Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 743

"Make pinduoduo a multinational e-commerce company!"

To tell you the truth, how could Huang Xiaozheng not have thought that he had started a business for so many years and had hoped countless times that he could become the president of a world-renowned multinational company like Fang zhe.

Unfortunately, to do this, in addition to personal ability, it also requires great opportunity and luck.

China\'s Internet industry is so large and there are so many Internet companies that can be world-class. Companies such as Alibaba and Baidu can only live in China and can\'t go abroad.

Looking at Huang Xiaozheng\'s silence, the three bangs know that he is moved. Huizhong holds the secret and key of Chinese Internet companies going to sea. All Internet companies that go to sea at home and have good international results are basically related to Huizhong.

Htiktok\'s new project take cities and seize territory. If you have this treatment, you will be a big business tycoon after Alibaba in 35 years.

"Mr. Huang, pinduoduo\'s social e-commerce play method has effectively utilized the traffic and resources of our wechat and other social platforms, but it has also brought us a lot of spam and operation problems to wechat.

Frequent sharing links have damaged the normal information exchange of wechat. I\'m here with manager Liu and manager Su this time. I also hope to take this opportunity to discuss an appropriate treatment with you. Otherwise, we can only temporarily block pinduoduo until a good solution is found. "

Fang Qiang, the operation manager of wechat China who has not spoken, changed the face of Huang Xiaozheng and the two shareholders beside him as soon as he opened his mouth.

Wechat blocks pinduoduo?

Wechat is the largest and most important mobile social platform in China and the world. If wechat blocks pinduoduo and prohibits pinduoduo from sharing links and information, pinduoduo\'s social e-commerce play will not play at all!

Huang Xiaozheng understands that, in any case, you have to hold the thigh of wechat. Wechat is the living soil for pinduoduo. Wechat can not pinduoduo, but pinduoduo can not live without wechat!

To figure out the relationship between the two, Huang Xiaozheng\'s resistance to Huizhong\'s involvement in investment so early disappeared. Anyway, sooner or later, he had to hold Huizhong\'s thigh. What\'s the difference between early investment and late investment? As long as the given valuation can meet their own psychological expectations!

"Manager Fang, we\'ll have a good talk about cooperation later. I just don\'t know. What\'s the position of manager Su and manager Liu for us?"

Huang Xiaozheng\'s meaning was very straightforward. Bangs and Su Pengwei looked at each other and smiled. Su Pengwei said:

"Pinduoduo" is the first business model at home and abroad, and there is no precedent to follow.

However, pinduoduo is a combination of e-commerce + social + games, of which the e-commerce gene is the most important. We calculate 5 points, social 3 points and games 2 points. Therefore, pinduoduo\'s positioning is half an e-commerce company, 13 Social companies and 15 game companies.

In terms of valuation, it is also calculated according to this method. "

Huang Xiaozheng and the two shareholders looked at each other and agreed with the algorithm proposed by Su Pengwei. At this moment, Huang Xiaozheng has a clearer positioning and understanding of pinduoduo he founded.

The PE (price earnings ratio) of e-commerce companies is between 30-40, the PE of social companies can reach 50, while the PE of game companies is only about 15-20.

Combined with the data of more than 2 million registered users of pinduoduo, the current valuation of pinduoduo can be given us $50 million!

When Su Pengwei said this valuation, Huang Xiaozheng and the two shareholders still felt a little excited despite their early speculation and preparation.

Less than a month after pinduoduo went online, the valuation reached US $50 million from 0, equivalent to more than 300 million yuan. Huang Xiaozheng has entered the ranks of billionaires by calculating pinduoduo\'s equity wealth alone!

"Just a moment, you three. Let\'s discuss." Huang Xiaozheng pretended to pull the two shareholders out of the reception room. He said it was a discussion. In fact, he went out to breathe and ease his tension and excitement. He lost his attitude and showed timidity in front of Su Pengwei.

In the reception room, Su Pengwei looked at each other and smiled. Looking at Huang Xiaozheng\'s expression, the investment was basically negotiated. The three of them can go back to work soon.

In the afternoon of the same day, the two sides signed a preliminary investment letter of intent in this reception room. Zhongying capital and Huizhong will invest US $5 million in pinduoduo respectively, accounting for 10% of the shares. When pinduoduo\'s subsequent financing or shareholder withdrawal for equity transfer in the future, Zhongying capital and Huizhong will have priority investment right and acquisition right.

When Huang Siyi, the head of Huizhong investment department, reported the news of winning pinduoduo to Fang Zhe, Fang zhe put down the phone and asked Li Wen to open a bottle of red wine to celebrate.

"President Fang, what\'s so happy for you?" Li Wen, who was drinking with Fang Zhe in the president\'s office, asked curiously.

I remember the last time that tiktok made him accompany him in his office to drink red wine or shake his voice, the parent company, when the future was established.

"Nothing, but the investment department won another good project. I\'ll have a drink and have the right to celebrate," Fang zhe explained.

The investment department won a good project? Li Wen doesn\'t understand what kind of good project is worth president Fang drinking red wine to celebrate. You know, even for the small giants with valuation potential of tens of billions of dollars reported by the investment department, president Fang is just looking at it and knows that Huizhong has invested in such a project.

Now, president Fang even drinks red wine to celebrate! Li Wen became more and more curious about what project president Fang was talking about.

Before Li Wen asked, Fang zhe explained: "in the future, you can help me focus on the project of pinduoduo. It will become a troublemaker in China and even the world\'s e-commerce industry. In the journey of Chinese e-commerce enterprises to sea, Alibaba is a positive group army, and pinduoduo will become a strange soldier surrounded by rural villages!"

Li Wen did not expect that president Fang made such a high evaluation of the project. At the same time, in his heart, he also firmly remembered the task assigned by president Fang and the name pinduoduo!

"Alibaba is a positive group army, and pinduoduo is a wonderful soldier encircling the city from the countryside. President Fang means, is pinduoduo a potential project at the same level as Alibaba? Who is the city when the countryside encircles the city? Amazon?"

While Li Wen was surprised, he was thinking wildly in his mind.

After drinking the red wine, Fang zhe lay down on the sofa and took a nap. Li Wen quietly covered Fang zhe with a blanket, packed up the finished red wine bottles and cups, and quietly stepped out.

Pinduoduo, who accepted Huizhong investment, began to grow rapidly with the help of wechat\'s social soil.

In the far northwest, he also received Huizhong investment, and Fang zhe personally visited Dajiang innovation. The newly launched plant protection mg-1 UAV products began to show their skills in tens of millions of mu of cotton fields!