Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 661

I remember one night more than a year ago, when he was running a long distance, he had a meal and rest in a frequent restaurant. A car friend picked up the mobile phone he put on the table while he was drunk and stole his pay pass. Because he opened fingerprint payment, the thief grabbed his hand and pressed it several times without success.

The next day, Xu Jun received a customer service call from Alipay, saying that he had several abnormal fingerprint payment behaviors recently, and confirmed whether it was his own operation.

Xu Jun checked the restaurant\'s monitoring before he knew that the thief stole Alipay by his own hand. Later, he heard from a knowledgeable friend that although the fingerprint payment of Alipay looks like a fingerprint, it is recorded every time according to the angle of fingerprint, pressure, etc.

Normal people use fingerprint payment for a long time. There is little difference in the angle and strength. There are traces to follow. If they are forced to press their fingers or the angle is wrong by others, the Alipay account will enter an abnormal state after many times, and any suspicious operations involving the amount will be locked and frozen.

Xu Jun was stunned. He didn\'t expect that there was such deep technical knowledge behind a small operation by fingerprint. Since then, Xu Jun\'s trust in the security of Alipay has increased sharply. Even the money in the bank card has been transferred to the balance treasure of Alipay by Xu Jun.

On the borrowing interface opened by Xu Jun, he will be prompted whether he is authorized to open the borrowing function. Opening this function is equivalent to registering as a user of Weizhong bank by default.

Xu Jun ordered the opening without thinking about it. He is in urgent need of money now. He also believes that such a large national payment software will not deceive him.

After Xu Jun clicked the authorization to open, his loan limit was calculated on the page, 100000!

Xu Jun was stunned at the number, 100000! He even has a loan limit of up to 100000. He just read the user agreement and borrowed money from the borrower. There is no mortgage or guarantee. He only needs to pay a certain interest when repaying.

It is clearly written in a small line below the limit on the interface. The daily interest rate is 0.015%, which is equivalent to borrowing 1000 yuan and paying 15 yuan of interest every day. If you count 100000 yuan, you will pay 15 yuan of interest every day.

To tell the truth, Xu Jun doesn\'t think the interest of 15 yuan a day for 100000 yuan is expensive. Calculated, the interest is only 450 yuan a month and 6000 yuan a year. The annualized interest rate is 6%, which is only more than 1% higher than the annual interest rate of more than 4% of most bank loans.

However, bank loans are guaranteed or mortgaged by various certificates, and the handling process is also quite complex. In contrast, for unsecured loans such as borrowing, the annual interest rate on the market is up to 6 points, and some are even as high as more than 10 points.

Xu Jun is excited. He earns interest of 450 yuan a month. He can earn interest for several months by running a car. Why not borrow money to buy the truck he is thinking of first!

Xu Jun began borrowing money according to the instructions on the interface, because it was the first time that he paid the loan, and the payment passed him more strictly on his security verification. He had entered the mobile phone verification code, ID number, face recognition and so on. After 5 minutes, after running the process of click confirmation loan, the interface became a loan success.

Xu Jun\'s expenses are paid through the "my" column, and the balance above has become an eye-catching 100000.00!

That\'s it? Xu Jun suddenly borrowed it now?

Xu Jun felt a little incredible. In the past half a month or so, he racked his brains to find a way to collect 80000 yuan for buying a car. Now, in less than 10 minutes, he has borrowed 100000 yuan from payment.

100000 yuan, for most ordinary people, this money is not a decimal, and Alipay lent it to itself in such a short time.

Xu Jun\'s inner affection for Alipay has risen to an unprecedented height.

"Fang Zhe is worthy of being the richest man in the world. Borrowing money is forthright and generous!"

Xu Jun owes all this credit to Alipay and its owner Fang Zhe. For Fang Zhe, who is the same age as himself, Xu Jun admires Fang zhe like other young people!

Xu Jun borrowed money from Alipay and bought the truck he was thinking about. What he didn\'t know was that Alipay could give him a loan of up to 100000 yuan, precisely because he and his wife often paid or bought things with the flowers on Alipay.

In addition, Xu Jun often transferred his money to yu\'e Bao to eat interest. Therefore, the background of Alipay used these clues to give him a loan of up to 100000 yuan by means of big data.

Of course, for most Alipay or wechat payment users who do not often default on flowers, credit cards, etc., often consume online and have a certain income ability, their loan amount may not be as high as Xu Jun, but the loan speed and efficiency will be faster or almost the same as him.

In addition to the words "Weizhong bank" and "micro loan" on the loan, many careful netizens who use the loan function only understand after checking these words on the Internet that the money they borrow from the loan is actually borrowed from the newly established Weizhong bank, and the relevant agreement signed is the micro loan business agreement of the bank.

After seeing that the largest shareholder of the bank is Alipay, which accounts for 40% of the shares, netizens were completely relieved. Many of them, like Xu Jun, may not trust some messy third-party companies, but they absolutely trust Alipay, a national payment software company.

Just one week after the establishment of Weizhong bank, its registered users exceeded one million, and more than 100000 users successfully applied for loans and loans, with a total loan amount of more than 2 billion.

The smallest amount occurred to a junior high school student in Nanyun province. She borrowed 10 yuan and returned it to her classmates. The largest amount occurred to a boss who opened a cloth processing factory in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province. He borrowed 300000 yuan for the capital turnover of the factory.

10 yuan and 300000 yuan are borrowed respectively, that is, the minimum starting loan amount and the maximum allowable loan amount of the micro loan business. No matter how low, it is impossible to calculate at such a low interest rate. No matter how high, it does not meet the business criteria of the micro loan business for individuals and small and micro business owners.

One million registered users a week have also led to the emergence of debit and wechat. Many Alipay users who haven\'t noticed or noticed that they haven\'t clicked on debit before are curious to check their own debit. Most of them don\'t want to borrow money, but are simply curious about their debit limit, So as to evaluate their value and status in the eyes of Alipay.

Just like when Huabai just came out, everyone showed off their Huabai quota on the Internet and in the circle of friends. Now borrowing the Baibai quota has become one of the ways for many netizens to show off inexplicably.

"Lao Tzu Lao Tzu Lao Tzu 20 thousand and 8, borrow 120 thousand, you send Lao Bao 9.9 bags of sports shoes, Taobao, do you make complaints about Laozi?" a netizen watched the Taobao page push the goods to Tucao, and put the shoes into the shopping cart.