Reincarnation - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad

Chapter 85

"I......" Wang pangzi couldn\'t do well to his own people. He said, "forget it. Harmony makes money! Harmony makes money!"

"It feels really good. It\'s a pity not to play." Qin Haodong grabbed the collar of the fake Taoist priest and shouted to the onlookers, "if you are in a bad mood, you can come and vent for free!"

"Dead liar, kill him!"

When the crowd was neutral, four or five young people rushed up and punched and kicked the fake Taoist priest.

The fake Taoist priest couldn\'t stand being beaten. He hurried to ask Wang pangzi and Niu Er for help. "Second brother, big brother-in-law, help, I\'m going to be killed."

Wang pangzi and Niu Er were startled. Unexpectedly, the fake Taoist priest recruited them so easily and quickly shouted, "don\'t talk nonsense. We don\'t know you."

"Son of a bitch, you didn\'t save your life." The fake Taoist priest was beaten and crawled all over the ground. He turned his head and shouted to the old man next to him, "Dad, they don\'t care about me. You have to take care of it. If you kill me, you\'ll be a queen."

At this time, people understood that the four people were all working together to set up a scam here.

"Hit him, these damn liars..."

"Kill them, liars can\'t die easily..."

Everyone in the antiques industry knows that there is a rule that you can\'t return a drilled hole. If you buy a fake, you can only blame your own lack of Taoism. Everyone knows this.

But drilling is their own business. If they set up a scheme to cheat people and money, they will be hated. Therefore, Wang pangzi and these people set up a scheme with a donkey, which immediately aroused public anger.

Among the onlookers, some have suffered losses from swindlers and really hate swindlers, while others are just making fun and taking advantage of them.

No matter what reason did not prevent them from rushing to Wang pangzi and Niu two or four people together, punching and kicking, whether they were happy or not.

Qin Haodong happily looked at the chaotic scene. It was ridiculous that these people wanted to set up a game to deceive themselves. They were completely asking for hardship.

In the chaos, he left Wang pangzi\'s shop and continued along antique street.

He left, but the people here didn\'t stop. In a flash, Niu Er was beaten black and blue. Fortunately, the security guard of the antique street came in time to persuade these people to leave one after another, otherwise Wang pangzi\'s antique shop will be smashed down.

After these people left, Wang pangzi hurriedly closed the store door, which was a sigh of relief.

Looking back, he said angrily to the old man and the fake old man, "have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? You are leading a donkey. How did you become a donkey yourself?"

With a pair of panda eyes on his head, Niu Er also shouted angrily: "that\'s right. When the fat sheep shouted 100000, you should withdraw. We succeeded. Who knows that your two mallets have increased the price?"

The fake Taoist said bitterly, "I don\'t know what\'s going on. My head may have cramped at that time. I think this peach wood sword is the treasure of the town teaching taught by the Heavenly Master. I must buy it."

The old man also said, "I thought it was a big baby at that time. We had to buy it no matter how much money. Maybe we cheated too much and put too much into acting."

"Put your head into it. Shit, your father and son are both hammers. They didn\'t make any money. They also made me beaten like my grandson."

The more fat Wang said, the more angry he became. He raised his foot and kicked the fake Taoist priest and the old man who had just got up to the ground again.

Niu Er grabbed the angry fat Wang and advised him, "forget it, everyone has cooperated for so many years, and they are relatives. Let\'s go."

"No, I can\'t swallow it. I must find a way to teach that little white face a lesson."

Wang pangzi gasped.

The old man got up from the ground again and said, "yes, we have worked for so many years and haven\'t suffered such a big loss. We must let the boy bleed today."

The fake Taoist priest said to Niu Er, "second brother, you have the most ideas. Find a way to clean up that boy."

Niu Erka took Ka\'s small eyes and said, "it\'s easy to clean up this boy. Since he doesn\'t fit in with our game, let\'s give him a touch."

Wang pangzi had calmed down at this time, thought for a while and said, "it\'s a good way to touch porcelain, but we can\'t show up like this now. Call the old three. We don\'t know much about him in this street. It\'s most appropriate for him to do it."

His idea won everyone\'s approval. Niu Er made a phone call and soon a flat headed man of about 30 came to the store. He was the third man mentioned by Wang pangzi and a member of their fraud gang.

Wang pangzi briefly told the third brother what happened today, and then said, "go and teach the boy a lesson. You must let him bleed, or our brother can\'t swallow it."

"Don\'t worry, brother. I\'m best at touching porcelain." With that, the third man touched a porcelain vase and turned to leave.

Niu Er grabbed him and said, "san\'er, that boy is very clever. The goal of the vase is too big. It may not be easy to get it. You can change another thing."

The third asked, "second brother, what do you say is appropriate?"

Niu\'er said to Wang pangzi, "you can find a smaller one for san\'er, which looks high-grade and is actually worthless."

Wang pangzi thought for a moment and said, "yes, last time you took that broken mirror and put it for half a year. No one wanted it. Just take it."

With that, he took out an ancient mirror from under the counter. The mirror is the size of a palm of a hand, and there is a handle about ten centimeters long behind it. It looks very old bronze, but the material is not like copper.

Niu Er said, "fat man, how did you give up the mirror? It may be a good thing."

"Shit, you spent 50 yuan to collect it. I can\'t sell it for half a year with 100 yuan. What\'s good?"

Wang pangzi is obviously very angry with this mirror.

The old man said, "second, you\'ve drilled a hole this time. We\'ve seen it with many experts. We can\'t see what it is at all. It\'s most suitable to touch porcelain with it."

"Yes, stay here. I\'m upset when I look at it."

As Wang pangzi said, he put the mirror on the ground and kicked it with a slap. The mirror immediately collapsed with a puff.

He picked it up again and sent it to the third: "take it, just use this thing. You must kill the boy severely."

"Don\'t worry, brother. I\'m sure I\'ll make the boy bleed."

The third said, put the mirror in his arms, turned and left the antique shop.

Qin Haodong still walked along the antique street and looked at several stores continuously, but he didn\'t find a decent magic weapon.

At this time, two men, who were in their fifties and had not shaved their beards for several days, came to the front. They looked very vicissitudes and sad.

Followed by a young man in his twenties, with a censer about 20 cm in diameter in his arms.

The two men came to the antique shop in front of Qin Haodong. After entering the door, the middle-aged man asked, "boss, do you accept the censer?"

"Of course."

The owner of this shop is a thin old man of about 60 years old, with a wisp of goatee. His small eyes are small, but his eyes are flickering.

"How much is one?" Asked the middle-aged man.

The old man smiled, "brother, you\'re a layman. We\'re an antique shop, not buying cabbage. How much depends on your things. If it\'s really fun, I can pay millions. If it\'s junk, I don\'t want a few dollars."

The middle-aged man turned back and said to the young man, "son, let the boss see our censer."

The young man promised and sent the censer in his arms to the shopkeeper.

This is an iron three legged censer with a diameter of about 20 cm. The surface of the censer is nothing special. The process is rough and astringent. It seems that it has been buried underground for a long time. It is not too clean. It also carries some fresh soil. It not only has no luster, but also has rust spots. It looks very bad.

The boss turned around the censer and shook his head, "where are you antique? It\'s not worth money at all. You can sell a few kilograms of pig iron at most."

Qin Haodong could see that the incense burner was really bad, but it was full of aura. It was definitely a good thing.

The middle-aged man shouted reluctantly, "how is it possible? It\'s a good thing left by my grandfather. It\'s said that my great grandfather hid it from the devil and buried it underground. Before his death, my grandfather repeatedly told me that this incense burner should be passed down as a family heirloom. If the child\'s mother was not ill and hospitalized, I wouldn\'t be willing to dig it out and sell it."

The shopkeeper laughed and said, "are you here to tell me a story? Don\'t say it\'s left by your grandfather or your ancestors. It\'s just an iron and copper thing. What\'s the value?"

The young man asked, "boss, how much do you say you can give? My mother really needs money for medical treatment in the hospital."

The shopkeeper stretched out a finger and said, "I don\'t want more than a hundred dollars."

"What, a hundred dollars? This is our family treasure. I won\'t sell it without 100000."

The middle-aged man immediately widened his eyes and looked rather unwilling.

But after he finished, even the onlookers laughed. For such an iron censer, two or three hundred yuan is already sky high. Who can afford 100000 yuan for such a thing?

The shopkeeper also smiled and said, "whether your family is dead or sick, this thing is worthless. I\'ve been kind enough to give you a hundred yuan. If you sell it, you\'ll stay and move away if you don\'t sell it."

A touch of despair flashed across the middle-aged man\'s face and shouted excitedly, "no, I must sell 100000 for this thing, otherwise it won\'t be enough to cure the child\'s mother."

"You are a sick man!" The shopkeeper said sarcastically, "even if your whole family is dead, this thing can\'t sell for 100000 yuan. If anyone wants to pay for it, I\'ll call him Dad!"

After he said this, some people in the crowd were unhappy, "if the boss doesn\'t buy it, you say you don\'t buy it. People are also eager to use money to cure their diseases. Why do you talk so insidiously!"

"Yes, why don\'t you have any compassion..."

In the face of many accusations, the shopkeeper not only didn\'t have any guilt, but on the contrary, he looked angry and said with a beating beard: "I\'m a businessman, not a philanthropist. If you have kindness, you buy it. I\'ll keep my word. As long as someone pays 100000 yuan for this rotten thing, I\'ll call him Dad immediately!"

In his opinion, this iron censer is not even an antique. It can only be sold according to scrap iron, and a fool won\'t pay 100000 yuan for this kind of thing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his voice fell, someone shouted, "100000 yuan, I want it!"