Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 310

After the web page was opened, there was a news broadcast by CCTV. The executives present held their breath and dared not speak. The conference room was also in an unprecedented silence.

"Recently, many computer users reported on the Internet that their computers were forced to install a model called" QQ doctor " The anti-virus software is silently installed into the user\'s computer without the user\'s active download or consent. Many users are very angry about this and worry about the disclosure of their privacy and important files on the computer.

According to our reporter, doctor QQ is an anti-virus software launched by a well-known Internet company in China at the end of last year. As early as the Spring Festival this year, many netizens reported that doctor QQ will be forced to install this software when updating QQ. Therefore, our reporter specially interviewed several affected computer users by telephone... "

The news didn\'t last long, only about three minutes. The name of Tencent didn\'t appear in the whole news. However, none of the Tencent executives in the conference room could maintain their previous joy or ease.

Without exception, this is a negative news about Tencent, and the content of the news is not very serious. However, when this news appears in the news of CCTV logo, it is much more serious!

"Doctor QQ", probably only fools don\'t know which company produced the software. The reason why Tencent\'s name was not named in CCTV news is that it has another meaning or just wants to beat Tencent!

After the news broadcast, the meeting room fell into a brief silence. The executives present saw the hidden anger under President Ma\'s calm face. At this time, no ungrateful executives dared to touch him. In addition, at this time, many executives looked at an executive who was not tall and somewhat fat. His name was Zheng Xiaodong, who was the person in charge of Dr. QQ.

Finally, Zheng Xiaodong could no longer bear the pressure from the eyes of the surrounding executives. He slowly stood up and said in a tone full of self reproach:

"Mr. Ma, fellow colleagues, such a thing has caused such a significant negative impact on the image of our company. I myself have an inescapable responsibility. Therefore, I am willing to take the responsibility and resign!"

As soon as Zheng Xiaodong said he would "take the blame and resign", those present did not look at his executives, but also looked at him. Even President Ma, who is in the main position, calmly hid his anger under his face, which was eliminated by this sentence!

No one spoke in the conference room. Everyone turned to President Ma and waited for him to make a statement. It was a very serious matter for any company to be informed of negative news by CCTV news, and it was no exception for Internet giants such as Tencent.

In 2008, CCTV exposed Baidu\'s competitive ranking crisis, and Baidu\'s share price in the U.S. stock market fell by 20% the next day. Baidu fell into an unprecedented public opinion crisis in China.

In previous lives, posted an article on the Internet accusing minors of excessive addiction to Tencent\'s King\'s glory. In less than half an hour, Tencent\'s share price fell by 4%, instantly losing the market value of hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

Later, successively sent several similar articles, pointing out that Tencent\'s game was spiritual opium. While Tencent\'s share price fell continuously, President Ma had to rush to visit headquarters in person, which settled the matter.

In China, the crisis of media and public opinion can not be ignored, and the news content of several major official media is the wind vane for countless domestic enterprises to survive.

Although Tencent looks huge and powerful, it can only be a good child who dare not answer back in front of the official media. Therefore, Dr. QQ was named by CCTV news to inform the negative news. As the head of Dr. QQ, it is not too much for Zheng Xiaodong to take the blame and resign. If the name of Tencent appears in the news, I\'m afraid the head of Tencent\'s public relations department will also be severely punished.

"Take the blame and resign. It\'s quite simple. You\'ve made such a mess and you\'re going to pat your ass and leave?" Mr. Ma said with suppressed anger in his words.

The executives attending the meeting were surprised to see from Zheng Xiaodong and Ma Anyi that it was normal for Zheng Xiaodong to take the blame and resign. Although he personally had unshirkable responsibility, after all, he could only be regarded as dereliction of duty, and the company could not punish him more.

However, listening to Mr. Ma\'s tone, Mr. Ma seems unwilling to let Zheng Xiaodong go. Of course, it doesn\'t mean that Mr. Ma wants to punish Zheng Xiaodong more, but that Mr. Ma doesn\'t want Zheng Xiaodong to resign, but hopes that he can stay and make atonement, which makes other executives feel very surprised.

"Mr. Ma, I!" before Zheng Xiaodong could speak again, Mr. Ma waved his hand and asked him to sit down, saying in a calm tone:

"If something like this happens, I don\'t think you want it to happen. The field of Internet security is a key area that our company must win. I asked for the development of Dr. QQ before. In terms of its promotion method, we were a little anxious for success before. Now what we need to do is to suppress the public opinion as soon as possible. The promotion of Dr. QQ will be delayed for the time being Let\'s talk about this storm! "

The executives here heard it. No wonder President Ma wanted to keep Zheng Xiaodong. It turned out that this unfriendly promotion in the news was approved by President Ma at all.

Yes, it is necessary to force users to install QQ doctors when QQ is updated. Unless President Ma nods, Tang Daosheng dare not let his men do such a thing. It seems that President Ma attaches great importance to the field of Internet security. Even his QQ, which is regarded as his own son, is willing to take the initiative to do these things with bad reputation this time.

"I\'m afraid it\'s not that simple. Compulsory installation and bundling of software are common in the domestic Internet industry. Let alone Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu and Huizhong. Which company doesn\'t have one or two bundling software, but why did CCTV expose our Tencent QQ doctor this time? Would it be 360..."

The executive didn\'t go on here, but his words aroused the deep thinking of all the executives present. The rogue behavior of bundling software is because of his extremely simple, crude and effective promotion methods, from all kinds of unknown software companies to giants in the domestic Internet industry such as bath. The only difference is more and less, Whether it is difficult to eat or not.

Obviously, the QQ doctor specially named by CCTV this time belongs to the fact that the eating appearance is too ugly. At least other companies let you give a selection box and check mark when installing. Do you want to remove the check mark, doctor QQ? Sorry, this is the update of QQ!

Even so, it is still not enough for CCTV, the official media in charge of the country\'s 1.3 billion people, to spend three minutes criticizing Dr. QQ.

You know, for other CCTV news, three minutes may be the president elected by any country in Europe, where there was a war and where the plane crashed. It can broadcast four or five news in a row. Fortunately, this news is only the news of the ordinary time of cctv13 news channel. It should be changed to the focus interview of CCTV1 or even the news broadcast, I\'m afraid Zheng Xiaodong\'s going to jail is not enough to calm President Ma\'s anger!