Red Soviet Union

Chapter 387: reverse thrust rocket

An important advantage of the propeller engine is that the required take-off and landing speed is low! Aircraft from World War I and World War II can take off as long as there is a flat piece of land! When the aircraft entered the jet age, all kinds of requirements were high.

C-130, as an excellent American transport aircraft, is also very capable of taking off and landing in the wild. It can not only take off and land in a flat place in the wild, but even land in the desert, and it can also land on an aircraft carrier!

In the 1960s, in order to find a transport aircraft for the aircraft carrier, the United States chose the C-130. It does not need a special landing hook, and can land on the aircraft carrier with a full load. It only takes a short 150. The distance is only meters! Moreover, when taking off, you don\'t need a catapult, you can fly on your own power! If it weren\'t for the large area and the need to clear the deck of the aircraft carrier, the U.S. Navy would really use this transport aircraft as an aircraft carrier carrier.

This is also the reason why Walter chose the C-130. However, if you want to land on an area as large as a football field, you still need to improve, not only to fly, but also to climb quickly, because there are buildings all around!

To take off, you need to install a special booster rocket, one-time, as long as it can be satisfied!

The Lockheed engineers stood by and observed the takeoff and landing. They have carried out five experiments, all of which have been very smooth.

The four engines started in turn, the propellers turned faster and faster, and the moment the brakes were released, the pilot pressed the switch.

In an instant, the rocket engine in the lower part of the back of the fuselage ignited, and the fiery flame dazzled everyone. The huge thrust made the C-130 slide less than fifty meters, and it was already pulled up!

"Okay, very successful!" The Lockheed engineer was quite satisfied, and the takeoff was easy! This experiment is no longer empty, but the same counterweight is added, simulating the take-off and landing after being full of people!

The engine roared, the rocket booster continued to burn for 20 seconds, the C-130 had climbed to a few hundred meters in the air, and then it was three turns, aligned with the runway, and ready to land!

When the roar of the engine came again, everyone blocked the sunlight with their hands and looked at the flying transport plane.

No matter how successful this experiment is, it shows that this scheme is completely feasible!

"Prepare to land!" The voice of the ground commander came from the headset. Pilot George flipped various switches in an orderly manner, put down the landing gear, and turned on the engine thrust reverser...

The landing route is very standard. As an experienced pilot, George has already flown a thousand sorties. This time, it will be as smooth as the previous days!

There was a slight vibration from the fuselage. It should have touched the ground. George turned on the switch on the other side.

"Oh, no!" the personnel on the ground shouted, the landing gear had not yet touched the ground, and the rocket thrust reverser could not be turned on!

Unfortunately, it was already too late. When the ground personnel saw it, the eight booster rockets at the front of the nose had already been stretched out under the action of the hydraulic device, and then, the fiery airflow spewed out.

When the landing gear touches the ground, the reverse thrust rocket can greatly reduce the landing distance, but in the air, directly opening these rockets with huge thrust has only one result!

At the moment when the rocket was ignited, the fuselage seemed to hit a wall and stopped abruptly. Then, I saw that the front of the fuselage, where the rocket was tied, had been torn abruptly!

The nose fell, but the reverse thrust rocket was still working. In an instant, the fire had surrounded the nose! Then the fuselage fell heavily to the ground and was torn apart.

The whole plane disintegrated!

"Quick, put out the fire quickly!" the ground commander shouted loudly. No one expected that this important test flight would suffer huge losses due to the pilot\'s operational error!

The fire truck sounded its siren and arrived within thirty seconds, but it was still too late!

Looking at all this, Captain Walter sat on the ground. Although it was an operator error this time, it also confirmed that the whimsical plan of landing a C-130 on a football field had a very small success rate!

"Mr. President, look at this." The White House learned that the C-130 that boosted the rocket had a serious accident. President Carter was in a bad mood, but the next news made him even more depressed.

"Fleet!" Carter immediately called out when he looked at the man in the photo. This is the MSG member of the US Embassy in Iran, who together called Iran a hostage.

Now, Fleet\'s body has been thrown in the square of Tehran, along with other American team members, they have been tortured by the Iranians.

"What\'s going on?" Carter asked loudly, and the director of the CIA was also extremely angry.

"The Iranians have beaten our people. Among them, Follett was beaten the most. Our spies found Follett was sent to the hospital for rescue, but the rescue was ineffective and he died. The Iranians took his The bodies were thrown into the square, in fact, in a demonstration against us," said CIA Director Admiral Stein.

The first U.S. military rescue operation failed, and the sacrifices of those soldiers who went to perform the mission can be tolerated. Now, these hostages are tortured to death, which is completely beyond the bottom line that the U.S. can tolerate!

"We have observed that the Iranians have transferred our hostages, and there are less than five people left in the embassy. It is useless for us to carry out rescue operations." Admiral Stein Go on.

After the failure of the last operation, the Iranians transferred most of the hostages and went to the rescue, which is almost impossible!

"hmn, very good, you have successfully angered our entire America!" President Carter\'s tone was cold, he was unwilling to choose war, he only hoped to solve this matter as soon as possible, but now, the United States can no longer tolerate it!

"Contact me the Pakistani ambassador immediately!" Carter said: "We need to have an exchange with Pakistan. If Pakistan allows us to use their bases, we will give Pakistan all kinds of support, including sanctions against India!"

"Notify Congress immediately that we have an important meeting and I will report," Carter continued.

War, war, the Iranians are choosing war! Carter was full of anger in his heart. At the same time, he also had the sanity of being an American leader to let him know that this plan was not bad. The United States must control Iran. The United States has lost its strategic advantage in the Far East and cannot lose it in the Middle East. These advantages! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL: