Reincarnated as a Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~

723 723. Jiang Zheng

Let\'s get this over with, Tsubaki!

Tsubaki is now in a collapsed position with his front legs stolen by the ice of [Cocutes].

It\'s not a good idea to fight the opponent with the status of the [Flames of] [Flames] now lowered.

I can\'t take my HP with me all at once with one mistake.

I\'m going to end this all at once while he\'s out there!

However, while activating the [Flame of Tsukuba], Tsukuba\'s defense was bouncing up and getting stronger by being struck.

A slight and gentle attack would bring an instant beating back.

... then there\'s only one thing I need to do.


I put my back leg firmly on the ground and put all my strength into his chest with my front leg.


Chang \'e screamed.

I saw his fingernails shattering and peeling off as they pierced the icy wall of the [Cocutos].

No matter how hard you get hit, your body can\'t stand to float.

With the front legs trapped in the ice, it\'s Judea.

I woke up to his jumping abdomen and continued to shoot him in the tail, launching his body even higher.

When a helpless flying force is thrown into the air, its body becomes defenseless.

Besides, his body was a quadruple-legged beast.

I pierced my claws into the back of the pelvis and jumped up vertically into the sky.

You can\'t reach Temele\'s claws and fangs here!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

The rage raged.

His tentacles are entangling in my body.

I was prepared to take some damage, but I didn\'t think I could take it too high.

I glanced down.

There\'s a giant of mine, and it\'s been brought close to a hundred meters.

Due to the weight of the bamboo, is the height around here the limit?

Heavenly Fall

I quickly spun vertically in the air, throwing a tail blow and knocking him to the ground.

The tentacles that held my body were cut a thousand times, and the huge body of the tantrum fell down all at once.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

A falling tentacle stretched out its tall tentacle, trying to weaken the impact of the fall to the ground.

...... I have a lot of judgment in this situation.

Earth splashes are rolling up, and the body of the mantle is slammed into the ground.

The tentacle he pulled from his back was crushed, but he was still alive.

"I will rule everything...!" I can\'t be defeated here...! \'

Return to Earth!

After falling in a straight line, I swung my front leg with gravitational acceleration and my own weight and screwed it into the huge mouth of my chest.

A shockwave wave surrounded and a sandstorm broke out.

”Ogo... ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!”

Chang \'e screamed.

I was also struck by a falling shock all over my body, and I was blown off the spot and rolled over the ground.

"... while..."

My whole body hurts.

The recoil that jumped into the ground was quite sharp.

My consciousness blew off.

But when I pulled my hand out, it was a tough one.

I missed the stinging, and when I\'m recovered, I\'m going to reopen the partition.

We\'ve done this.

That\'s exactly what I thought he\'d done.

Oh... erm...

Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk, tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk

I got up in a hurry and turned to him.

Are you kidding me...?

Are you going to get hit over there and leave the HP behind?

At that time, the flame of [] that was wrapped around her body [] disappeared.

"It was... brilliant..." "Beat this Arles..." But I can\'t let him... defeat God... He\'ll never be able to fight on the same earthen ground. You\'re desperate anyway.....}

The body of the pupa collapses forward.

{"I\'ve always wanted... a place to die..." But I don\'t know why. I wanted to see your end...... ”

His body turned white, and there was a crack in his body.

[You have gained 287000 experience points.]

[Title Skill: Walking Egg Lv: --  E Gained 287000 XP.]

[The Lv of Apocalypse has risen from 131 to 156.]

A huge number of experience points come in.

At the same time, Tsubaki\'s body collapses and changes into particles of light.

With this, you have successfully crushed Saintess Jones and the brave Arles within the four Spirit Servants of the Voice of God.

The last two are... the Demon Beast King and the Demon King.

And after that, I\'m sure you\'ll be fighting the voice of God.

I\'m sure it\'s a bad fight.

The purpose of the voice of God is to see how strong I am.

However, as the brave Arles said, the voice of God should avoid fighting with the same earthenware as I do.

My power will be crushed in a state far from the voice of God.

But I\'ve come this far.

The stage of being able to cry has long passed.

I\'m not allowed to be defeated anymore.

The world is at stake, but that\'s not all.

The grief of the sacred skill that was used in the past, abandoned, and disappeared is pressing on me.

Just now, the eternal life of Tsubaki was added to it.

When I saw that extraordinary amount of experience, it made me think so.

{...... Don\'t worry, Arles. I\'ll never beat that kind of guy. ”

I mumbled to the wreckage of the vanishing wolf.

After healing my wounds with [self-regeneration], I kicked the ground and jumped into the sky.

I decided to return to Halenae once.