Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 103 - No friendship

What happened to your hand?" Chaewon questioned whilst looking up from her meal.

Swallowing down the stir-fried radish that Jinhee fed her, Taehee answered, "Just an accident."

"You, youngsters, need to be more careful," The director voiced out, "This wound of yours might leave a scar judging by how it is bandaged."

Subconsciously, Jinhee tightened her grip around the chopsticks, and she bit her lip hard whilst drowning herself in the sea of self-condemnation. No girl— actually no one for that matter— would be happy with such a nasty scar on her body.

"I don't mind though, Ahjusshi, because this is making my little squirrel feed me willingly with tenderness," Taehee voiced out. The joy she felt could be deciphered from her tone.

Instead of scowling at Taehee, a small smile formed on Jinhee's face. Whether or not Taehee knew it, her words lightened Jinhee's mood up.

"I don't understand the friendship between the kids these days," The director commented.

"There's no friendship between them in the first place, so how will you understand it?" Hwang Myunghoon, Jaehyun's assistant, mumbled.

Nonetheless, the words reached Jinhee's ears, and she shot him a curious glance. What did he mean by those words of his?


As the four of them— Taehee, Jinhee, Jaehyun, and Chaewon— stepped out of the restaurant. A content look sat on their faces.

"This was one of the best meals I had!" Taehee exclaimed.

Putting her arm over Jaehyun's shoulder, she added, "Thanks, Jaehyunnie, for treating me."

"If you don't remove your arm from around me, I can assure you that this will be your last meal," Jaehyun voiced out threateningly.

"Aish! You're too unfriendly!" Taehee groaned. Nonetheless, she removed her hand from his shoulder.

"You ate the meal paid by me," Jaehyun reminded.

"No wonder my stomach has been acting weird," Taehee voiced out, "I think I'll throw up."

"And you said it was your best meal," Jinhee mumbled under her breath.

"I have an idea!" Taehee exclaimed all of a sudden, attracting all of their attention.

Staring at Taehee, the three of them waited for her to continue. A smile formed on Taehee's face whilst she voiced out, "Let's go karaoke tomorrow and compete there!"

"Are you planning to lose that badly?" Jinhee questioned, surprising herself. She wanted to avoid talking to Taehee yet she could not resist commenting.

"You never know, little squirrel; We might have more potential than the legendary Kim Jaehyun!" Taehee said with a joyful expression, adding a wink at the end.

"Bullshit!" Jinhee exclaimed.

"I'm up for it; It sounds fun," Chaewon said with a slight smile on her face, astonishing Jinhee. Jinhee thought that Chaewon would be the first one to object to this.

"The idea of letting you taste defeat doesn't sound bad," Jaehyun stated— a smirk sitting upon his usual nonchalant face.

'That smirk make him look too handsome! Those fans of his would have had a heart attack if they saw this!'

"I think I'll pass," Jinhee expressed, ready to walk out from the scene.

"Don't be such a killjoy, little squirrel!" Taehee voiced out, making Jinhee stop in her steps.

"Even someone as boring as Kim Jaehyun is participating," Taehee added, "So, don't act like a middle-aged woman who is done with her life."

Taehee's words irritated Jinhee, and she turned to look at Taehee with a glare, challenging Taehee to speak further.

Arching her eyebrows, Taehee said, "It's understandable though if you have a real bad voice and extremely horrible singing abilities. In fact, you better not be there because I don't want my ears to have an infection this early. You—"

Taking out the mini backpack that was around her shoulders, Jinhee directed it towards Taehee's face whilst her scowl towards Taehee intensified.

"Whatever this competition is, I'll join in and defeat you, Han Taehee!" Jinhee exclaimed.

Successfully catching the mini backpack before it touched her face, a grin formed on Taehee's face, and she commented, "Welcome aboard!"


"You think it was Youngmi who attacked her?" Jaehyun questioned as he sat down on his bed.

Taehee was seated on his couch, and in his hand was the packet of banana milk. Sucking on the straw, Taehee drank down the banana milk.

"I'm sure," Taehee answered, "A normal fan will not have such courage, and it was suspicious how the girl knew Korean."

"Youngmi's arrival at Korea must have had a catalyst. There were no rumours regarding me recently to bring her here," Jaehyun voiced out whilst being immersed in thoughts.

"There is someone who is providing her with news on Jinhee and you," Taehee said.

"However, who could it be that could get in contact with Youngmi or know that Youngmi is obsessed with me in the first place? I'm sure all the spies she sent to be around me were discovered and disposed off properly," Jaehyun vocalised.

Taehee sighed.

"Being with you is so much troublesome— too many scary love rivals and an evil mother," Taehee commented, "A smart people should choose me, someone with a clean background and no obsessive admirers."

"It will hurt many girl's self-esteem out there; After all, you look more beautiful than most female population there." Jaehyun sneered.

Taehee scoffed.

"I look more charming as a male; You see how Taeho attracts all the females out there."

Jaehyun simply rolled his eyes.