Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 473

The next second, Tang Xiyan lifted the handbag on the table and twisted out of the box door.

Tang Xinyi stared at her back and said coldly, "hum!"

Then, I was ready to get up and leave. At this time, the phone in my bag rang.

"Hey, I want you to track Tang Xiyan 24 hours from now on. I want to know what she does every day and meet those people. The more detailed, the better."

Some things she must do, some people she must solve.

After finishing these, she will completely turn over the gratitude and resentment of her previous life and concentrate on living her life in this life.

Tang Xiyan came out of the coffee club. Huang Mao waited for her outside the club. Seeing her come out, he drove to the door, picked up Miss Tang Er, and then went straight to the previous place with the private detective according to Tang Xiyan\'s instructions.

Tang Xinyi just told her the news, which touched her a lot. If she wants to make up with Shen Xiu, she must deal with those messy love debts as soon as possible. In addition to the one night stand between French men and nightclubs and those different men, there is Huang Mao sitting in the driver\'s seat and driving at the moment.

The day before yesterday, on impulse, she had a relationship with Huang Mao in the hotel.

Since that day, Huang Mao has been following him in front and behind to protect himself.

It\'s a good thing to have another man who can take his life to protect himself, but now she must make it clear to Huang Mao that it\'s impossible for her to be with him in this life. How can she be with a small gangster? That\'s too expensive. When it comes out, where does her daughter\'s face go?

What\'s more, now she has a new idea. If she reconstructs with Childe Shen, she is likely to marry into the Shen family. The Shen family doesn\'t dislike that they have been in prison for Shen Xiu, but the Shen family can\'t accept the chaos of her private life. They bring a green hat to Shen Xiu during his imprisonment.

Therefore, it is better to end this relationship as soon as possible.

Huang Mao looked back and cared about Tang Xiyan, "Yan\'er, Tang Xinyi didn\'t embarrass you?"

Tang Xiyan told him about the gratitude, resentment and resentment between herself and Tang Xinyi. Of course, she tried to beautify herself. She couldn\'t bear as much as Tang Xinyi said. She regarded her as the goddess in her mind. Huang Mao, who was fascinated by her, of course shared a bitter hatred with her and treated Tang Xinyi as an enemy.

Tang Xi Yan frowned and shook her head. "Cough." she cleared her throat, "ah Huang, you\'d better call me Miss Tang in the future."

Yan\'er\'s name was originally to narrow the relationship with Huang Mao and make her more loyal to herself, so that he was allowed to call herself like this. But now, she wants to distinguish the illegitimate relationship with Huang Mao. Of course, she must first let him correct his address.

As soon as these words came out, Huang Mao was stunned, "Yan\'er, what\'s the matter? Did I do something wrong?" he suddenly asked him to change his name. He couldn\'t respond completely. Was he doing something wrong, so Yan\'er was suddenly so cold to himself and didn\'t allow him to call her Yan\'er affectionately.

He will never forget the afternoon before yesterday. The peak of his life happened that afternoon.

"Don\'t call me Yan\'er, call me Miss Tang, don\'t you understand?" Tang Xiyan raised her voice and warned Huang Mao seriously. She was unhappy. This little gangster couldn\'t see his status clearly and thought he would be able to see him one day?

Ha ha, joke, he is a little gangster. How can he deserve her superior Miss Tang er.

Huang Mao pulled over to the side of the road, "Yan\'er, did I do something wrong? Tell me, I will change!" his face was full of eager expression. It could be seen that he cared about Miss Tang Er very much. If Tang Xi was a little unhappy, he was very nervous.

In this unequal "love", er, let\'s call it love for the time being. Huang Mao felt inferior to the dust. He looked at Miss Tang Er like a sunflower looking at the sun from afar and always longed for the pity of Miss Tang er.

"You didn\'t do anything wrong." Tang Xiyan looked cold and looked out of the window, not at Huang Mao\'s face.

"Ah Huang, we are too far apart to be together. I hope you can understand this, so instead of being ambiguous, giving you hope and letting you hang all the time, you might as well just point out and explain it to you." Tang Xiyan told you all the ideas in his heart.

Of course, she was reluctant to give up Huang Mao\'s such a good chess piece, so she spoke tactfully. Don\'t forget that she also wanted Huang Mao to help her with French men\'s affairs in private. It seemed that she had made some major discovery when she heard what Huang Mao said on the phone last night. The news made her very happy.

At this juncture, she has to stabilize Huang Mao. First keep a distance from him. When he helps her completely solve the French man\'s problem, she will completely distinguish her relationship with him.

Tang Xiyan\'s words pushed into Huang Mao\'s ears, which was particularly painful, but he had to admit that what Miss Tang er said was very reasonable. They were people from two worlds and could not be together in this life. He really loved Miss Tang Er, so he couldn\'t bear to have Miss Tang Er suffer external criticism and gossip because of himself.

The man endured heartache and nodded heavily. "Yes, Miss Tang."

After two days of happiness, a ladle of cold water poured on his head, which made him wake up and see his position. What happened the afternoon before yesterday made him stunned. He thought that he was a toad and wanted to eat swan meat, and could be with Miss Tang er.

Huang Mao finally changed his mind. Tang Xiyan nodded with satisfaction. "Well, remember, don\'t call me wrong in the future." she explained again.

Fortunately, this relationship has only developed for less than three days and has not been noticed by others. It is still time to draw a clear line.

Tang Xiyan doesn\'t think it\'s cruel to do so. I\'m sorry. She loves her yellow hair wholeheartedly. People don\'t kill for themselves. She\'s not the Virgin Mary. She has to take into account other people\'s feelings in everything she says and does. If she takes into account other people\'s feelings, who will take into account her feelings.

Huang Mao restarted the car. The luxurious Mercedes Benz sports car flew out for a long distance and drove fast on the smooth road. The weather outside was sunny and the sky was clear for thousands of miles, but his heart was not clear at the moment.

Tang family, Tang Zhenhua finally found the anonymous person who sent those photos, a reporter from a small entertainment magazine.

Tang Xi didn\'t know that after he got out of prison, he was watched by the reporter of this small entertainment magazine. The news of Miss Tang\'s marriage to Mo Tianxing, chairman of Morse group, was very popular. The reporter couldn\'t take photos of Miss Tang and the president of Morse group, so he found another way and thought about digging up some gossip about Miss Tang\'s sister, Miss Tang Er, which could bring good sales to the magazine.

I don\'t know. A sneak shooting found a great secret. Lying in a slot, lying in a slot, it\'s really a big slot. Unexpectedly, Miss Tang\'s private life is so indulgent and chaotic!

He has taken a lot of photos, which can\'t be published in a magazine. If they are published in a magazine, they will bring very good sales, and he can become famous as a small entertainment reporter.

But at the same time, it is likely to be the Revenge of the Tang family. The Tang Group is not an ordinary enterprise. The Tang family has a huge force. If he really wants revenge, he is a small entertainment reporter. There is no doubt that he is absolutely dead.

Moreover, after the photos are published, he can really be famous, but how much benefit can it bring to him?

The magazine was divided into big heads, and not many fell into his hands.

So, after thinking about it for a long time, the little entertainment reporter finally decided that he might as well find some photos to sell to the Tang family. His ultimate goal is not to make money, but to make money. The latter gives him more and more money. Why should he risk being retaliated by the Tang family to make that small money?

Note, note that he sold the copyright of the photos to the Tang family, not blackmailed the Tang family with those photos. Although the results are the same, they are completely different in nature.

Small entertainment reporters often do illegal candid shooting, so they are very clear about the relevant laws and regulations. He made this decision after specially studying the laws and regulations.

That\'s why he didn\'t immediately call the Tang family for money after he anonymously sent the photos to the Tang family.

Don\'t worry. Take your time. You can\'t get fat in one bite. A cooked duck won\'t fly away.