Red Soviet Union

Chapter 362: Saddam Hussein

November 7, 1978, the Soviet tradition of the October Revolution parade day.

On the Red Square in Moscow, the atmosphere was still solemn and solemn. Teams of troops moved on the Red Square and were inspected by the leaders of the party and the state. Standing on the high review platform, Andropov had a serious expression.

And around him, many people are also solemn and solemn, and unconsciously, a new era has come!

The major corruption case in Uzbekistan has been under investigation for more than a month now. Many cases have made breakthroughs, and this case has awakened everyone.

The main persons in charge of the case, including Brezhnev\'s son-in-law Churbanov, Uzbek General Secretary Rashidov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers Hudaiberdeev, the first Bukhara State Party Committee Secretary Karimov, the chairman of the collective farm Ahmazan-Akilov and many other high-ranking officials have all been approved by the Moscow Supreme Court to die!

An unprecedented storm of counterattack against corruption and corruption is going on throughout the Soviet land. The stubborn diseases left over from the Brezhnev era are being eradicated by Andropov with powerful means! And these things made the people of the Soviets feel good about Andropov. Among the people, Andropov has been regarded by the people as the most trustworthy general secretary! If you have anything to do with Comrade Yuri, he will definitely solve it for us!

Moreover, everyone could see that a young face appeared beside General Secretary Andropov.

On Andropov\'s left is Defense Minister Uzdinov, and on his right is a young general. Fortunately, various newspapers have already started propaganda, and everyone knows that this person is the Soviet The heroic figure, General Andrei!

Regarding the deeds of General Andrei, it can be said that for several days and nights, he was in the Far East and created a brilliant situation for the Soviets. It was also in Uzbek that he first discovered the moths that harmed national interests, embezzled national property, and even Was attacked by these **** armed! But he remained calm in the face of danger, commanded the army, and calmed down the riot!

Although young, he is the backbone of the country! And now, the Soviets need young blood too much!

With the rectification of national discipline this time, many old guys who have been in positions for more than ten years have retired early, new officials have taken up their posts, and local governments have increased the efforts of the discipline inspection commissions to report to the masses , even more seriously, if there is a report letter, it will be investigated to the end!

In the military parade, in addition to the leaders of the Soviets, representatives of other friendly countries will also be invited for each military parade. This year, there are several new faces standing on the reviewing stand.

For example, the middle-aged man with a moustache who looks very energetic, looks like a Middle Easterner?

who\'s that person? Looking at the images on the TV, a Soviet audience couldn\'t help but ask questions.

"Saddam Hussein! The hero of the Middle East world! Why did he come to visit?" At this moment, another young man couldn\'t help but said. He was a student of Moscow University. He had extensive knowledge and recognized it at a glance.

Saddam Hussein! Arabian Eagle!

Either stand on the top of the mountain, or fall into the bottom of the deep valley, but it is never flat! This is Saddam describing his motherland, and at the same time expressing his own ideals. This is a man with ideals, ambitions, and ambitions!

On April 28, 1937, Saddam Hussein was born into a poor peasant family in Tikriti, north of Baghdad. His father died early, and his mother moved him to Shawish village not far from the city. Saddam was tired of the cottage by the field and the monotonous rural life.

When the Iraqi Revolution broke out on July 14, 1958, Saddam was already a member of the Ba\'ath Party for one year. He was a strong fighter of the Arab revolution. And his ultimate ideal is not only to realize the Ba\'ath Party\'s rule in Iraq, but also plan to seize the political power of Arab countries one by one, and then move towards unity, so that their nation can return to the glory it once had in ancient times!

Pre-revolutionary Iraq was ruled by the pro-Western Faisal dynasty. In the spring of 1957, the "Free Officers\' Organizations" were unified under the leadership of Brigadier General Karim Kasim, the commander of the 20th Brigade, and formed a supreme committee to formulate an uprising program.

The 23-year-old King Faisal II, **** Abdul-Ira and other members of the royal family, as well as Prime Minister Saeed, were all shot dead in their sleep. The clean and complete demise of the Faisal dynasty. The Republic of Iraq was born in the panic of the Western world!

It is a pity that after Qassem came to power, he still practiced dictatorship, and the 10-year turmoil in Iraq began. For the fight against Qassem. Saddam, a 21-year-old student at Baghdad University, went to assassinate Qassem. After the failed assassination, Saddam escaped to Egypt after many twists and turns. Although the assassination failed, it made Saddam in the Arab world. Fame. Even Egyptian President Nasser praised Saddam\'s actions as a "heroic feat" and appreciated Saddam\'s fearlessness and talent. And Saddam\'s experiences such as gouging out bullets with a knife, fleeing at the risk of death, and crossing the great desert have been magnified, and even written into novels and made into movies. Saddam became a "legendary hero" in the Arab world.

After that, after several coups, finally, Hassan Baker, the general secretary of the regional leadership of the Baath Party and the president of the republic, will be the prime minister of the government and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. And Saddam Hussein has also been promoted continuously because of his contribution to the Baath Party in the coup.

Now, Saddam is the deputy chairman of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council and the deputy general secretary of the Ba\'ath Party. That is, the number two person in the party and the revolutionary committee.

After 10 years in power, Hassan Becker is exhausted, suffering from severe diabetes and heart disease. Health reasons make it impossible for him to travel abroad or make state visits. Therefore, in Iraq, Saddam is almost in charge, and he is also leading the team when he comes to the Soviets for a visit. Historically, in a few months, Hassan will officially step down and Saddam will be the supreme leader of Iraq.

And now, Saddam\'s appearance at the Soviet military parade, this is a signal, a signal to the West, the Soviet Union, began to deploy a new strategy in the Middle East!

"President Saddam, what do you think of our military equipment?" Standing on the reviewing stand, Andre asked Saddam, who was watching with interest. Although this guy is now the vice president, no one likes to hear the vice president, and always likes to ignore the adverbs automatically.

When Saddam heard Andre\'s question, he stroked his moustache and said, "It\'s pretty good!" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL: