bleeding red.

"Just tell the truth."

"I..." Yang Dejin was at a loss for words, and turned his head to look at the Boshan furnace a few steps away, "I can\'t see that you are quite strong."

Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows, seeming a little proud: "Do you still think I\'m weak?"

"Okay, okay, you have the strongest physique, right?"

Xie Zhi smiled, and asked again: "Are you still uncomfortable?"

"\'s better."

"Drink some more water?"

"I\'ll do it myself." After speaking, Yang Dejin propped himself up and sat up, took a big sip from the tea cup in Xie Zhi\'s hand.

She was only wearing Xie Zhi\'s robe, and following Yang Dejin\'s movements, the large coat tended to slip off. Xie Zhi had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and immediately pressed the clothes, but saw a drop of crystal water dripping from the corner of the other\'s mouth and flowing down the neck , into the arc of the chest.

Xie Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and it was only when Yang Dejin realized that he was not wearing any clothes.

Well, the atmosphere is more subtle now.

Xie Zhi\'s hand holding the clothes was not loose, nor was it loose, while Yang Dejin lowered his head, wishing to bury his face in the cup, and the two of them were in a stalemate like this.

Just when the two of them were embarrassed, a notification came from outside the hall, it was to find Xie Zhi.

"I have something to do, I\'ll go out for a while." Xie Zhi pretended to be calm and looked away, "Put on your clothes."

Yang Dejin pinched the outer robe to her chest, and hummed, the temperature that had finally dropped from her body was rebounding rapidly.

This time Xie Zhi went out for a while, when she came back, Yang Dejin couldn\'t bear the boredom and sleepiness, and fell asleep on the imperial concubine couch.

Xie Zhi stood in front of her for a while, she wanted to do a lot at this moment, but in the end, she just picked him up gently and put him on the soft couch.

Perhaps because of the familiar smell, Xie Zhi\'s arm was embraced by Yang Dejin in his sleep, and Yang Dejin\'s warm face was pressed against the back of his hand.

"I was warned to be on guard... Forget it." Xie Zhi sighed helplessly, but didn\'t take his hand out.

The despicable desires in her body were growing again, but she couldn\'t escape being entangled by this person, so she had to wrong herself to endure it.

"Have a good dream."

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: Are you physically strong? Next season you\'ll be single-handed against James.

Xie Zhi:? ?

Long! wait! up! The agreed-upon sub-cp episode, the timeline is probably between chapters 108 and 109, and the qualitative change in the by-product relationship begins here.